1. Explain the purpose of a spreadsheet - INFOTECH 100 - Main

SPREADSHEETS1. Explain the purpose of a spreadsheetSpreadsheetsDo you know of anyone in the Accounting business?Well years and years ago, and even still today in some businesses, accountants use a special paper to 'balance the books'. This was to keep track of who owes the business money and what money the business owes to others. This information was kept in books like a ledger, shown below:With the introduction of technology, an?electronic version was created to make it easier to track these transactions, and so many electronic versions were created to make these accounting tasks more efficient. However, just as errors can be made on a paper ledger, errors can also be made in the electronic spreadsheet.?What is a spreadsheet?Initially, manual spreadsheets are really large sheets of paper with long columns and rows that are used to organize data transactions. In accounting, it shows all of the costs, income, taxes, and other related data on a single sheet of paper for the user to examine before making a decision.Now, an electronic spreadsheet organizes the data using the same type of rows and columns. Formulas can then be used on the data to give a total or sum or other required result. The spreadsheet program summarizes the data to produce information in a format that can be understood to help the manager or decision maker see the results in a bird's eye view.?What are spreadsheets used for?Spreadsheets can help companies to create and store their financial transactions as well as help them forecast trends. This has made spreadsheets more useful than for only for performing calculations. Spreadsheet has therefore become an important business tool in an organization.Since the first popular spreadsheet program Visicalc?(compressed form of the phrase "visible calculator")?was introduced in 1981, many spreadsheet software applications were created, including:Corel's Quattro ProLotus 1-2-3:?made it easier to use spreadsheets and it added integrated charting, plotting and database capabilitiesApplework's FilemakerMicrosoft's Excel?For those of you who like History, this link is an interesting read on the history of spreadsheets.?Jobs that use SpreadsheetsAccountantsAccountants need to calculate profits and forecast the success of the business. They need to calculate monthly wages of staff.?TeachersTeachers use spreadsheets to store marks for homework and exams.EngineersEngineers need to make calculations when designing cars, bridges, buildings, aeroplanes, or even boxes and products.?Sales peopleSales people keep track of the products and services they sell, to see how well each item is selling?Market researchersMarket researchers collect data from shoppers about their spending habits and their awareness of different brands. All of this data has to be collated and analysed in order to provide the company with a detailed report of what customers think about their products.?Power, D. J., "A Brief History of Spreadsheets", , World Wide Web, , version 2. Use appropriate terminology and notions commonly associated with spreadsheetsA bit more about spreadsheetsThere are many interesting websites that show you the basics of a spreadsheet, such as this one and this one.The best way to learn about an application is to use it - click on different areas and menus and icons to see what they do. Play with the application. However, since this is a syllabus, we have some terms and notions commonly used with spreadsheets.Useful termsThe following terms typically refer to parts of the spreadsheet:??A?cell?is where the column and row intersect.? A cell can contain data and can be used in calculations of data within the spreadsheet.Active cell: this is the current or selected cell. In the image above it is cell A1. Notice that letter A?in the column is in bold as well as the number 1?in the row. This helps to tell you which cell is currently selected.?Cell reference: we stated that the active cell was A1. Well, this A1?is called a cell address or cell reference.?There are vertical columns and horizontal rows.??An Excel spreadsheet can contain worksheets.? The workbook contains a set of ?worksheets.Let's look at some more terms as we become familiar with the spreadsheet. Here is another spreadsheet below:?Formula bar: the horizontal area beneath the toolbar and to the right, where formulas are displayed when they are entered and whenever a cell containing a formula is selected. In the example at right, cell A4 contains the formula displayed in the formula bar.A?formula?is?an expression that you enter into a cell. This formula performs some calculation and places the result in the cell.Sheet tabs: the tab-like entities at the bottom of the workbook area, designated by “Sheet 1”, “Sheet 2”, and so forth, as shown here. Clicking on a tab causes the named sheet to be displayed. The?active sheet tab?is the one currently selected, here Sheet 1. Note the?tab scrolling buttons?to the left of the tabs; these cause the currently displayed set of sheet tabs to be rotated to the right or left.Vertical scroll bar: in the example above, the bar at the right-hand edge