Introduction to Compare and Contrast Essay

Introduction to Compare and Contrast EssayPrompt:Compare and contrast Batman to Superman. Your answer should focus in three of the following areas:Appearance, strength, upbringing, wealth, aliases. 1) List the facts about Batman and Superman for each category on a t-chart. Decide if Batman and Superman are more similar or less similar in the categories.2) Write your thesis. It needs to present an argument. For example: Apples and oranges are very similar with some distinct differences. They are similar in appearance in size and shape. They are similar in nutritional value offering a large percentage of vitamins and minerals. In terms of taste, they are very different.Write a thesis statement that addresses the prompt. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________3) Write your body paragraphs. Each body paragraph should include your claim and evidence to back it up. For example: Apples and oranges are similar in appearance in terms of shape and size. Both are round and colorful. Both are roughly the size of a baseball. While apples have a thinner skin than oranges, both have a skin that protects the flesh inside. Write your first body paragraph.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Homework: Use the guide to write three thesis statements and the first body paragraph for each of the following prompts. Don’t forget to follow the steps above.Prompt# 1Compare and contrast the civilizations of Egypt and Sumer in terms of religion, social class, and technology.Prompt # 2Compare and contrast the Maurya and Gupta Dynasties of India.Prompt #3Compare and contrast the Peloponnesian Wars with the Punic Wars. ................

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