Online Research Activity Sheet – Learning Plan 2

Development Theory Comparison Chart

Directions: Use this chart to compile information as you complete your readings and research on Child Development Theory. You may type directly into this box and the boxes will expand as you type.

|Theory |Name of Theorist(s) |Key Points of Theory |

| | | |

|Maturational Theory |Arnold Gesell |Three major assumptions, development has a biological basis, good and bad years alternate, and|

| | |body types are correlated with personality development. |

| | | |

|Psychoanalytic and Psychosocial Theory |Sigmound Freud and Erik Erikson |Human behavior is based on unconscious processes. The psychosocial theory believed that a |

| | |child’s conflict needs to be resolved. |

| | | |

|Cognitive- Developmental Theory |Jean Piaget |We construct our cognitive abilities through self-motivated action in the world. Concerns the |

| | |emergence and acquisition of schemata schemes of how one perceives the world in developmental |

| | |stages. |

| | | |

|Behaviorism and Social Learning Theory |Albert Bandura |Bandura recognized that the social context of learning is important and that individuals |

| | |influence their environment as well as being molded by it. |

| | | |

|Bioecological Theory |Urie Bronfenbrenner |Human development is a transactional process in which an individual’s development is |

| | |influenced by his or her interactions with various aspects and spheres of their environment. |

| | | |

|Essential Needs Theory |Abraham Maslow |There are basic needs that must be met before one is able to focus on learning. Maslow’s |

| | |Hierarchy pyramid. |

Development Theory Comparison Chart Scoring Guide Standard

You must achieve a minimum of a “1” rating on each of the criterion to demonstrate competence.

Scoring Standard

3- Above Average Quality- Comparison chart addresses the topic with above average work and organizational skills. Three point answers show significant understanding of the issue being discussed and include all relevant details per theory.

2- Average Quality- The comparison chart lacked at least one of the above qualities. The work is average quality. Comments and responses are and brief and may lack specific topic details.

1- Minimal Quality-The information may fail to respond to the topic of discussion, and contain little or no new information. Answers are too brief or elusive. The writing contains little evidence of topic information.

0-Unacceptable.  Criteria are either missing or incorrectly applied.

|Child Development Theories Scoring Guide |

|Criteria |Self-Ratings |Instructor-Ratings |

|Comparison Chart includes theorists Maturational Theory. |3    2 1    0 |3    2 1    0 |

|Comparison Chart includes key points for Maturational Theory. |3    2 1    0 |3    2 1    0 |

|Comparison Chart includes theorists for Psychoanalytic and Psychosocial Theory. |3    2 1    0 |3    2 1    0 |

|Comparison Chart includes key points for Psychoanalytic and Psychosocial Theory. |3    2 1    0 |3    2 1    0 |

|Comparison Chart includes theorists for Cognitive- Developmental Theory. |3    2 1    0 |3    2 1    0 |

|Comparison Chart includes key points for Cognitive- Developmental Theory. |3    2 1    0 |3    2 1    0 |

|Comparison Chart includes theorists for Behaviorism and Social Learning Theory. |3    2 1    0 |3    2 1    0 |

|Comparison Chart includes key points for Behaviorism and Social Learning Theory. |3    2 1    0 |3    2 1    0 |

|Comparison Chart includes theorists for Bioecological Theory. |3    2 1    0 |3    2 1    0 |

|Comparison Chart includes key points for Bioecological Theory. |3    2 1    0 |3    2 1    0 |

|Comparison Chart includes theorists for Essential Needs Theory. |3    2 1    0 |3    2 1    0 |

|Comparison Chart includes key points for Essential Needs Theory. |3    2 1    0 |3    2 1    0 |

|Comparison Chart is clear and complete with no grammar or spelling errors |Yes (1) No (0) |Yes (1) No (0) |

|Scoring guide and self-assessment is included with submission of assessment. (Copy and paste this scoring guide or save it and type|Yes (1) No (0) |Yes (1) No (0) |

|in this document. Highlight, bold, or type in the number you think you have earned in the next column) | | |

|Document is saved with the students name as indicated in syllabus. |Yes (1) No (0) |Yes (1) No (0) |

|Assignment is correctly submitted to the grade book through the learning plan. Assessment was submitted on time. Additional points |Yes (1) No (0) |Yes (1) No (0) |

|will be deducted for late work as indicated in the syllabus. | | |

|Total Points and Comments if necessary: |Total Points (40) |Total Points (40) ________ |

| |____40____ | |


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