of the Excel window, used for scrolling up and down the sheet; similarly the?horizontal scroll bar?is used for right- and left-scrolling.?FormulasFormulas begin with equal (=)?sign before a formula, so that Excel recognizes what you are entering as a formula. First, select the cell that you want the formula to be entered. This cell will also be where the result will be seen. The table below shows some examples of formulas???SignOperationExample+Addition=A1+B1+C1+D1-Subtraction=A1-A2*Multiplication=C4*C5/Division=C4/D4(...)Combination=A1*(B1+C1)3. Select basic pre-defined systems functionsBasic Functions - Count??The example below shows the function COUNT, which counts the number of items in the list. The result in cell C8 shows that there are indeed five (5) items listed,Basic Functions - The IF StatementThe IF function is a popular and useful function.If you are using a spreadsheet with questions such as 'Did the student the English test?', 'Is the cricket match today?', 'Did I Pass the test?', - or more suitably - 'Is the mark greater than 50?', then most likely you will be using an IF statement.?Here's what an IF Function looks like:IF(condition,?value_if_true,?value_if_false,)The thing to note here is the three items between the round brackets of the word IF. These are the parts that the IF function needs. So let us look at the example,?'Did the student the English test?'Here's what the different parts mean:conditionWhat do you want to check for? Is the number in the cell greater than 50, for example?value_if_trueIf the mark IS INDEED greater then 50, then the answer is YES. (So the student passes the test, for example)value_if_falseIf the mark is NOT greater than 50, then the answer is NO. (Then the student has failed the test)Alright, let us make this come alive with an example. Open a new spreadsheet, and add the following data:?Type the following in the formula bar:=IF(B2 > 50, "Passed", "Failed")Press ENTER key on your keyboard and your spreadsheet should look like the one below:(Make sure you have all the commas and double quotes in the correct place, otherwise Excel will give you an error message. Remember, greater than operator (>) is known as a Conditional Operator.)But what we're saying in the IF function is this:logical_test: Is the value in cell B2 greater than 50?value_if_true: If the answer is Yes, display the text "Passed"value_if_false: If the answer is NO, display the text "Failed"So your first tell Excel what you want to check the cell for, then what you want to do if the answer is YES, and finally what you want to do if the answer is NO. You separate each part with a comma.Suppose you change the number in cell B2 from 62 to 42, look to see that the function still works to update the response.Naming RangesNaming a cell or a range of cells is a very useful tool. Let's explain through an example. Suppose we have a formula, which calculates a Total Income by an Income Tax Rate, and is shown in a cell as: =G12*K15Looking at this formula tells us, that it is, just that, a formula. It however does not tell us anything about the data in cells G12 or K12 or what they mean. So, we weeks from now, or three months when you look back at the formula, it would be worst in trying to remember what it meant. Now, if we named the values in these cells, it may make a bit more sense. If we namedG12 as Total_Incomeand?K15 as Tax_RateThen the formula in the cell would be:=Total_Income*Tax_RateThis is much more useful and easier to understand!Assigning a Name1. Highlight the Excel range you wish to name. In this example it is cell E1.2. Go to the?NAME Box?where you normally see the cell address such as A1. Here in the example below, you will see E1 in the name box since that is the active cell that is selected.??3. Type in the NAME you wish to use for the highlighted range. In our example, we would overwrite the E1 with Coursework.From now on, you can use this range name in any formulas. For examples, in cell E2, we use =D2*Coursework instead.You can also find a range of data or a cell that has been named by clicking the drop-down arrow a little to the right of the NAME box and selecting your range name.Rules for Excel Names1.?Your range name must not contain any spaces. This means CourseWork or Course_Work is correct, but Course Work will give an error.2.?Your range name must not be a cell address. This means you cannot use E1 or D2 or H12 as a range name.3.?Names must not be longer than 253 characters. This makes sense as you would want short meaningful names anyway!?Finding and Deleting NamesIf you want to see all the defined names for an Excel 2007 workbook, you can find a listing.1. From the Formulas?menu, select?Name ManagerA dialog appears listing the Name and cell references for each one. You can also delete items from here as well.?Basic Functions - VlookupIn order to explain the VLOOKUP function, let us use an example below. Here we have a list of items along with their description and cost. This list may be stored in a sheet.?A customer asks one of the employees in a store for the price of a product. The employee goes over to the computer where the spreadsheet?application is, and