The Complete Sentence

The Complete Sentence – Review and Exercises

A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought. A sentence makes sense

because it is a whole idea, not just part of one.

Patricia jogs every day.

Chris and Ann applied for part.time jobs at the theater.

Sometimes part of an idea is missing from a sentence. A group of words that does not express a

complete thought is a fragment.

Jogs every day. (Who jogs?)

Chris and Ann. (What about Chris and Ann?)

What is a Sentence Fragment?

A group of words that is only part of a sentence is a sentence fragment. A sentence fragment leaves out something important, such as a subject or verb. You may wonder What is this about? or What happened?

The commuter train between stations. (What happened to it? )

Patrolled in front of the bank. (Who patrolled? )

Correct the sentence fragment. Add whatever words and punctuation are necessary to make each fragment a complete sentence by re-writing the sentence on the line provided.

1. Lucy at the library _________________________________________________________

2. Turned the wheel sharply ____________________________________________________

3. The sky during the storm ____________________________________________________

4. Taking a poll ______________________________________________________________

5. Usually likes happy endings ___________________________________________________

6. At the bottom of the application ______________________________________________

7. George Clooney in the movie __________________________________________________

8. Found a part-time job _______________________________________________________

9. Don's project for the science fair _____________________________________________

10. From two blocks away _______________________________________________________

11. Driving the bus ___________________________________________________________

12. Applying for a job _________________________________________________________

13. Slept later than usual _______________________________________________________

14. Defrosted the freezer ______________________________________________________

15. Reading the newspaper ______________________________________________________

Sentences and Sentence Fragments

A sentence is a group of words that expresses a complete thought. By "complete thought" we mean the clear and entire expression of whatever you want to say.

A sentence fragment does not express a complete thought.

Incomplete: The mail in the box

Complete: The mail in the box is for you.

Incomplete: Visited Hawaii during vacation.

Complete: Mr. Hooper visited Hawaii during vacation.

Recognizing sentences and fragments. Read each group of words carefully. If the words form a complete sentence, write S on the blank. If the words form a fragment, write F on the blank, then re-write the sentence correctly by adding your own words and punctuation.

Example: The furnace and the hot water heater __F___

1. After school on Friday _______________________________________________

2. The noise in the library _______________________________________________

3. We put food in the cat's dish __________________________________________

4. The parking meter on the comer ________________________________________

5. From the post office to the city hall _____________________________________

6. Everyone worked hard on the project _____________________________________

7. We always order pizza on Saturday night __________________________________

8. A commercial on TV__________________________________________________

9. Which color do you prefer _____________________________________________

10. During the sale at Sears ______________________________________________

11. The red or the blue __________________________________________________

12. Whose bicycle is in the driveway ________________________________________

13. Why is everyone so late _______________________________________________

14. Due to the heavy rain and flooding ______________________________________

15. With a special magnetic pencil __________________________________________

What is a Run-on Sentence?

A run-on sentence is two or more sentences written incorrectly as one. One way to fix a run-on is to use a period or other punctuation mark to signal the end of each complete thought. You can also correct a run-ons by adding a comma and conjunction between the two complete thoughts, or you can add a semi-colon. Be careful not to make the mistake of using a comma alone instead of a period. The result is also a run-on sentence called a comma splice.

RUN-ON: I received my bank statement there seems to be an error.

CORRECT: I received my bank statement. There seems to be an error.

CORRECT: I received my bank statement, and there seems to be an error..

Correct the run-on sentences. Rewrite the following run-on sentences. Put in the correct capitalization and punctuation.

1. The car won't start it needs a new battery.

2. Paul's brother works for Air Canada, he’s a flight attendant.

3. Court stenographers must listen well they must also type rapidly.

4. Eyes are delicate organs have them examined every two years.

5. The rain stopped, the sun came out.

6. Election results are in, there will be a special report.

7. Leonardo DiCaprio has the lead role he plays a spy.

8. The Don Valley Parkway is closed, repairs are being made.

9. Martha prepared well she passed her driving test.

10. A good watchdog is well trained it obeys its owner.

Complete Sentences - Review

Identify each of the following as a Sentence, Fragment, or Run-on, by writing S, F, or R on the line provided.

1. In the park near the high school. _____

2. Your line was busy I couldn't get through. _____

3. Two police officers answered the call. _____

4. Margaret hemmed her new dress, she’ll wear it tonight. _____

5. During the first five minutes. _____

6. Cynthia explained the problem. _____

7. Hitting the ball into left field. _____

8. Both of them qualified now they'll go to the finals. _____

9. Found an old phonograph in the basement. _____

10. Listening for the all clear signal. _____

11. A story full of excitement and surprise. _____

l2. The high-dive event is next. _____

13. The hospital built a new wing the cardiac unit is there. _____

14. Kim saw The Bay's ad, she called to apply for the job. _____

15. The plane landed safely despite the storm. _____

16. The crisis facing the nation. _____

17. The photographer used three rolls of film at the wedding. _____

18. The judge's decision is final no entries will be returned. _____

19. Rushing to catch the bus. _____

20. Spring is finally here. _____

21. He disagreed. _____

22. Megan is the secretary she keeps the minutes. _____

23. Walking briskly around the block. _____

24. A storm over the Atlantic. _____

25. The waterfront diner serves seafood only. _____


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