Lesson Plan Outline - Mark Twain

Lesson Plan Outline

|Topic/Unit Title: |“The Keeping Quilt” | |Date: |October 19, 2009 |

| | | |Grade Level: |2 |

|Lesson Content: |Language Arts, Social Studies, Art, and Math| |Estimated Time for Each Curricular Lesson: |30 Min |

| |(with sp. ed. modifications) | | | |


|Language Arts: |Person outline worksheet (from webpage) | |

| |Crayons | |

| | | |

|Social Studies: |Flower petal outline | |

| |Crayons | |

| | | |

|Art: |Poster board quilt blocks | |

| |Markers/ Colors | |

| |rulers | |

| | | |

|Math: |Rulers | |

| |Measurement tools (thermometer, scale, clock) | |

| |Quilt measuring worksheet | |

| |Take home measuring worksheet | |

Standards/Benchmarks being met:

Language Arts:

1. Communicating Arts W1A2a-use a simple strategy in prewriting when appropriate.

2. Communicating Arts W1A2e-share writing.

3. Communicating Arts W2C2b-complete sentences or thoughts.

4. Communicating Arts W2E2a-space correctly between letters and words.

5. Communicating Arts W2E2c- punctuation in declarative and interrogative sentences, comma in dates, and comma in the greeting and closing of a letter.

6. Communicating Arts W2E2g- write legibly.

Social Studies: 6 b. Describe how needs are met by families and friends Standards: SS6 1.9

Art: Art 2 EP 1a. Use zig-zag, dotted, and wavy lines; Art 1 PP 3c. create an original artwork that communicates ideas about home.

Math: 3 a select an appropriate unit and tool for the attribute being measured (size, temperature, time, weight) and to the nearest inch, centimeter, degree, hour and pound MA 2 3.1

2 a. use standard units of measure (cm, inch) and the inverse relationships between the size and number of units MA 2 1.6

1 a. pose questions and gather data about themselves and their surroundings MA 3 1.2

Anticipatory Set:

Group Introduction: Read the “Keeping Quilt” by Patricia Polacco. Share Mrs. Elsea’s family table cloth.

Art: I would ask the students “what was special about the quilt?” “Of what was its border made?” (answers: the quilt was kept in the family, the border was made from the grandmother’s dress, answers will vary). The students will be introduced to many different cultural patterns (African, native American patterns). I would explain to the students that often these patterns were not just “pretty drawings”, but that the patterns and colors of the art often told stories of their culture. If you were to do this lesson as a center, a display board will be available with these patterns for the students to examine. Also on the display board will be examples of patterns that include the zig-zag, dotted, and wavy lines. If this lesson were not to be done as a center, I would use a power point presentation to show the students examples of the different cultural patterns.

Math: Book, table cloth and quilt.

Instructional Input:

Language Arts: I would start this center off my having a volunteer come up to the front of the classroom. I will have projected on the board a web mapping with the students name in it. I will start the web mapping off by writing what reminds me of the student.

Social Studies: Ask students “what did the quilt do for Anna and her family?” “What did the family do for each other?” Lets discuss how your family supports you, “Can you think of anything your family does for you?” As we discuss, I will guide students with examples in the school; how teachers support each other.

Art: Students will be instructed as to how to make a zig-zag, dotted, and wavy line. Examples will be shown of these types of lines. Examples will include quilt patterns, drawings, and other cultural art examples. Students will be told that they are going to be working on a border of their own quilt piece that will be completed during their time at the Language Arts center and then placed on a classroom wall or bulletin board to create a classroom quilt.

Math: Talking about things perhaps passed down in each of their families. The quilt was passed down Anna’s family. Today we are going to be measuring a quilt I brought my son home in from the hospital. We need to think about what kind of tool we will use to measure the quilt. I will then show them several measuring tools (ruler, thermometer, clock, or bathroom scale) and ask which would be the best to measure the baby quilt I have brought. I will next ask which side of the baby quilt will have a higher measurement, asking for thumbs up for top and thumbs down for sides. Then we will discuss why the sides would have a higher measurement (for those who may have thumbed wrongly). We will then go to the station to measure for ourselves.