enters the Item Code located on the product in cell F2. (See diagram above). Note that the employee?will only have access to enter the Item Code. Once that code?is entered, the Description and Cost?are shown in the rows below the item code.In another sheet, the list of products is itemized along with their description, cost, and other information such as number in stock, manufacturer, size and so on.?.?So how does the Vlookup function work?We can use the VLOOKUP function to compare?ItemCode in Cell F2? (which is DI-328) with the list of Item Codes located in the first column in the range of data above. In the above sheet that range will be A2:C6. Once DI-328 is found in the list, (in our example, it is found in cell A4), to display the item description, we need to go to column 2 across the same row 2. If we want the cost of the item, we go across the same row 2 to column 3.?Vlookup’s format looks like the following:=vlookup(What you want to look up, range of data where value is listed in the first column,column # where other information is located, is the first list of data sorted?)=vlookup (a cell, a range of data, an integer, True or False)So let's get started with this spreadsheet.First, Name the range of all of the items including their descriptions, costs and other information that may be in other columns. In our example, the range of data is names ITEMS.?Then we enter the VLOOKUP function in the spreadsheet to produce the Description and Cost for the Item Code.In cell F3, follow the steps to enter the Vlookup function below:???The screen shot below shows the result of the Vlookup function for the description of the item.We repeat the VLOOKUP function changing the Column number from 2 to 3 to pick up the cost of the itemHere is what the cells will contain for the two formulas. If we enter another Item Code, you will get another description and cost for that item.The Excel Date FunctionTo enter a date, click on the?Formulas?menu at the top of Excel. Then locate the?Function Library?panel. From the Function Library panel, click on?Date & Time:As you can see, there's quite a lot of Date and Time functions! The Date?from the menu, and you'll get the following dialogue box:You're now being asked enter a full date.In the Year box, enter 2013In the Month box, enter the number 4In the Day box, enter the number 15Click the OK buttonExcel will enter the Date in your selected cell, A2 for us?Notice the DATE Function in the Formula bar:=DATE(2013, 4, 15)Between the round brackets of DATE, the Year comes first, then the Month, then the Day.If you want to format your date as say Monday 15th of April, then you need to click on the?Home?tab from the Ribbon at the top of Excel. Locate the?Number?panel, and you'll see Date already displayed:FUNCTIONSA function completes a specific task, such as adding up or finding the average, minimum, maximum number in a range of numbers or even performing a calculation based on a condition. There are hundreds of functions that can be used in a spreadsheet. ?Some typical functions are shown below:Count: Returns the count of all or specific numbers in a list. ? ? ? ? ??Sum: Returns the sum of a numeric field for all or selected numbers in the list ?Average: Returns the average of a numeric field for all or selected numbers in the list ? ?Maximum: Returns the maximum value of a numeric /date-time field, from all or selected numbers in the listMinimum: Returns the minimum value of a numeric /date-time field, from all or selected numbers in the listVlookup: Looks for a value in the first column of an array and moves across the row to return another value in a required cellDate: There are many functions based on dates that for example can return various values of data functions such as the year, month, dayIf: Returns one value if a condition you specify evaluates to TRUE and another value if it evaluates to FALSE.Rank: Returns the position of a number in a sorted list of numbers.?FunctionsA function is a built in formula in Excel.? A function has a name and arguments (the mathematical function) in parentheses.? Common functions in Excel:Sum:? Adds all cells in the argumentAverage:? Calculates the average of the cells in the argumentMin:? Finds the minimum value?Max:? Finds the maximum valueCount:? Finds the number of cells that contain a numerical value within a range of the argumentTo calculate a function:Click the?cell?where you want the function appliedClick the?Insert Function?buttonChoose the functioninsert the ranges or other requirementsClick?OKThe example below shows the function COUNT, which counts the number of items in the list. The result in cell C8 shows that there are indeed five (5) items listed,?Function LibraryThe function library is a large group of functions on the Formula Tab of the Ribbon.? These functions include:AutoSum:? Easily calculates the sum of a rangeRecently Used:? All recently used functionsFinancial: Accrued interest, cash flow return rates and additional financial functionsLogical: And, If, True, False, etc.Text: Text based functionsDate & Time: Functions calculated on date and timeMath & Trig:? Mathematical FunctionsFunction - RankReturns the rank of a number in a list of numbers. The rank of a number is its size relative to other values in a list. (If you were to sort the list, the rank of the number would be its position.)