Grade 7 Science Review - Ms. Elliott's Classroom

Grade 7 Science Review Name____________________Class _________Unit 1 – Interactions Within the EcosystemsKey Vocabulary Terms – You should know the meaning of these words:EcologyBiosphereOrganismsBioticAbioticMicro-organismsPhotosynthesisCellular RespirationSuccessionProducerConsumers Food PyramidPredator (Primary, Secondary, Tertiary)BioaccumulationDecomposersScavengersSpecies Food ChainFood WebClimate/WeatherEcosystemHabitatBiomesNicheCommunityAdaptationPopulationOrganism PreySymbiosisIndividual Parasitism ExtinctSustainable developmentMutualismInvasive species CommensalismLimiting factorsEndangered speciesHerbivores/Carnivores/Omnivores At the end of this unit, I am able to do the following:Define the above key vocabulary terms.Identify abiotic and biotic factors in ecosystems.Give examples of abiotic and biotic factors that organisms need to live.State the 6 levels of organization.Define the term Biome, and describe the key characteristics of each biome. in the world.Describe ecological succession in pare and contrast primary succession and secondary succession.Identify signs of succession in a variety of ecosystems.Give examples of human impact on ecosystems (positive and negative).Explain sustainable development.Explain how to protect the habitat of a specific organism.Explain and compare photosynthesis and cellular respiration.Explain how photosynthesis and cellular respiration work in a cycle to transfer energy in ecosystems.Describe the different roles that organisms play in ecosystems.Scavengers, decomposers, producers, consumers, carnivores, omnivores, predators, prey, herbivores, etc.Describe the three types of symbiosis: mutualism, parasitism, commensalismCreate and analyze food webs and food chains.Explain the impact of the loss of organisms in a food web and/or a food chain.Use and understand how ecological pyramids show energy gained or lost at various levels of an ecosystemExplain the process of bioaccumulation within an ecosystem1.a) What is the difference between abiotic and biotic factors?b) Refer to the diagram below.i. List all the abiotic factors in the diagram above.ii. List all the biotic factors in the diagram above.List the six (6) levels of biological organization from smallest to largest.a) _______________________________b) _______________________________c) _______________________________d) _______________________________e) _______________________________f) _______________________________What is the difference between weather and climate?Which information is more useful? Explain your answer.A) Define the following and provide an example of each of the following.Producer - ____________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________.Example: _________________________________________Consumer - ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________.Example:_________________________________________Primary (1°) consumer - _________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________.Example:_______________________________Secondary (2°) consumer - ______________________________________ _____________________________________________________________.Example: _____________________________Tertiary (3°) consumer - _________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________.Example:_______________________________Carnivore - ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________.Example: _________________________________________Herbivore - ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________.Example: _________________________________________Omnivore - ____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________.Example: _________________________________________B) What role do carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores all have in common in an ecosystem?Explain how a coyote-rabbit population would be limited because of their predator-prey relationship.a) Define the term symbiosis.b) The three types of symbiotic relationships are parasitism, mutualism, and commensalism. Define each of these. Provide an example of each type of relationship.Parasitism - ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________.Example: _________________________________________Mutualism - ___________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________.Example: _________________________________________Commensalism - _______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________.Example: ______________________________________If you found cats, mice, and corn in the same ecosystem, what role would each be playing in the food chain?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Draw a food web containing: 2 producers, 4 primary consumers, 2 secondary consumers and 1 tertiary consumer.Answer the following questions using the diagram below393382556769000a) What is the energy source shown in this food web?b) List all of the producers.c) List all of the consumers and specify their consumer level:Primary consumer: Secondary consumer: Tertiary consumer:d) What are the decomposers in the food web?e) What are the scavengers in the food web?f) What would be the effect of removing all of the decomposers from a community?Construct a food pyramid based on the food chain below.a) What is photosynthesis?b) Write out the chemical equation using the following words:sunlight energy, carbon dioxide, oxygen, sugar, water →a) What is cellular respiration?b) Write out the chemical equation using the following words:carbon dioxide, energy, oxygen, sugar, water →Unit 2 – Particle Theory of MatterKey Vocabulary Terms – You