Monitoring to Check for Understanding:

Language Arts: Then I will give the rest of the class the chance to say what reminds them of that student. Then I will have a copy of the person outline and show how they will take some of these ideas and put it into one of the four sections.

Social Studies: As students reply and we discuss how their idea did or did not support the family, I will be able to know if more instruction is needed.

Art: Students will be asked to take out their white boards and will be asked to practice drawing each of the line types. After the student draws a line as instructed, the students will hold up their white boards for the teacher to check for understanding. (If this is set up in your classroom as a center, have the students write on their white boards and then have them self-check by using the display board. On the display board I would have the words “wavy line” on a note card. The students would lift the note card from the bottom to find an example of a wavy line.) Descriptions and examples of all types of the lines will be available on the display board. By using the whiteboards in the classrooms setting, I would be able to see if further instruction was needed.

Math: Asking students for thumbs up or down will allow me to evaluate the understanding of measurement in relation to the size of the object. I will be walking around the class checking to see that they are able to measure the tablecloth /quilt and check their figures.

Guided Practice:

Language Arts: The five students that have been picked to be in the writing center first will each get a piece of blank paper that they will divide into four sections. In each section they will create a web mapping for each of the other four students in their group. After completing this they will start making their person outline look like their self. Then each person in the group will fill out one of the sections in everyone’s person outline. The students are allowed to write and/or draw what reminds them of that student. Modifications for students with special needs will be made in the form of dictation, to the teacher or another student. When dictating they must identify where appropriate capitalization and punctuation belong.

Social Studies: At the social studies station you will find petals for our classroom flower. I want you to write and draw a picture of something you have done for another student in our class. (If students choose to draw, I would like a simple sentence describing what they have drawn.) Students with disabilities could dictate their sentence to another student. When everyone is done we will put them on the classroom bulletin board to see how we support each other. As students finish their petals we will put them on the bulletin board with the center of the flower. When the flower fills with petals, we will discuss how everyone contributes to make our class a better place and we all support one another.

Art: The students will begin creating their quilt block border. The students will be asked to use all three line forms (zig-zag, dotted, wavy) in their quilt block pattern. The students will be given the entire block. A line will be drawn to show the students how much border they will need to create. I would show a blank quilt border, a partially finished border, and a completed border to the students to help explain how they will use the three line forms to help create a quilt border. I will explain to the students how in my completed quilt border I used the same color as my wedding attendants’ gown; I used the color of my daughters’ eyes, etc. I will explain how I used colors and patterns of things that were important to me/my family. I would encourage the students to begin thinking about some of the things that are important to their family that they could incorporate into their quilt border. I will have partially completed quilt block for students with disabilities, other modifications will be made as necessary.

Math: Get into groups, draw the outline of the quilt, then select measurement tool and measure the quilt. Finally record the measurements on the worksheet. If there is time left students may color there diagram. Students with disabilities can dictate their findings to a teacher or fellow student.

Independent Practice:

Language Arts: In the students’ journals they will write four sentences about what reminds them of each student in their group. Each sentence needs to include proper capitalization and punctuation. Along with each sentence containing at least five words and it makes sense.

Social Studies: I want each of you to take your own petal worksheet home and write down something a family member does for you on each of the petals. You may color the petals when you are finished writing on them.

Art: I would ask the students to take their quilt border home for completion. While they are working on the border, I would ask them to share their border with their family and explain to them how each part of your border describes something about your family.

Math: Children will be instructed to go home and measure things in their homes. We will have a short discussion of what type of things they have they could measure. They will be asked to complete the attached worksheet and bring it back for class discussion tomorrow.


Language Arts: Each group will present person outlines to the class after the classroom quilt has been put together.

Social Studies: Tomorrow we will put each of your individual flowers around our classroom flower to see how our families support us.

