EC 385 - James Madison University - College of Business

EC 385 Problem Set #2

Spring 2007

Dr. J. Doyle

Suggested problems from Chapter 3 : (answers will be posted on the class web site).

3.2, 3.3, 3.5, 3.9, 3.11, 3.14, 3.15, 3.16

Graded Assignment: Due Thursday, Feb 1st in class.

Complete Exercise 3.17, but instead of using the data link provided in the text, you should use the data at the following site:

You will download two Excel files containing data on mortgage interest rates and housing starts. Click on “Interest Rates”. Find the 30 Year Conventional Mortgage Rate. Specifically, it is labeled:

30-Year Conventional Mortgage Rate M % NA

Click on this link. On the next page at the top, choose the Download Data link. You then have the option of a text file or an Excel file. Choose Excel. Make sure you know where it will be saved on your hard drive/USB Drive.

Next, go back to the original link, and this time click on “Business/Fiscal”. Next, click on Household Sector. Here you will find the following three series that you need to download:

▪ Housing Starts: Total: New Privately Owned Housing Units Started Thous. of Units M SAAR

▪ New One Family Houses Sold: United States Thous. M SAAR

▪ New Private Housing Units Authorized by Building Permit Thous. of Units M SAAR

1) Combine the four Excel spreadsheets into one, with DATE in column A, Mortgage Rate in column B, Housing Starts in Col C, Houses Sold in column D, and Housing Permits in Column E

2) Clean up: You can get rid of the data description at the tops of each file (it is useful to read first). You want you final data set to have values from 1991-01-01 (Jan 1991) to 2006-12-01 (Dec 2006). Therefore, eliminate any rows outside of this date range for all 4 series.

3) Your final data set should have 193 rows (192 rows of data and the first row with variable names.)

The first and last rows of data should be identical to the following:


|Jan-91 |9.64 |798 |401 |786.0 |

|Feb-91 |9.37 |965 |482 |853.0 |

|Mar-91 |9.50 |921 |507 |911.0 |

|Nov-06 |6.24 |1572 |1047 |1513 |

|Dec-06 |6.14 |1642 | |1596 |

Note: The Dec 2006 value for SOLD was not available when I put together my dataset. It may very well be there when you start your dataset. Include it…I will update my date with new values and revised values.

You can skip part b) of the question, but make sure you record the appropriate units of measurement for each series.

Complete Part c).

Graph One: Construct a graph of the three series STARTS, SOLD and PERMIT against time (called a time-series plot). To do so: Highlight the DATE cells, and the STARTS, SOLD and PERMIT cells (include the series name in the first row when highlighting). Click on the small graph button in the toolbar (or go to INSERT and choose CHART). When it asks you what type, click on LINE (third one from the top). Excel should automatically recognize the DATE column as the date that goes along the horizontal axis.

Graph Two: Construct a graph of MORTG and STARTS on a single graph with two different axes. Highlight the DATE cells, and the MORTG and STARTS cells (include the series name in the first row when highlighting). Click on the small graph button in the toolbar (or go to INSERT and choose CHART). When it asks you what type, click on the CUSTOM TYPES tab. Under CUSTOM, scroll down to "LINES ON 2 -AXES" and finish. The only problem is what it puts as labels on the X-axis (it tries to cram in all the dates) To fix this, click on the x-axis of the graph so that it is highlighted. Go to Format Menu, and choose Selected Axis, Click on the Scale tab. For Number of Categories between Tick Mark Labels, enter a number such as 50. For Number of Categories between Tick Marks, enter the number 20.

Complete Part d) For part d), you are asked to plot the series against each other. This means to construct the X,Y scatterplot of data with MORTG on the X axis and STARTS on the Y axis. This is the scatterplot for which we will estimate the best fitting line. Notice the difference between the scatterplot and the time-series plots from above.

Graph Three: Highlight the cells for MORTG and STARTS, including the variable names in the first row, and click on the small chart button on the toolbar (or go to INSERT and choose CHART). Under STANDARD TYPES, choose (XY scatter).

Compute Descriptive Statistics: For the 4 variables in your data set, compute the descriptive statistics. To do so, highlight the cells containing the variable names and the data for MORTG, STARTS, SOLD and PERMITS (do not highlight the DATE column). Go to TOOLS menu, choose DATA ANALYSIS, and DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS. Check off the following options (notice that the results will be put in a new sheet named “stats”).


Complete Part e): Follow the instructions titled Performing “Canned” Regressions in Excel to estimate the regression

STARTSt = (1 + (2MORTGt + et

Using your regression output, answer these questions:

Make sure that when you answer the questions below you take proper account of the units of measurement in your answer. For example, since mortgage rates are already in %, a one-percentage point increase means MORTG increases from 6 to 7, as an example.

1) Analyze the descriptive statistics as you answer these questions: what is the average mortgage rate over the sample period? What is its sample standard deviation? How do current mortgage rates (Dec 06) compare to the sample average? Make sure you write your answers to these simple questions in sentence form.

2) Answer the same questions as in 1) above for the housing starts.

3) From your regression, what value do you get for b1?

4) What value do you get for b2?

5) What level of housing starts does this model predict when mortgage rates are at 7 %?

6) What is the predicted effect on housing starts from a 1 percentage point increase in mortgage rates?

7) What is the predicted effect on housing starts from a 2 percentage point increase in mortgage rates?

8) REDO the regression using Housing Permits (PERMITS) instead of STARTS for the dependent variable and answer the following questions:

a) What level of housing permits does this model predict when mortgage rates are at 7 %?

b) What is the predicted effect on housing permits from a 1 percentage point increase in mortgage rates?

Hand in:

▪ Three graphs

▪ Print out of descriptive statistics

▪ Print out of your 2 Excel Regressions: print as landscape, and fit the relevant information on a single page (do *not* print out the data or the residuals). Enter your name in Cell B1

▪ Answers to questions 1) – 8). (You can write your answers on your printouts if there is room, but by all means, be neat. Points will be taken off for what I cannot read.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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