Banner Web Time Entry for Approvers

Web Time Entry

Supervisor / Approver

Training Manual & User’s Guide

Table of Contents

Introduction 2

Timeframes and Deadlines 2

2008 Payroll Calendar 3

Signing Onto the Web Time Entry System 4

Reviewing and Approving Timesheets 5

Department Summary 6

Employee Detail 7

Setting Up an Approval Proxy 9

Approving Leave Requests 10

Printing Records 11

Logging Off 12

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions

Web Time Entry 13

Comp Time/Overtime 14

Approver’s Quick Reference 15


Web Time Entry is a web-based time entry system designed to improve accuracy and eliminate loss or delays in processing paper timesheets.  The Web Time Entry system allows employees to individually log onto a secure website and enter and submit their own time online from any computer with Internet access.  The time is then approved online by the supervisor and sent electronically to the BOR Pay Roll Shared Services Office for processing.

Employees will input their hours worked or leave taken into the Web Time Entry system.  Supervisors will go online to approve the timesheets. This system is also used to request and approve leave.

Timeframes and Deadlines

In order to be paid each month, it is critical that timesheets and approvals are submitted by the established deadline. Employees are responsible for submitting their electronic timesheets to their supervisor/approver. Without a timesheet, the supervisor is unable to approve time and/or leave and without the supervisor’s or their proxy’s approval, employees will NOT be paid until the following pay period.

The pay period for all institutions within the South Dakota Board of Regents is the 22nd of the month through the 21st of the following month.

Employees must submit timesheets to supervisors for approval by 10 a.m. on the first business day after the pay period ends. Supervisors must approve timesheets by 5 p.m. on the first business day after the pay period ends.

This typically will be 5 p.m. on the 22nd of the month. The SNAP portal will indicate when electronic timesheets are due.  It is important to watch these due dates as they WILL fluctuate when holidays and weekends fall on the 22nd of the month. The payroll department will also send reminders each month when timesheets will be due. Pay day is the last working day of each month.


|2008 Payroll Calendar for Web Time Entry |

|Hours must be submitted through Web Time Entry by 10:00 a.m. one business day after the end of the pay period.|

| |

| |

|Approvers have until 5:00 p.m. that same day to approve the hours. |

|Pay Period |Start date |End date |Input deadline: Employee –|Check date |

| | | |10 am | |

| | | |Approver – 5 pm | |

|1 |Dec. 22, 2007 |Jan. 21, 2008 |Jan. 22, 2008 |Last Working Day of January|

|2 |Jan. 22, 2008 |Feb. 21, 2008 |Feb. 22, 2008 |Last Working Day of |

| | | | |February |

|3 |Feb. 22, 2008 |Mar. 21, 2008 |Mar. 24, 2008 |Last Working Day of March |

|4 |Mar. 22, 2008 |Apr. 21, 2008 |Apr. 22 2008 |Last Working Day of April |

|5 |Apr. 22, 2008 |May 21, 2008 |May. 22, 2008 |Last Working Day of May |

|6 |May 22, 2008 |Jun. 21, 2007 |Jun. 23, 2008 |Last Working Day of June |

|7 |Jun. 22, 2008 |Jul. 21, 2008 |Jul. 22, 2008 |Last Working Day of July |

|8 |Jul. 22, 2008 |Aug. 21, 2008 |Aug. 22, 2008 |Last Working Day of August |

|9 |Aug. 22, 2008 |Sep. 21, 2008 |Sep. 22, 2008 |Last Working Day of Sept |

|10 |Sep. 22, 2008 |Oct. 21, 2008 |Oct. 22, 2008 |Last Working Day of October|

|11 |Oct. 22, 2008 |Nov. 21, 2008 |Nov. 21, 2008 |Last Working Day of Nov |

|12 |Nov. 22, 2008 |Dec. 21, 2008 |Dec. 22 2008 |Last Working Day of Dec |

|Note: Employees may begin inputting time online the first day of the pay period. |

Signing Onto the SNAP Employee Portal and Web Time Entry

To approve timesheets and leave requests, you will access the Time Approval Channel from the HR page on the SNAP employee portal which is accessible from any computer with access to the Internet. You will be issued a User Name and Password to log onto the portal and your access and authorizations within the Web Time Entry system will be driven by this sign-on. Because of the sensitive nature of payroll information, you should not share your ID or password with anyone. It is also important to log off the system when you have finished.