Art: I will explain to the students that during the next class time, we will be sharing our quilt block border with the class. I will ask that they point out the three lines that are to be included in the border, and also to share some of the family heritage/cultural background that they included in their border. We will then glue our completed Language Arts project in the center of our block and display them on the wall or on our classroom bulletin board.

Math: Go over what we have learned and what we are going to discuss tomorrow. We will discuss the worksheet they had for homework and the correlation between the measurements of their beds.

Group Closing: Turn to your elbow buddy and talk about what you learned at your station and what you maybe looking forward to at another station. Be sure to pay attention to what your partner is saying because I will call on a few and ask what your partner said. Tomorrow we will be switching stations.

Keeping Quilt Assessment

Name_____________________ Date____________________

| |1(Redo) |2 |3 |4 |

|Language Arts |No sentences are present |Few sentences are present |All sentences are complete |All four sentences are |

|(Journal Writing) |without capitalization and |without capitalization and |with few capitalization and |complete with correct |

| |punctuation errors. |punctuation errors. |punctuation errors. |capitalization and |

| | | | |punctuation. |

|Language Arts |One or less web maps are |Two web maps are present. |Three web maps are present. |All four web maps are |

|( Web Mapping) |present. | | |present. |

|Language Arts |None of the Writing/Drawings|Some Writing/Drawings in |Most Writing/Drawings in |All Writing/Drawings in |

|(Person Outline) |in person outlines are |person outlines are |person outlines are |person outlines are |

| |appropriate, colorful, and |appropriate, colorful, and |appropriate, colorful, and |appropriate, colorful, and |

| |display kindness. |display kindness. |display kindness. |display kindness. |

|Social Studies |Petals have little to no |Petals have general examples|Petals have specific |Petals have specific |

| |discussion of family |of support from family |examples of support from |examples of support from |

| |members. |members. |family members. |family members with details.|

|Math |Measurements are made with |Measurements are made with |Measurements are made with |Measurements were made with |

| |inappropriate tools and are |appropriate tools, but are |appropriate tools and are |appropriate tools and are |

| |not accurate. |not accurate. |closely rounded to the |accurately rounded to the |

| | | |nearest inch. |nearest inch. |

|Art |The student does not |Student demonstrates the |The student demonstrates the|The student demonstrates the|

|(Design) |demonstrate the use of any |understanding of one of the |ability to complete two of |mastery of zigzag, dotted, |

| |of the tree line patterns |line patterns taught.  The |the three line patterns and |and wavy lines by using them|

| |taught.  None of the three |line pattern is used in the |have used two in their quilt|in their quilt border they |

| |are shown in the quilt |quilt border. |pattern. |have constructed.   |

| |border pattern. | | | |

|Art |The student's explanations |The student gives a fairly |The student gives a |The student gives a |

|(Attention to Theme) |are weak and illustrate |reasonable explanation of |reasonable explanation of |reasonable explanation of |

| |difficulty understanding how|how most items in the quilt |how most items in the quilt |how every item in the quilt |

| |to relate items to the |border are related to the |border are related to the |border is related to the |

| |assigned theme. |assigned theme. |assigned theme. For many of |assigned theme. For most |

| | | |the items, the relationship |items, the relationship is |

| | | |is clear without |clear without explanation. |

| | | |explanation. | |

|Quality of Work |All assignments are |Assignments are completed. |All assignments are neat and|All assignments are neat and|

| |incomplete. | |some are appropriately |colorful as appropriate. |

| | | |colorful. | |



Works Cited

(2009). Central Art: Aboriginal Art Store. Retrieved from

(1999). For the Cabin. Retrieved from

Polacco, P. (1988). The Keeping Quilt. New York: Simon and Schuster Books for Young Readers.

(2009). Missouri Department of Education. Retrieved from

(2009). Native American Shop. Retrieved from

(2007, June 26). Utah Education Network. Retrieved from

Quilt Measurements

Draw an outline of the quilt in the box.

Label the length of each side of the quilt.

| |

When you finish you may color your quilt.

Measurements at Home

My bed is inches long.

My is inches .

My is inches .


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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