?Let's go straight to an example!??Notice that the number of peas in a bag is sorted from smallest to largest. Chick peas has the smallest number of peas and is ranked (ordered) first. Red peas is second, but look at the dry peas and the green peas. They both have the same number of peas in a bag, and are therefore third in the list. However, for the split peas, they are fifth and last. There is no number four since there are two sets of peas with the same number that are ranked third.Let's see the function that gave us these results:??Now, the range $B$2:$B$6 looks a bit complicated and messy, so let's name the range B2:B6 as Bag.So the formula below for RANK looks a bit better.So, for the chick peas, we want to find out what rank 47 is in the list containing the number of peas in the various bags. The number 1 in the function indicates that the list is sorted in ascending order. The result is that the chick peas are number 1 in the list as shown in the rank below:?Basic Functions - SUM and AVERAGE functionsYou want to save some money to buy a gift for a family member. So you start a small job to get some extra money. As you count the money for each day of the first week, this is what you have saved:DayAmountMonday$72.56Tuesday$120.45Wednesday$187.43Thursday$143.69Friday$117.52Saturday$87.93Sunday$92.12?So, let's find out how much you have worked for in the first week and also how much you worked for, on average.The easiest way is to enter the above data in a spreadsheet.??To use the Average function, one easier option is to use the?AutoSum in the Home tab. Click the down arrow on AutoSum to see the following:Now click the Average?option. Because the answer is going in cell B9, make sure your select cell B9 as the active cell. AutoSum?option is useful when the data is in the same row or column. But when it's not, you have to specify the range of cells to calculate.?So click cell B9. The range of cells B2:B8 will automatically be selected. Click the Average icon again and the average of the seven days would be inserted in B9.??To use the SUM function is quite similar to the Average function.?4. Create advanced arithmetic formulae How formulas are evaluatedNow let’s look at some of the rules for creating formulas:The operators that you need to know are:OperatorMeaning+Addition-Subtraction*Multiplication/Division^Exponentiation ("To the power of")&To join two strings together?Formulas begin with equal (=)?sign before a formula, so that Excel recognizes what you are entering as a formula. First, select the cell that you want the formula to be entered. This cell will also be where the result will be seen. The table below shows some examples of formulas???SignOperationExample+Addition=A1+B1+C1+D1-Subtraction=A1-A2*Multiplication=C4*C5/Division=C4/D4( ?)Brackets=A1*(B1+C1)?These operations are evaluated in a particular order of precedence by Excel:Excel FormulasA formula is a set of mathematical instructions that can be used in Excel to perform calculations.? Formulas are started in the formula box with an = sign.There are many elements to an excel formula.References:? The cell or range of cells that you want to use in your calculationOperators:? Symbols (+, -, *, /, etc.) that specify the calculation to be performedConstants:? Numbers or text values that do not changeFunctions:? Predefined formulas in Excel (Such as SUM, MAX, MIN)?Combining Arithmetic OperatorsThe basic operators you've just reviewed can be combined to make more complex calculations. For example, you can add to cells together, and multiply by a third one. Like this:= A1 + A2 * A3Or this:= A1 + A2 - A3And even this:=SUM(A1:A9) * B1In the last example above, the function and formula adds the numbers in the cells A1 to A9, and then multiplies the answer by B1.??To create a formulaSelect the?cell?for the formulaType?=?(the equal sign) and the?formulaClick?Enter?5. Explain the use of common features of spreadsheet software Common Features - Autofill and Absolute Cell ReferencingThere are many useful features that can make a spreadsheet more efficient and effective for the user. In this syllabus, three features are Row/Column title locking which is explained in more detail in the section 6, as well as relative addressing and absolute addressing which is explained in section 7. 