Individual Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan Format

Children’s Age/Grade: First Grade- Ages 6-7

Teacher’s Name: Mrs. Soik and Miss Fink Date: 10/5/15

Name of Lesson: Introducing short u

Learning Outcomes: What will students be able to do by the end of the lesson?

Students will learn the sound and spelling for short u.

Segment sounds in words with short u.

Content Standards: Describe the relevant content standards

L.1.2d Use conventional spelling for words with common spelling patterns and for frequently occurring irregular words.

RF.1.3g Recognize and read grade-appropriate irregularly spelled words.

Culture: If applicable, how is culture incorporated into the lesson?

Not Applicable

Materials & Resources: List materials needed including amounts (Attachments)

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Journeys- Unit 1 Teacher Edition Pages T388-T389


ELMO Projector

Sound/Spelling Card- u/umbrella

Exploratory Introduction: How will you introduce the lesson?

Teacher will guide students to listen for and blend the short u sound in words. Teacher will say the sounds in a word sound by sound, and then students will say the complete word. Students will then listen to the word, say the sounds, and then blend to say each word. Example: teacher will say tub, students will say /t/ /u/ /b/, tub; teacher will say nut, students will say /n/ /u/ /t/, nut. Teacher will continue the process with sun and bug. Teacher will then guide children to add a sound to a word. Students will be adding the /s/ or /z/ to the end of words to make new words. Teacher will say what sound should be added to the end of a specific word and students will say the new word. Teacher will add the /z/ sound to tub and bug and the /s/ sound to cup and cut.

Procedures: What will you do? How will you introduce the lesson? What will you do step by step? Numbered and explained in detail.

1. Teacher will introduce the high frequency words of the week- friend, full, good, hold, many, and pull. Teacher will go through the high frequency cards reading the example on the back of the card. Teacher will say the word and have students repeat the word. Teacher and students will spell each word and say the word as a whole again.

2. Teacher will have the u/umbrella card displayed. Teacher will model the word and sound on the card, having the students repeat the teacher. Example: umbrella, /u/. Your turn.

3. Teacher will then say the sound and give the spelling. Teacher will inform students that umbrella begins with the sound /u/. The letter u stands for the /u/ sound at the beginning, middle, or end of a word.

4. Teacher will have students go back to their desk. Teacher will have sound-by-sound blending routine on the smart board to model blending cup. Teacher will write the first letter having students listen to the first sound they hear- /k/. Students will repeat after the teacher the sounds. Teacher will then add the second letter- cu. Teacher will say the middle sound is /u/, then repeat saying sounds/k/ /u/ and have the students blend those sounds together. Teacher will add the final letter-cup. Teacher will say the ending sound /p/, having students repeat the sound after her. Teacher will then sweep their hand below the letters as students blend the whole word- /k/ /u/ /p/, cup.

5. Teacher will then have the following words on the board, which students will follow the same process mentioned above, completed as a class.

a. Gus mud bus jug tub

b. yak Kip pet van cup

c. jug web jig hut Bud

Who is in the mud hut?

My friend fed a dog in the tub.

6. Students will complete the short u listening worksheet. Teacher will read each box and student will listen for the short u and the students will circle the right picture and then write the missing letter.

Accommodations: How will you meet the needs of students with special needs?

Students in first row are seated there to help stay focused.

Adaptations: How might you change the lesson for students with different learning styles?

This lesson is presented orally and also through visuals on the interactive whiteboard.

Assessment: How will you know the students learned what you intended?

Informal assessment- Students will be participating on learning the new short vowel sound. Students will complete the short u listening worksheet independently.

Lesson Plan Format

Children’s Age/Grade: First Grade- Ages 6-7

Teacher’s Name: Mrs. Soik and Miss Fink Date: 10/6/15

Name of Lesson: Short u Decodable Reader

Learning Outcomes: What will students be able to do by the end of the lesson?

Read text with words with short u and high frequency words- friend, hold, pull.

Practice reading fluently and correct yourself as you read.

Content Standards: Describe the relevant content standards

RF.1.3b Decode regularly spelled one-syllable words.

RF.1.3g Recognize and read grade appropriate irregularly spelled words.

Culture: If applicable, how is culture incorporated into the lesson?

Not Applicable

Materials & Resources: List materials needed including amounts (Attachments)

Journeys Decodable Reader, Unit 1, pages 99-104, Fun in the Sun (15)

Online Decodable Reader


Smart Board

Highlighters (15)

Large Post-It Note


Halloween Witch Fingers for Tracking

Exploratory Introduction: How will you introduce the lesson?

Teacher will explain to children that many words in Fun in the Sun have the letter u, which can stand for the short u sound. Review the high frequency words, which children will also read in the story: friend, hold, pull. Teacher will have students preview pages 99-101 and predict what the story is about. Teacher will ask what activities they do when it is hot outside.

Procedures: What will you do? How will you introduce the lesson? What will you do step by step? Numbered and explained in detail.

1. Teacher will have children get their pointer/tracking finger out. Teacher will hand out the Halloween witch fingers to each student and explain the expectation. Children will track the words from left to right and when they come to the end of a line, they will sweep their hand down to the beginning of the next line and continue reading. Children will choral read aloud the whole passage. Teacher should make sure students are sounding out each word and reading it correctly. Teacher will model fluency and students will practice reading fluently.

