Durham Gastroenterology

Durham Gastroenterology Scott Brazer, MD

919/806-8322 David Tendler, MD

William V. Singletary, Jr., MD


Bowel Preparation with Miralax and Dulcolax

Date of colonoscopy _________________________ Arrival Time ______________________________

Triangle Endoscopy Center Duke Regional Hospital

ρ 249 East NC Hwy 54, Suite 210 ρ (formerly Durham Regional Hospital)

Durham, NC 27713 3643 Roxboro Road

(919) 544-4887 Durham, NC 27704

(919) 470-4000

You are scheduled for a colonoscopy, an examination of the colon (large intestine) with a lighted flexible scope. During the colonoscopy, if an abnormality is seen, it is usually biopsied at that time. A biopsy involves removing a portion or all of the abnormal area for processing and subsequent examination under a microscope.

Please bring a picture ID and arrive with a responsible licensed driver over the age of 18. Your driver will be required to stay in the facility during your colonoscopy.

If you have a C-PAP machine you must bring it to your exam or your procedure will not be performed.

Plan to be with us for a total of two to three hours. When you arrive, you will need to complete the facility registration and then change into a patient gown. The nursing staff will perform a brief assessment, place an I.V., and take you into the procedure room where you will be sedated and undergo the colonoscopy. The colonoscopy itself takes about 30-45 minutes.

After the colonoscopy, you will rest in the recovery area while the sedative wears off. Due to the sedation, you may not remember your conversation with the Doctor after the colonoscopy. Please have a family member or friend stay with you that can speak with the Doctor and Nurses after the procedure.

**NOTE**By law, you cannot drive the rest of the day of the colonoscopy. We advise you to take the entire day off work.

A thorough cleansing of the colon is essential. The examination is most successful if you follow the directions for preparation completely. Any stool left in the intestinal tract can hide important conditions that may be present. An examination as important as this requires careful preparation.

We realize no laxative preparation is fun. However, as outlined on the reverse side of this paper, this solution has been developed to make your preparation as simple and effective as possible. If you have any questions about the test or preparation, please do not hesitate to call our office.

It is important for you to bring a list of all prescription medications and non-prescription products (over-the-counter, anti-inflammatory, herbal, vitamins, etc) you are taking and a list of any medication you are allergic to.


Please expect a call from the medical staff to complete your pre-operative assessment; this will include your medications any over the counter supplements, past medical and surgical history and family cancer history.


• Do not take aspirin or aspirin products, multi vitamins, NSAIDS (such as Motrin, Ibuprofen, Advil, Aleve), iron supplements, Ginkgo or vitamin E.

• If you are taking Coumadin (warfarin), or other blood thinners, contact your prescribing MD for specific instructions and report the instructions to this office.

• Please notify us if you have a C-PAP, Pacemaker, Internal Defibrillator Device or latex allergy.


• Maintain your regular diet with the following exceptions.

• Avoid: corn, peas, beans, popcorn, nuts, seeds and any raw fruits or raw vegetables and salads. You may have fruits and vegetables that are not on this list that have been cooked.

• Avoid foods processed in Olestra or Olean (a no-fat cooking oil) used in many foods such as

fat-free Pringles and Frito-Lay light products.


You will need to purchase from the pharmacy: (all items available without a prescription)

(4) four Dulcolax 5 mg. oral tablets (not suppositories),

(2) two 7 dose (4.1 ounce) bottles of Miralax

(2) two 32 ounce bottles of Gatorade or G2 **Diabetic Patients please use Crystal Light*No Red or Purple*

You may refrigerate the Gatorade/Crystal Light, as the solution is more palatable if cold.


Drink only clear liquids for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Clear liquids include tea, coffee (without cream/milk) strained fruit juices without pulp (apple, white grape, lemonade), water, clear broth or bouillon, Crystal Light, sodas, jello, ice popsicles, Italian ice. Not allowed: Solid foods, alcohol, milk or milk products, red or purple liquids. You may add sugar to coffee and tea but not milk or creamer (non-dairy creamers are okay).

3:00 PM-Take 4 Dulcolax 5 mg oral tablets

5:00 PM-mix one 7 dose (4.1 ounce) bottle of Miralax in 32 oz of Gatorade/Crystal Light. Shake the solution until the Miralax is dissolved. Drink an 8 oz glass every 10-15 minutes until the solution is gone. Continue drinking clear liquids at least an 8 oz glass every hour until bed.


3 hours before you leave home-- mix one 7 dose (4.1 ounce) bottle of Miralax in 32 oz of Gatorade/Crystal Light. Shake the solution until the Miralax is dissolved. Drink an 8 oz glass every 10-15 minutes until the solution is gone.

2 hours before your procedure – Nothing by mouth until after your procedure.


Medicare guidelines state that a screening colonoscopy less than 47 months (3 years, 11 months) after a screening flexible sigmoidoscopy or screening colonoscopy in an individual not at high risk will not be paid for by Medicare.



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