Department Responsible: Accounting - Compass Systems

Department Responsible: Accounting Date: 3/20/06 Revision: 5

SUBJECT: Timesheet Policy

OBJECTIVE: To define Compass System's Timesheet policy and procedures.

DEFINITION: Timesheets will be created by each employee at the beginning of the pay period. All worked and leave hours are to be properly recorded by each employee in Time & Expense as required by DCAA and Compass guidelines.


ELECTRONIC TIMESHEETS: Appropriate time charges shall be placed against the appropriate job number and task number. Employees will fill out hours worked at the end of each business day. It is the employee's responsibility to ensure the accuracy of the timesheet.

FOR OCONUS EMPLOYEES ONLY: If in an emergency where the employee cannot fill out their timesheet, the payroll administrator has the authority from DCAA to take direction from the manager of said employee to fill out/document time on the employee's timesheet. An emergency is defined as a blackout or no internet connectivity at the site of work.

TIMESHEET DUE TO ACCOUNTING: Timesheets will be submitted to the Accounting Department no later than 10:00 a.m., on the next business day after the ending date of the Timesheet period (please refer to the current and published Payroll Schedule). Employees are responsible for ensuring that their timesheet has been submitted prior to the deadline to their supervisor/manager for approval. Employees not complying with these guidelines may not receive their paycheck on a timely basis.

TIMESHEET CORRECTIONS BY EMPLOYEES: If corrections are needed to be made on the timesheet, employees will edit their time in Time & Expense and resubmit their timesheet to their supervisor/managers. Reasons for corrections are required in the comments section on the electronic timesheet. Any corrections made to a timesheet by an employee will restart the approval process.

OVERTIME: It is the responsibility of the employee to receive approval from their manager and customer for all overtime worked. This approval must be in writing via letter or electronic mail. If this is to be an on-going issue, please receive an approval for a specific time period.

LEAVE: Leave does not count as hours worked for premium pay overtime purposes, if the leave hours and work hours together total more than 40 hours per week.

COMPRESSED WORK SCHEDULE (CWS): Employees observing CWS shall have approval in the employee's human resource file, the approval must be from either the program manager or the customer.


SUPERVISOR/MANAGER'S RESPONSIBILITY: It is the supervisor/manager's responsibility to ensure the following:

All timesheets are completely and correctly filled out and to the best of their knowledge accurately reflect the hours worked.

If the employee made corrections, timesheet has been resubmitted and approved. Approve all timesheets that you are responsible for.

FLEX-TIME: Compass Systems has a policy that allows employee to flex their hours, however, only when approved by the customer (ex. Holidays).

REFERENCES: Examples of Completing a Timesheet

EXCEPTION: There are to be no exceptions to these policies and procedures.

Revisions: Revision 0 1 2




Revision Description Initial Review Leave portion changes

Electronic timesheet instructions added. Leave portion changes.

Emergency timesheet submission defined. Updated timesheet submission portal name from Unanet to Time & Expense.

Date 03/20/06 10/24/06 08/30/07 03/16/09





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