1. Using the Internet, access the SNAP employee portal using one of the following web links:

a. When in training access the portal at

b. To access the “live” portal following training use

2. Enter your employee portal user name and password

3. Click on the HR tab

Reviewing and Approving Employee Time Sheets

Click on the link for the appropriate pay cycle found in the Time Approval channel.

If you have more than one department to approve, they will be listed separately.

Past pay cycles that have been processed in Banner Web Time Entry will remain viewable for one year, however it will not possible to make any changes in them.

If you wish to update your approval proxies you will use the link shown in the lower left hand corner of the channel. See page 9 for additional information on approval proxies.

The role of ‘superuser’ in the context of this application is limited to the BOR payroll shared services staff.

Department Summary Page

The Department Summary page shows the status of timesheets in the selected department.

Important: You can only approve Pending records.

Employees who have not submitted their time sheet for approval will either appear as ‘In Progress’ (time sheet has been started) or ‘Not Started’ (time sheet has not been initiated).

You are strongly encouraged to approve hours from the Employee Detail page, which shows the hours entered by day and earnings code. However, you are able to approve hours from this Department Summary page.

To approve an employee’s time from the Department Summary page:

1. Click on the check box(s) under Approve or FYI.

If necessary, the Reset button at the bottom of the screen will clear a checkmark you have put in a checkbox, before you press the Save button.

2. Click the Save button. A message will appear indicating that the time was successfully approved, and the employee status will change to Approved.

3. If there is a need to make changes or corrections, you may return it to the employee(s) by checking the box in the Return for Correction column.

If you have approved hours from this page, you are now finished with the approval process and you may now exit or log-off the system.

Employee Detail Page

To view the detail of hours worked by day and the earnings type for each employee, click on an employee’s name listed on the Department Summary page. This will take you to the Employee Detail page.

Employee Detail page cont.

• On the Employee Detail page, time will be listed by each earnings code (Hours Worked, holiday pay, sick leave, annual leave, etc.) for each day. (Only Supervisors, Superusers, and HR will enter the total hrs worked, by the employee, in the OT Paid Out row.)

If an employee neglected to submit hours for the prior pay period before the deadline, they will be using a separate earnings code called “Previous Period Correction” to submit those hours. They will be instructed to enter the total of their retroactive hours into a Saturday or Sunday or some other day with no normal working hours, using the retro code.

Use the scroll bar at the bottom of the screen to display additional days in the pay cycle. After reviewing the time submitted, you may:

1. Approve: Approves the time.

2. Return for Correction: Return if you want corrections to be made.

3. Change Record: If necessary, you as the approver can change the time that has been entered by the employee, before approving it. You must notify the employee if you do this.

4. Add Comment: The approver can add a comment to the record. This comment can be viewed by you and the employee. It will not be viewed by Human Resources/Payroll.

5. Delete: Pressing this button will irretrievably delete the timesheet. If you accidentally press this button, a box will pop up asking you to confirm you want to delete the transaction.

6. Before exiting, be sure to verify that the status of the employee you approved has been changed from Pending to Approved.

Setting Up an Approval Proxy

Approvers must be set up in the Banner system by Human Resources. However, approvers are responsible for setting up their own proxies within Banner Web Time Entry. Each supervisor must have one or more proxies who can approve time sheets in his/her absence. A proxy cannot be a non-supervisory employee. The proxy should be able to verify that the employee has worked the hours submitted.

It is important that your proxy(s) know they have been authorized to be your proxy in the event you are absent the day that timesheets must be approved. It would also be good to advise your employees of who your proxy is to assure them that their timesheets will be approved in timely manner even in your absence.

From the SNAP HR page, click the Update Approval Proxies link found in the Time Approval Channel.

1. On the Proxy Set Up screen, use the drop down menu to choose the name of the person who will be your proxy. If you do not see the person listed, contact Human Resources.

2. Click the Add check box

3. Click Save

4. Repeat these steps to add an additional proxy

Approving Leave Requests

When an employee submits a request for leave, you will see a link in the SNAP employee portal HR page Time Approval channel. Click on the leave request link.