6. Invoke row and column title locking Row and Column Title LockingSo, first of all, why is row and column title locking necessary? How can it help us?When you?freeze the Excel columns, it?makes scrolling across to the right to view lots of data in other columns much easier, because you can still see that first column at the far left.When you?freeze the Excel rows,?it?makes scrolling down to view lots of data in other rows much easier, because you can still see that first row at the top.A nice video that shows how to lock row and column titles can be found by holding down the CTRL key and clicking?here.?To freeze columns and rows in Excel,1. Click the?row number?just below the area you'd like to freeze. The whole row should highlight.2.?Click the cell?on that highlighted row to the right of the columns you would like to freeze. The highlighted row will disappear, but you now have an active cell selected.3. From the?View?menu, select?Freeze Panes?.As example, click cell B2 on the spreadsheet below, to freeze column A?as well as the top row (row 1) with the column headings.??To unfreeze, click the?Freeze Panes?buttonClick?Unfreeze7. Replicate (copy) formulae into other cells Common Features - Autofill and Absolute Cell Referencing?8. Manipulate data on a spreadsheet Manipulate Columns and Rows?Selecting rows or columns?Before we can manipulate rows or columns in a spreadsheet we need to first understand how to select those rows or columns!To select all the cells in a particular row:Click on the row number (1, 2, 3, etc) at the left?edge of the worksheet.Hold down the mouse button and drag across row numbers to select?multiple adjacent rows.Hold down [CTRL] if you want to select a set of non-adjacent rows.??Similarly, to select all the cells in column,?You should click on the column heading (A, B, C,?etc) at the top edge of the worksheet.Hold down the mouse button and drag across column?headings to select multiple adjacent columns.Hold down [CTRL] if you want to select a set of?non-adjacent columns.??You can quickly select all the cells in a worksheet by clicking the square to the immediate left?of the Column A heading (just above the label for Row 1).????Deleting dataTo delete data that is already entered in a worksheet.1. Select the cell or ranges of cells containing the data to be deleted.2. Press the?DEL?key on your keyboard.3. The data is deleted, but note that nothing happens to the cells. They remain in the same position. Look at the before and after images below. The image to the left has the data in column C selected.Notice that when we delete the data in column C, the image on the right shows the result, but what is more, look that the formulas in columns D and E have been recalculated to update the results in those columns!??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ???Moving dataIf you already have data entered on your sheet, and you want to move it to a different area on the worksheet1. Select the cell or range of cells you want to move (they will become highlighted).2. Move the cursor to the border of the range of highlighted cells. When the cursor changes from a white cross to a four-headed arrow (the move pointer),?hold down the left mouse button of your mouse. Notice how the cursor changes to one similar to this?icon.3. Drag the selected cells to where you want to move the data worksheet, then release the mouse button.4. You can also cut the selected data using [CTRL+X], or the?Cut?icon on the menu bar, then go to where you want to move your data and paste the data with the?Paste?ribbon icon or [CTRL+V].?Copying dataTo copy data in a cell or range of cells to another area on the worksheet:1. Select the cell or range of cells you want to copy (again, they will become highlighted).2. Move the cursor to the border of the highlighted cells while holding down the [CTRL] key. When the cursor changes from a white cross to a hollow left-pointing arrow (the copy pointer), hold down the left mouse button.?3. Drag the selected cells to a second area of the worksheet, then release the mouse button. You can also copy the selected data using the ribbon icon or [CTRL] + [C], then click in the top left cell of the destination area and paste the data with the ribbon icon or [CTRL] + [V].?To copy the contents of one cell to a set of adjacent cells,Select the cell or range of cells and then move the cursor over the fill handle?(Small Square in the bottom right-hand corner).The cursor will change from a white cross to a black cross.?Hold down the mouse button and drag to a range of adjacent cells.The original cell contents will be copied to the other cells.Note that if the original cell contents end with a number, then the number will be incremented in the copied cells.?To insert data in a cell:Using the spreadsheet below, suppose Mary was absent for both tests, but marks for Test 1 were entered from B2 by error. Instead of typing them over, we can do one of two tasks:Select the range of data from B2:B9 and move the data down. (We have explained this above already)OrPush the data started from B2 down to B3 by inserting a blank cell. (Let’s explain this one)?1. Select cell B2.2. Right click while the cursor is on the cell.3. A dialog box will open like the one below?4. Click the direction in which you want the surrounding cells to be moved5. The data is shifted down so that data from B3 to B10 now contains test scores for all students except Mary.?To delete data in a cell:Deleting data is similar to inserting data. Using the same spreadsheet below, suppose it was Roy who was absent for both tests and we need to shift the score for Test 2 up to Mary. Instead of typing them over, again we can do one of two tasks:Select the range of data from B3:C10 and move the data up by one cell to start at B2. (We have explained this above already)orPush the data starting