Complex Number Manipulations on the TI-30X

Complex Number Manipulations on the TI-30X

Dania Shaban. 10/15/2010

The TI-30X does not have sophisticated complex number manipulation features, but it can convert between polar and rectangular forms.


Rectangular to Polar and Polar to Rectangular conversions

- First you select the 2nd button then the R P as shown bellow

[pic] [pic]

- Once you are prompted to the screen you have four options to choose from

1. R > Pr which is the number in the polar form

2. R > Pө which is the angle in polar form

3. P > Rx which is the real number in rectangular form

4. P > Ry which is the j number

- After you select the option you wish (navigate by moving with the left and right arrows), this should come up to your screen

If the first option was selected: R>Pr (you enter the real number, the j number). And so on for all four options

For example if we want to convert 5 /11⁰ from polar to rectangular.

1. We first press 2nd, then the RP.

2. Then we would chose P >Rx, then we enter: P>Rx (5, 11) and gives you an answer of 4.908.

3. Then we repeat the first three steps only we select P>Ry

4. We then enter: P>Ry (5, 11) which gives you answer of .954.

5. So the answer is 4.908 + j.954

Let us try another example, this time lets convert to polar form. If 18 + j22 were given, the steps are as follow

1. 2nd R P

2. Select R> Pr when prompted enter the numbers P>Pr(18,22) which equals 28.425

3. Then repeat step one and two only this time select R > Pө

4. Once prompted enter the numbers R > Pө (18,22) which equals 50.71

5. Therefore the answer is 28.43/50.71⁰



The buttons needed are circled in yellow on the left.


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