1. Click on the employee’s name to access additional details on the leave request.

2. Approve, Return for Correction or Change Record.

3. Click the Log Out icon to exit from the system or the Return to HR Page link to return to the SNAP portal.

Printing Records

Timesheets will remain viewable online for one year. However, if you also want to keep a printed copy for your records, you may make a screen print from the Employee Detail page or any other page, but you will need to reduce the text size in order to have the timesheet print all on one page:

1. From the Edit pull-down menu at the top of the web page, click on Select All.

2. From the View pull-down menu at the top of the web page, click on Text Size/Smallest.

3. From the File pull down menu at the top of the web page, click on Page Setup, and choose Landscape. Click OK.

4. Print the timesheet by clicking on the printer icon at the top of the web page.

Logging Off the System

It is important that you log off of your web session, especially if using a public machine. Clicking the Logout link at the top right hand corner will log you out of both the Web Time Entry system and the SNAP portal.

If you have additional tasks to complete on the SNAP employee portal before you log-off, you may click the Back to HR link found in the upper left hand corner.

Answers to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Web Time Entry

a. What is the pay period and when is pay day?

The pay period is the 22nd of the month to the 21st of the following month. Pay day is the last working day of the month.

b. When do I need to approve employee timesheets online?

It is your responsibility to review and approve employee hours in a timely fashion. Supervisors must approve employee timesheets online by 5pm of the first business day following the end of a pay period. Reminder messages will be posted on SNAP.

Employees must input their timesheet hours by 10 a.m. of the first business day following the end of a pay period. As their supervisor, you will want to go into the system at that time and see if their hours are in Pending status. If they are not, you may choose to notify the employees and remind them. Reminders will also be posted in the SNAP employee portal message channel.

If you know you will be absent on the day approvals are due, or if for some reason you are unable to access the Internet or the Web Time Entry System make arrangements with your proxy to act on your behalf to approve the employee hours by the deadline. If you encounter problems, please call Human Resources as soon as possible. If the payroll processing has not yet been finalized for that payroll, they may be able to add the hours in.

The 2007/2008 employee payroll calendar is included on page 3 of this manual. For future years, this information will be available on SNAP.

c. What if the name of my proxy is not on the proxy drop down list?

Please contact Human Resources.

d. Once the employee submits their time, can they make corrections to it?

Yes, if you return it to them with the Return for Corrections Option. If corrections need to be made after the end of the pay period, human resources may be able to assist.

e. How will my employees get paid if I am out and unable to approve time for that pay period?

If you are unable to approve your employee timesheets by the designated time, your proxy must approve them on your behalf.

Answers to FAQs cont.

f. Can I view previous time periods that I approved?

Yes, you can view any pay period that was entered into Banner Web Time Entry for up to a year.

g. What happens if I didn’t notice that an employee’s time is wrong?

If the time submitted is incorrect and gets approved as such, then you will need to contact Human Resources.

h. What happens if Web Time Entry goes down?

Because Web Time Entry is Internet based it is possible that the system may be down at times. If this down time were to impact the processing of payroll, employees, approvers, and proxies would be notified of changes to the payroll schedule.

Comp Time/Overtime:

a. This is an unexpected expense. How do I manage my budget?

It will require diligence in maximizing productivity, flexing work weeks to meet demand and greater attention to carefully monitor the use of overtime.

b. Will there be any budget exceptions?

Only in rare, pre-authorized situations will budget exceptions be accepted.

Approver’s Quick Reference

Approving Timesheets

1. Access Web Time Entry by logging onto SNAP

2. Click on the HR Tab.

3. Click on pay cycle link found in the Time Approval Channel.

4. Click on employee names in Pending status to view hours by day.

5. To approve, click on Approve or FYI button for each employee.

6. Click on Save button.

Approving Leave Requests

1. From the SNAP employee portal HR page Time Approval channel, click on the leave request link.

2. Click on the employee’s name to access additional details on the leave request.

3. Approve, Return for Correction or Change Record.

4. Click the Log Out icon to exit from the system or click the Return to HR Page link to return to the SNAP portal.







Human Resource / Finance

Information Systems



Jack Smith

Jane Doe

Your department




Jane Doe

Your department
















Laura Ingalls

Lewis Clark

Art Mellette

Jennifer Beadle

Betty Rubble

George Jetson


Jennifer Beadle

Jennifer Beadle

Jennifer’s Supervisor/Approver



October 23, 2006


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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