should know the meaning of these words:MatterEnergyBoilingEvaporationCondensationFreezing (also known as solidification)SublimationDepositionMelting (also known as fusion)At the end of this unit, I am able to do the following:Define the above key vocabulary terms.Describe the Particle Theory of Matter.Use the Particle Theory of Matter to explain changes of state.Define boiling and melting point.Recognize boiling/melting points as properties of pure substancesExplain the effects of heating and cooling on the volume of:SolidsLiquidsGases State the five (5) points of the Particle Theory of Matter.1._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________2._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________5._______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________center38417500Draw the particle composition of a solid, liquid, and a gas in the diagram below. Be sure to show speed and spacing of particles in each state of matter. Fill in the following chart using “fixed or definite” (stays the same) or “not fixed or variable” (changes).SolidLiquidGasMassVolumeShapeLabelled arrowChange of StateGain or Loss of Heat EnergyABCDEFleft58547000Refer to the “changes of state triangle” below. Complete the chart below by identifying the state change occurring on each labelled arrow. Also indicate if the state change requires a gain or a loss of heat energy. Identify the changes of state in the examples below. Condensation, Evaporation, Freezing, Melting, Sublimation, Deposition, Boilinga) On a warm spring day, snow melts. This is an example of ___________________________b) On the hottest day of summer, water is sprayed on your roof. This is an example of ___________________________c) On a cold day in winter, frost develops on your car windshield. This is an example of ___________________________d) A summer storm causes rain to fall. This is an example of ___________________________Unit 3 – Heat TransferKey Vocabulary Terms – You should know the meaning of these words:HeatInsulatorKinetic EnergyEnergyConductorPotential EnergyTemperatureConductionThermal EnergyContractConvectionThermal Pollution Expand RadiationCogeneration Kelvin Scale Celsius ScaleAbsolute ZeroAt the end of this unit, I am able to do the following:Define the above key vocabulary terms.Explain the difference between heat and temperature.Explain how heat can be transferred through solids, liquids and gasesConductionConvectionRadiation Describe everyday uses of insulators and conductorsCompare potential, kinetic and thermal energy Use the Particle Theory to explain:a) Why hydroelectric wires and telephone wires sag in the summer.b) Why the mercury/alcohol in a thermometer falls in cold pare and contrast heat and temperature.Identify the following temperatures in degrees Celsius.a) Water freezes at __________b) Water boils at __________c) Standard room temperature is __________d) Body temperature is __________In each situation below, which object has more thermal energy? In which object are the particles moving the fastest (highest kinetic energy)? a) a cup of boiling water or a snowman b) a 375 ml can of Pepsi that has been sitting in the refrigerator, or a 375 ml can of Pepsi that been sitting in your locker What is the difference between an insulator and a conductor?a) State the differences between conduction, convection, and radiation.b) Explain how soup on the stove is heated using both conduction and convection. Using the words provided below, label the lettered section of the cooling curve.liquidsolidgasfreezingcondensationMake a line graph to show the following information:HEATING CURVE OF WATER224674514847500TimeTemp(°C)001020324751663074485897210861197121001310014100Using information from your graph in question 9, answer the following questions:a) Between which temperatures is melting taking place?b) Describe what is happening from 3 minutes to 11 minutes on your graph?c) Why is there a plateau in your graph from 11 to 14 minutes?What is the name of the change of state at this point?d) What is the melting temperature of this substance?e) What is the boiling temperature of this substance?Unit 4 – Mixtures and SolutionsKey Vocabulary Terms – You should know the meaning of these words:EnergySaturatedSupersaturated Heterogeneous MixtureUnsaturatedConcentratedHomogeneous MixtureDilutePure SubstanceSolutionsSoluble InsolubleSoluteDistillationSolventSolubilityAt the end of this unit, I am able to do the following:Define the above key vocabulary terms.Define and draw pure substances and mixtures.Explain the differences between the two types of mixtures:Homogeneous Mixtures (ie Solutions)Heterogeneous Mixtures (ie Mechanical mixtures)Classify daily life substances as pure substances, solutions or mechanical mixtures.Identify solutes and solvents in common solid, liquid and gaseous solutions.Describe solutions using the Particle Theory of Matter.Explain the factors that affect solubility.Define descriptions of solutions as dilute or concentratedExplain the difference between saturated and unsaturated solutionsExplain different methods of separating mixtures:Distillation, chromatography, evaporation, sieving, dissolving, filtration, decanting, magnetism, sedimentation, sifting What is the difference between a pure substance and a mixture?a) Describe the difference between a homogenous mixture and a heterogeneous mixture.b) Describe the difference between a solute and a solvent.c) Classify each mixture as either homogeneous or heterogeneous.MixtureHomogeneous or HeterogeneousSolute (only if homogeneous)Solvent (only if homogeneous)Salad DressingIced TeaSandPizzaSalt