Exercise 4-13

Word Pairs, Exercise 4-13Directions: Read each sentence that uses the words studied in Exercise 55 and circle the correct word within the parentheses that best completes the meaning of the sentence. 1. Are you (confidant confident) of your ability to do well on this test?2. When you get to the (core corps corpse) of the problem, suddenly the problem doesn't seem as huge as it once did.3. One of my favorite cereals contains black (currants currents). 4. Please check the obituary page to see if anyone from our hometown is (deceased diseased).5. After my speech, several people came up to (complement compliment) me on my presentation.6. Every morning when I arise, my back (creaks creeks). 7. His accomplishments have brought (credible creditable credulous) honor to his family.8. When looking for differences, please (compare contrast) the views of the two candidates.9. When the (consul council counsel) meets this evening, they will decide the fate of the proposed annexation.10. She is such a nice person she can't see anything wrong with anyone; she is too (credible creditable credulous). 11. (Compare Contrast) the similarities of the writing styles of Jane Adams and Mark Twain.12. After hitting my head, some time elapsed before I was (conscience conscious) of events around me.13. The schoolchildren visited a (dairy diary) farm as part of their unit on Rural Life.14. Mark Adams has been appointed (consul council counsel) from the United States to Uganda.15. The torrential rains opened graves, exposing (cores corps corpses) to the views of passers-by.16. My wife has been my (confidant confident) throughout our married life.17. (Currant Current) polls show Robert Markson ahead of his challenger by 20 points.18. (Complement Compliment) your spoken message with some favorable gestures and body language.19. Nowadays an annual income of less than $10,000 doesn't provide a (decent descent dissent) living for a family of two.20. My (consul council counsel) to you is to get up and get busy if you want to achieve in life.21. Listen to your (conscience conscious) when you are faced with a difficult decision.22. The falling rain caused the water in the (creak creek) to rise rapidly.23. The (deceased diseased) pig caused infection to spread throughout the litter.24. Stay away from my (dairy diary); its contents are not for your eyes!25. The jury have almost reached a verdict; only one member is in (decent descent dissent).26. The attorney for the defense had to acknowledge the prosecution's witness was (credible creditable credulous).27. The Army (Core Corps Corpse) of Engineers has determined the land should be protected because of its wildlife.28. Finally reaching the top of the hill, we began our (decent descent dissent) without resting. ................

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