AP Biology - Weebly

Ms. Day/ AP Biology Name _________________________

Biomolecules (Macromolecules) Reading Guide Worksheets

1. Label the diagram below by identifying a monomer, polymer, condensation reaction (aka-dehydration reaction), and hydrolysis.


2. Complete the following table below by filling in the atoms found in each biomolecule (aka macromolecule).

Choose from nitrogen (N), carbon (C), phosphorus (P), oxygen (O), and hydrogen (H)

|Macromolecule |Atoms Found in Biomolecule |

|Carbohydrates | |

|Lipids | |

|Proteins | |

|Nucleic Acids | |

3. Match the definition with the correct term.

A. Condensation Synthesis D. Polymer

B. Hydrolysis E. Polymerization

C. Monomer

______ Large molecule that consists of many subunits called monomers

______ Identical or similar subunits of a polymer

______ Process of linking monomers to form a polymer

______ Loss of a water molecule between two monomers to form a covalent bond between the monomers

______ Breaking the covalent bond between monomers by adding a water molecule

______ aka: a dehydration synthesis

4. Complete the macromolecule chart below:

|Organic Compound |What is the |What is the |What is the | |Examples |Structural Diagram/Sketch |

|(BIOMOLECULE) |Monomer? |Polymer? |Jobs? (Functions) |ID clue | |(all of them) |

| |(single “link”) |(“chain”) | | | | |

| | | | |many end in |glucose (monosaccharide) |Monosaccharide |

| | | | |‘ose’ |sucrose (disaccharide) | |

| | | | | |starch (plants) | |

| | | | | |cellulose (plants) | |

|Carbohydrates | | | | |chitin (fungi/ insects) |Disaccharide |

|(aka-sugars) | | | | |glycogen (animals) | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | |Polysaccharide |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| |Made of hydrocarbon | | | |#1 |Triglyceride |

| |chains | | | |Fats | |

|Lipids |(C-H chains); | | | |oils | |

| |sometimes glycerol and| | | |waxes | |

| |phosphate groups is | | | | | |

| |added | | | |#2 |Phospholipid |

| | | | | |phospholipids | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | |#3 | |

| | | | | |steroids | |

| | | | | |saturated & unsaturated fats |Unsaturated Fat vs. Saturated Fat |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | |DNA |DNA |

|Nucleic Acids | | | |always has |RNA | |

| | | | |phosphorus | | |

| | | | | | |RNA |

| | | | | | | |

| | | | | | | |

1. Complete the following table below by filling in the bonds found in each biomolecule (aka macromolecule).

|Macromolecule |Bonds Found in Biomolecule |

|1. Carbohydrates | |

|(disaccharide or polysaccharide) | |

|2. Lipids | |

|3. Proteins | |

|4. Nucleic Acids | |

2. Listed below are characteristics of four biologically important polysaccharides. Use the key below to indicate the polysaccharide described in each characteristic.

A. Cellulose B. Chitin C. Glycogen D. Starch

______ also known as fiber to humans

______ Storage polysaccharide in animals

______ Storage polysaccharide in plants

______ Component of plant cell walls

______ Forms the exoskeleton in arthropods; building material of cell walls in some fungi

______ makes some surgical thread for suturing (aka-stitches)

3. Why can’t the human digestive system break down cellulose?

4. Why are lipids grouped together? What is a defining characteristic(s) of all lipids?

5. What are the building blocks of fat? ______________________________ and ______________________

6. Compare and contrast energy storage in polysaccharides and fats (lipids).

7. How are saturated and unsaturated fats different? You can use sketches to help answer this question.

8. Why aren’t unsaturated fats solid at room temperature?

9. Label the molecule below.


14. How would you recognize a basic steroid molecule? Include a drawing in your answer.

10. Indicate if each of the following is true of Saturated or Unsaturated fats.

______ 1 or more double bonds

______ Usually solid at room temperature

______ Molecules are tightly packed together

______ Usually liquid at room temperature

______ Most plant fats

______ Most animal fats

16. Draw one (1) amino acid.

LABEL the amino group and the carboxyl group.

17. Explain the four levels of protein structure and draw a picture to illustrate it.

|Protein Structure Level |Explanation/Includes |What kind of bonds hold it together? |Drawing |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Primary | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Secondary | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Tertiary | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

| | | | |

|Quaternary | | | |

| | | | |

18. How does the characteristics of an amino acid (nonpolar, polar, acidic or basic) relate to the issue of tertiary and quaternary structure?

[pic]20. Indicate the level of protein structure (1, 2, 3, or 4) described in each of the following.

______ α helix and β pleated sheets

______ Collagen and hemoglobin

______ Determined by the sequence of DNA bases

______ Form stabilized by hydrogen bonds

______ Form stabilized by hydrogen bonds, ionic bonds, hydrophobic interactions, and disulfide bridges

______ Globular proteins

______ Interaction among several polypeptide chains

______ Many enzymes

______ Regular, repeated folding of the peptide chain

______ Sequence of amino acids in a protein

21. What is an enzyme? What is its general function?

22. What does denaturation mean?

23. a.) Explain how a protein is denaturated in low temperatures.

b. Explain how a protein is denaturated in high temperatures.

24. Explain how a protein is denaturated when pH is increased or decreased.

25. Draw a nucleotide below and label the THREE parts of this monomer.




a. During what processes would your body use a condensation reaction? You can use specific examples.

b. a.) During what processes would your body use a hydrolysis reaction? You can use specific examples.



NOTES: Just an FYI


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