WaterBlack coffeeSpriteSoilExplain why the following statements are incorrect.If a solution is saturated at 20° C, then it will be saturated at 25°C.b) Oil is soluble in water.c) When some solvent evaporates, a solution becomes more dilute.d) A solute is always solid.State and explain three (3) factors that affect the rate of dissolving.Unit 5 – Forces and StructuresKey Vocabulary Terms – You should know the meaning of these words:Frame structureDead LoadVectorsMass structureMagnitudeLive LoadShell structurePoint of ApplicationCentre of gravityPlane of ApplicationStabilityEfficiencyBalanceStressTorsionArchTensionTieCompressionStrut/BraceShearCorrugationInternal ForceLaminationExternal ForceCantileverStructural fatigueStructural failureAt the end of this unit, I am able to do the following:Define the above key vocabulary terms.Classify structures as solid, frame, or shell structures.Explain why the centre of gravity of a structure determines whether the structure is stable or unstable.Identify internal forces acting on a structure. Include:CompressionTensionShearTorsionIdentify external forces acting on a structure (include diagrams and vectors)Describe examples of stress that can lead to structural fatigue or failure.Describe how the magnitude, direction, and point and plane of application of external forces affects the stability of a structure.Describe how loads could produce the following internal forces: compression, tension, torsion, and shear.Describe techniques and devices that can be used to strengthen structures.Determine the efficiency of a structure by comparing its mass to the mass of its loadUse formula: Efficiency = Maximum mass of load mass of structureGive an example of the following: Mass structure: ______________________________Frame structure:___________________________________Shell structure:____________________________________Give an example of each type of force: Torsion: ____________________________________Tension: ____________________________________Shear: ____________________________________Compression: ____________________________________a) Define the centre of gravity.b) Describe two ways a structure can be made more stable.a) Explain or draw a diagram of ties, gussets, braces, and arches.Which of the following bridge specifications would be the most efficient and most effective to build?(Assume that both bridges use the same types of materials).Use the formula (show your work in the space provided)Structural efficiency = Maximum mass of the load Mass of structureBridgeMaximum MassMass of StructureStructural Efficiency#1100 kg10 kg#2100 kg50 kgYou continuously exert forces on structures in your daily life. Identify an example of each type of internal and external force. ForceInternal or External?ExampleTensionDead loadCompressionTorsionLive loadShearExplain what strategy you would use to help keep you stable during a tug of war.Freestanding lamps are easily pushed or pulled over by toddlers. Describe two ways that a lamp could be more stable. Use centre of gravity in your answer.Unit 6 – Earth’s CrustKey Vocabulary Terms – You should know the meaning of these words:Igneous RockCementationMagmaTransportationMineralsLavaRocksIntrusive Igneous RockLustreExtrusive Igneous RockColourDepositionStreak Weathering (mechanical, biological, chemical)HardnessPorous rockCleavageSedimentary RockFractureSedimentsMagnetismPlate tectonics Metamorphic rockContinental drift Compression Pangea Inner coreOuter coreMantleCrust Rock cycle Divergent, Convergent and TransformAt the end of this unit, I am able to do the following:Define the above key vocabulary terms.Describe the four (4) layers of the Earth’s structure.Distinguish between rocks and minerals.Classify rocks and minerals by their characteristics and how they were formed.Classify rocks by the way they are formedIgneous, sedimentary, metamorphicDescribe the different types of weathering:PhysicalBiologicalChemicalExplain the rock cycleDescribe evidence used to support the continental drift theoryExplain why this theory was not fully acceptableDescribe evidence used to support the theory of plate tectonics. Include:The type of technology used to develop the theoryReasons it is generally accepted by scientistsExplain geological processes and events using the theory of plate tectonics. Include:Mountain formationEarthquakesVolcanoesa) Label the diagram of the structure of the Earth.b) Even though the inner layer of the Earth is extremely hot, the inner core is solid. What is the reason for this?Explain the difference between a rock and a mineral.Describe three (3) properties that all minerals have in common. a) List the five (5) tests that are used to tell minerals apart.Label the diagram of the rock cycle using the words provided. You will need to use some terms more than once!Pressure & heatCooling MeltingSedimentMagmaWeathering0174625cementation00cementationState the three (3) types of weathering and give one (1) example of.each.a) Explain how sedimentary rocks are formed. Be sure to use the words compaction, erosion, cementation, and deposition in your explanation.b) Why are fossils only found in sedimentary rocks?Explain the difference between intrusive and extrusive igneous rock. Explain how igneous rocks are formed.Explain how the conditions deep inside the Earth play an important role in the formation of metamorphic rocks.Describe the difference between convergent, divergent, and transform boundaries.Describe the following theories regarding the earth’s crust:a) Pangaeab) Continental Driftc) Plate Tectonics ................

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