from B3 to B2 by deleting a blank cell. (Let’s explain this one)?1. Select cell C2.2. Right click while the cursor is on the cell.3. A same dialog box will open, but this time it has the word Delete at the top.??4. Click the direction in which you want the surrounding cells to be moved. In this example, you want to shift them up.5. The data is shifted up so that data from B2 to C9 now contains test scores for all students except Mary.?9. Manipulate columns and rows Manipulate columns and rows?Inserting and deleting rows or columns?Before we can manipulate rows or columns in a spreadsheet we need to first understand how to select those rows or columns!To select all the cells in a particular row:click on the row number (1, 2, 3, etc) at the left?edge of the worksheet.Hold down the mouse button and drag across row numbers to select?multiple adjacent rows.Hold down [CTRL] if you want to select a set of non-adjacent rows.??Inserting a row?Right-click on the row and select the Insert optionThe data at row 6 in our example is pushed down one row to row 7. Row 6 will then be blank.Deleting a rowRight-click on the row and select the Delete option.The data at row 6 will be deletedThe data at row 7 will now be at row 6, data at row 8 will now be at row 7, and so on?Similarly, to select all the cells in column,You should click on the column heading (A, B, C,?etc) at the top edge of the worksheet.Hold down the mouse button and drag across column?headings to select multiple adjacent columns.Hold down [CTRL] if you want to select a set of?non-adjacent columns (for example, data in columns C and E)?Inserting a column?Right-click on the column and select the?Insert?optionThe data at Column C in our example is pushed to the right to column D. Column C will then be blank.Deleting a columnRight-click on the column and select the?Delete?option.The data at Column C will be deletedThe data at Column D will now be at Column C, data at Column E will now be moved to Column D, and so on10. Format a spreadsheet ?Modify FontsModifying fonts in Excel will allow you to emphasize titles and headings. To modify a font:Select the cell or cells that you would like the font appliedOn the?Font?group on the?Home?tab, choose the font type, size, bold, italics, underline, or colorFormat Cells Dialog BoxIn Excel, you can also apply specific formatting to a cell. To apply formatting to a cell or group of cells:Select the cell or cells that will have the formattingClick the?Dialog Box?arrow on the?Alignment?group of the?Home?tabThere are several tabs on this dialog box that allow you to modify properties of the cell or cells.?Number:? Allows for the display of different number types and decimal placesAlignment:? Allows for the horizontal and vertical alignment of text, wrap text, shrink text, merge cells and the direction of the text.Font:? Allows for control of font, font style, size, color, and additional featuresBorder:? Border styles and colorsFill:? Cell fill colors and stylesAdd Borders and Colors to CellsBorders and colors can be added to cells manually or through the use of styles.? To add borders manually:Click the?Borders?drop down menu on the?Font?group of the?Home?tabChoose the appropriate borderTo apply colors manually:Click the?Fill?drop down menu on the?Font?group of the?Home?tabChoose the appropriate colorTo apply borders and colors using styles:Click?Cell?Styles on the?Home?tabChoose a style or click?New Cell StyleChange Column Width and Row HeightTo change the width of a column or the height of a row:Click the?Format?button on the?Cells?group of the?Home?tabManually adjust the height and width by clicking?Row Height?or?Column WidthTo use?AutoFit?click?AutoFit Row Height?or?AutoFit Column WidthHide or Unhide Rows or ColumnsTo hide or unhide rows or columns:Select the row or column you wish to hide or unhideClick the?Format?button on the?Cells?group of the?Home?tabClick?Hide & UnhideMerge CellsTo merge cells select the cells you want to merge and click the?Merge & Center?button on the?Alignment group of the?Home?tab.? The four choices for merging cells are:Merge & Center: Combines the cells and centers the contents in the new, larger cellMerge Across: Combines the cells across columns without centering dataMerge Cells: Combines the cells in a range without centeringUnmerge Cells: Splits the cell that has been mergedAlign Cell ContentsTo align cell contents, click the cell or cells you want to align and click on the options within the?Alignment group on the?Home?tab.? There are several options for alignment of cell contents:Top Align:? Aligns text to the top of the cellMiddle Align:? Aligns text between the top and bottom of the cellBottom Align:? Aligns text to the bottom of the cellAlign Text Left:? Aligns text to the left of the cellCenter:? Centers the text from left to right in the cellAlign Text Right:? Aligns text to the right of the cellDecrease Indent:? Decreases the indent between the left border and the textIncrease Indent:? Increase the indent between the left border and the textOrientation:? Rotate the text diagonally or vertically?? ................

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