Movie Comparison Worksheet


Movie Comparison Worksheet Name:

Movie: _____________________ Period:


You have read the book, and you have seen the movie. It is time to do some critical thinking about the two. Fill in the chart and answer the questions with detailed explanations.

| |Book/Story |Movie/Film |

|Characters Descriptions: How were they | | |

|described in the book? Did they look the way | | |

|you thought they were going to in the movie? | | |

|Additions: What did they add to the movie that | | |

|wasn’t in the book? What was in the book but | | |

|wasn’t in the movie? | | |

|Deletions: What was deleted from the movie? | | |

|Was there anything in the movie that should | | |

|have been in the book? | | |

|Relationships: How did each genre portray the | | |

|relationships between the characters? Was the | | |

|movie accurate in the portrayal? | | |

|Theme: What themes were present in each? | | |

|Which was portrayed the strongest? | | |

I preferred the ________________ version of this story, because: ___________________________________


To promote rigor Read 180 introduced various media that students can build on from their text or offer as a comparison. With the text Edgar Allen Poe’s House of Usher students can compare the 1960’s movie Fall of the House of Usher with the text previously read in their Read 180 Books. They can compare/contrast characters, synthesize the setting and deepen or enhance their understanding of the story/movie from their text.

Students will collaborate, Think-Pair-Share, with a peer to organize their interpretations, process the similarities and differences of characters, settings, plot, & resolution. Additionally, they will draw conclusions and opinions about both stories within their different formats. Therefore, producing their own representation of a classic horror drama.


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