Key Stage 3 Long Term Planning

Year 7 INTENT: To explore the foundations of literature, from myths and legends to the beginnings of rhetoric. To begin to understand how texts are constructed, how texts are used to carry a message and they ways writers shape their craft.

Faculty Area: English

|Year 7 |Transition |Autumn |Sprin|

| | | |g |

|Explicit SPaG Focus |N/A |How |

| | |Words|

| | |Work |

| | |1: |

| | |Verbs|

| | | |

| | |2: |

| | |Nouns|

| | |3: |

| | |Artic|

| | |les |

| | |4: |

| | |Adjec|

| | |tives|

| | | |

| | |5: |

| | |Prepo|

| | |sitio|

| | |ns |

| | |6: |

| | |Subje|

| | |ct-ve|

| | |rb |

| | |agree|

| | |ment |

| | |7: |

| | |Tense|

| | |s |

| | |8: |

| | |The |

| | |apost|

| | |rophe|

|Explicit SPaG Focus |How Words Work |Clear|

| |1: Revision of Y7 |Sente|

| |2: Adverbs |nces |

| |3: Comparative and superlative adjectives |1: |

| |4: Plural nouns |Revis|

| |5: Apostrophes for possession and contraction |ion |

| | |of Y7|

| | | |

| | |2: |

| | |Compo|

| | |und-c|

| | |omple|

| | |x |

| | |sente|

| | |nces |

| | |3: |

| | |noun |

| | |appos|

| | |itive|

| | |phras|

| | |es |

| | |4: |

| | |Conju|

| | |nctiv|

| | |e |

| | |adver|

| | |bs |

| | |5: |

| | |semi |

| | |colon|

| | |s |

| | |6: |

| | |Punct|

| | |uatin|

| | |g |

| | |Speec|

| | |h |

|Explicit SPaG |How Words Work |Clear Sentences |Coher| |

| |1: Revision of Y7 & Y8 |1: Revision of Y7 & Y8 |ent | |

| |2: Subject, direct object |2: Restrictive and non-restrictive clauses |Texts| |

| |3: Indirect object |3: Colons | | |

| |4: The passive |4: Hyphens |1: | |

| |5: Auxiliary verbs |5: Punctuating Speech |Revis| |

| |6: Participles | |ion | |

| |7: Word endings | |of Y7| |

| | | |& Y8 | |

| | | |2: | |

| | | |Text | |

| | | |Purpo| |

| | | |se | |

| | | |3: | |

| | | |Text | |

| | | |Audie| |

| | | |nce | |

| | | |4: | |

| | | |Contr| |

| | | |ast/R| |

| | | |epeti| |

| | | |tion/| |

| | | |Motif| |

| | | |s | |

| | | |5: | |

| | | |Acade| |

| | | |mic | |

| | | |Writi| |

| | | |ng KO| |

Key Stage 4 Long Term Planning

Year 11 SYLLABUS: Students will follow the GCSE AQA specifications for both English Language and English Literature. All students will study both subjects and will gain two qualifications at the end of Y11. Students will also explore the links between GCSE and A Level English Literature and be encouraged to use literary critical concepts in their writing.

Curriculum Area: English Language and Literature

|Year 11 |Autumn |Spring |Summer 1 |

|Syllabus Area |Theme of Nature: Is man more powerful than nature? |1: Using data from Mock exams, tailored programme of in-class intervention |Examination preparation |

| |Anthology Poems (Exposure, Extract from the Prelude, Storm on the Island) |based on the needs of the class | |

| |Unseen Poetry (Autumn/Today & Nettles/Brothers |2: Examination preparation | |

| |Language P1 Section A | | |

| |Language P2 Section A | | |

| |P1 Section B Descriptive Writing | | |

| |P2 Section B | | |

|Knowledge and Skills |1: Exam requirements and assessment objectives |Interleaved recapping and revision of: |Revision of topics as required – |

| |2: Poetic form, structure and devices | |focus dependent on students’ |

| |3: Annotating a poem in exam conditions |All Macbeth knowledge (as per Y10 and Lit P1 revision PLC) |needs/class |

| |4: Reading for literal meaning |All Jekyll and Hyde knowledge (as per Y10 and Lit P1 revision PLC) | |

| |5: Embedding quotations. |All Animal Farm knowledge (as per Y10 and Lit P2 revision PLC) | |

| |6: Analysing language |All poetry anthology knowledge (as per Y10 and Lit P2 revision PLC) | |

| |7: Identifying themes |All unseen poetry knowledge (as per Y10 and Lit P2 revision PLC) | |

| |8: Structuring a response |All Language Paper 1 knowledge (as per Y10 and Lang P1 revision PLC) | |

| |9: Identifying deeper meaning |All Language Paper 2 knowledge (as per Y10 and Lang P2 revision PLC) | |

| |10: Comparing writer’s methods | | |

| |11: Paper 1 Examination Requirements | | |

| |12: Language P1 Section A Alex (Sams 4) | | |

| |13: Language Paper 2 Exam requirements | | |

| |14: P2 Section A Aberfan (Sams 3) | | |

| |15: Features of descriptive writing | | |

| |16: P1 Section B Descriptive Writing (Nov 17) | | |

| |17: Transactional writing | | |

| |18: Rhetoric and rhetorical devices | | |

| |19: Whole text cohesion | | |

| |20: P2 Section B Environment Speech (Sams 3) | | |

|Assessment |1: (Week 4) Poetry Comparison |Mock exams: All full papers |Targeted assessment in the run up |

| |2: (Week 9) Unseen poetry | |to exams – focus dependent on |

| |3: (Week 14) P1Section A description | |students’ needs/class |

|Homework |Two pieces of homework will be provided each week based on the needs of |Two pieces of homework will be provided each week based on the needs of |Homework will be replaced by a |

| |individual students and the areas of the syllabus they need to focus on. At |individual students and the areas of the syllabus they need to focus on. At |tailored revision timetable. |

| |least one of these will be a piece of written work. |least one of these will be a piece of written work. | |

|Cultural enrichment |Poetry performance |Revision tips and strategies | |

|including Trips, Visits, |Poetry readings |Personal statements | |

|Experiences, |University-delivered lectures |A-Level/sixth form links | |

|Extra-curricular |Mensa club |University delivered lectures | |

| |Debate Club |Poetry marketplace event | |

| |A-level/sixth form links | | |

|Reading, |Regular opportunities as per assessment schedule and key knowledge/skills |Regular opportunities as per assessment schedule and key knowledge/skills | |

|Writing & Talk | | | |

|CIAG |Using evidence to support ideas |Potential career links: |

| |Writing for different purposes and formats |Journalism |

| |Critical and analytic thought |Marketing |

| |Post-16 taster sessions and KS5 level work in the curriculum |Writing |

| |Independent research task/skills |Editing/proof-reading |

| |Understanding the world around us and political movements, ideas and messages |Teaching/teaching English to speakers of other languages |

| |Oracy – preparing for and delivering presentations which are appropriate for the audience |Advertising |

| |Exam skills – timings, revision, preparation |Publishing |

| |Debating skills – understanding other viewpoints |Politics |

| | |Legal professions |

| | |Public Relations |

| | |Librarian |

| | |Teaching |




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