2. Teacher will then help students retell the story. Teacher will ask: Who are the charterers in the story? What did they do? Why?

3. Teacher will then have students partner read the story. Teacher will partner the students up by having a struggling reader with an advanced reader. During partner reading the students take turns reading pages, while one student is reading the other student will be following along by pointing to each word that is being read. Students will help each other sound out words if one is struggling.

4. Once students have completed their partner reading, students will then independently highlight all of the short u words in their book. Teacher will go through each student’s book to make sure each short u word is highlighted. Teacher will clarify on the short u sound if student is confused.

5. Upon completion of highlighting their decodable reader, students will be called over to the circle area. Teacher will have a large post-it note on the board titled “Short u Words”. Students will chose a partner next to them for this activity.

6. Teacher will tell students to think of multiple short u words. Students will turn to their partner and whisper in their ear the short u word they thought of. Teacher will call on different groups to share their answers. For this activity student 1 will think of a short u word and tell student 2 (their partner), when teacher is asking for the different short u words, student 2 will tell their short u word to the teacher. In the next round, student 2 thinks of a word and whispers it to student 1. Student 1 will then share the short u word with the teacher. During this time, teacher will be writing on the post-it all of the short u words that the students have thought of.

7. Once the students have created a list with multiple different short u words, as whole students will read each word posted. After each word is read, teacher or student will underline the u within that word.

8. The poster will be posted in the room through the remainder of the short and long vowel units.

Accommodations: How will you meet the needs of students with special needs?

Struggling readers will be paired with advanced readers, seeking assistance if needed.

Teacher will make sure students in the first row are staying on task and completing what is expected of them.

Adaptations: How might you change the lesson for students with different learning styles?

Students can have the choice to highlight or underline the short u words within the book if need be.

Assessment: How will you know the students learned what you intended?

Informal assessment- Teacher will make sure all students are using their tracking finger and reading aloud during choral reading. Teacher will check to see if all students are participating in the partner/group work on thinking of different short u words to make a class list.

Formal assessment- Teacher will make sure all students have highlighted the short u words within their decodable reader.

Lesson Plan Format

Children’s Age/Grade: First Grade- Ages 6-7

Teacher’s Name: Mrs. Soik and Miss Fink Date: 10/7/15

Name of Lesson: Write-In Readers

Learning Outcomes: What will students be able to do by the end of the lesson?

Segment words into phonemes.

Read words with short u.

Read high frequency words in context.

Review decodable story to build fluency and comprehension.

Content Standards: Describe the relevant content standards

RL.1.1 Ask and answer questions about key details in a text.

RF.1.2b Orally produce single-syllable words by blending sounds, including consonant phonemes.

RF.1.3b Decode regularly spelled one syllable words.

RF.1.4a Read on level text with purpose and understanding.

Culture: If applicable, how is culture incorporated into the lesson?

Not Applicable

Materials & Resources: List materials needed including amounts (Attachments)

Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Journeys Teacher Manual S42-S51

Paper/whiteboard and writing utensil

Write-In Readers Pages 42-51

Exploratory Introduction: How will you introduce the lesson?

Teacher will ask children if they have ever been to, or seen pictures of, a zoo. Teacher will explain that there are different kinds of zoos- petting zoo and city zoos. Students will give different examples that they might see at a petting zoo versus a city zoo. Teacher will make a Venn diagram to show the different animals and if any could be at both zoos. Teacher will ask why certain animals are not at a petting zoo.

Procedures: What will you do? How will you introduce the lesson? What will you do step by step? Numbered and explained in detail.

1. Teacher will introduce At the Zoo, pages 42-43 of the Write-In Reader. Read the heading and have children look at the photographs and guess what these pages are about.

2. Discuss each photograph, asking, what are some different kinds of places where animals live? Read each sentence aloud with children as they point to each word. Ask what the highlighted word in each sentence means. Teacher manual has suggested definitions on page S43.

3. Students will then write each targeted word. Students will reread each sentence then have them choral read the words in the Words to know box with you.

4. Students will choral read the words in the word box on page 44.

5. Teacher will have students look at the pictures in the first row, having them point to each picture as teacher reads it. Children will then say the name of the objects together. Follow the same procedure for the second row.

6. Students will work on their own, writing the correct t word below each object. Teacher will check student’s work.

7. Students will then choral read the story for accuracy. If students mispronounce or hesitate over a word, stop the reading and have the students sound out the words. Have all children repeat the word and then continue reading from the beginning of the sentence.

8. Teacher will then read each question and the answer choices with the students. Teacher can model how to look back at the story to find the answer if students are struggling with a question.

Accommodations: How will you meet the needs of students with special needs?

Teacher will model how to self-correct and show that it helps one learn and remember new words. Teacher will also model how to look back at the story to find answers. If children have written the incorrect word, determine whether the misunderstanding results from being unable to name the pictured objects or from being unable to read the words.

Adaptations: How might you change the lesson for students with different learning styles?

Students who have a hard time finishing these tasks will be given extra time to finish, with more time there will also be more time that the student is working solely with the teacher. Teacher will also group students by reading ability.

Assessment: How will you know the students learned what you intended?

After students have read the story the students will be assessed on the comprehension questions on page 51. The teacher will also assess the students reading ability by listening to the students read the story.


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