Character Analysis Essay prompt 2013 - Staff Portal Camas ...

Name: __________________________

Character Analysis Essay

Goals: In this task, you are to demonstrate your ability to...

? construct analytical paragraphs that include strong topic sentences supported by well--selected

concrete detail evidence and developed with a thoughtful, analytical commentary. ? establish an engaging introduction that provides an objective overview of the text before

establishing a thesis statement the essay will go on to prove. ? compose a strong conclusion that reviews, makes connections, draws conclusions, and brings your

essay to a convincing close. ? follow the rules and conventions of standard American English and MLA formatting.

This is the first assignment that will go into your "Summative Assessments" category of grades, which is 50% of your overall class grade in English 9.

Task: Plan and write a multi--paragraph analytical essay in Google Drive. You may choose to analyze any

one of the following characters to answer the prompt below:

? Sanger Rainsford from Richard Connell's short story "The Most Dangerous Game"

? Fausto from Gary Soto's short story "The No--Guitar Blues"

? The Republican Sniper from Liam O'Flaherty's short story "The Sniper" ? CHALLENGE: Mathilde Loisel from Guy de Maupassant's short story "The Necklace"

Prompt: In your essay, make sure you somehow answer these questions about your chosen character:

? What are the most important character traits you infer about this individual?

? In what ways is this individual a dynamic character?


The reader of your essay is familiar with the story, but you must still demonstrate your comprehension

through wise use of synopsis and context.

Format: As you write, keep these things in mind...

? You must follow proper MLA formatting.

? You cannot use first person pronoun (I, me, my, mine) unless they are in a CD quote.

? You can only use second person pronouns (we, us, our, ours) when generalizing about theme.

? You should not use contractions (can't, won't, don't, shouldn't, she'll, they're)

? You are not to use abbreviations (etc., e.g., b/c)


Mon. 9/23

Tues. 9/24

Weds. 9/25

Thu. 9/26

Fri. 9/27

For HW: In Class:

Essay Overview Aligning your 3 TS

and CD pairs

Building Introductions

Late Start (5th Per.) Drawing Conclusions

Late Start (4th Per.)

Drawing Conclusions

6th Per.: Work Time

Final Essay Revisions and Self--Assessment.

Finished Essay shared in Google


Draft your three topic sentences; select the evidence you'll use

for each.

Complete at least one body paragraph

Complete your second body paragraph

Complete your entire essay

Study for Monday's Essay Parts and Literary Elements

Test (you will get a study guide)

Overall Planning:

Which character are you choosing? __________________________________

Quick Brainstorm: What inferences can you make about this character?

In what ways is this character dynamic?

TS #1

CD #1

TS #2

Name: __________________________

TS and CD Alignment Planning

A good TOPIC SENTENCE is the key to building a strong analysis. If you have a poor topic sentence, the entire paragraph will struggle to succeed. Good CONCRETE DETAIL evidence is necessary for analysis to happen in the commentary. If you have poorly chosen evidence, then you will not have anything to analyze in the rest of your paragraph.

In your TS above, underline or highlight the words that make this TS a judgment, interpretation, inference, or opinion (rather than just a statement of fact or summary). Think: are you showing insight?

Which part of the assignment prompt does this topic sentence address?

Why did you choose this CD to support your TS?

In your TS above, underline or highlight the words that make this TS a judgment, interpretation, inference, or opinion (rather than just a statement of fact or summary). Think: are you showing insight?

Which part of the assignment prompt does this topic sentence address?

Why did you choose this CD to support your TS?

In your TS above, underline or highlight the words that make this TS a judgment, interpretation, inference, or opinion (rather than just a statement of fact or summary). Think: are you showing insight?

Which part of the assignment prompt does this topic sentence address?

Why did you choose this CD to support your TS?

CD #2

TS #3

CD #3


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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