PDF Complex regional pain syndrome in adults .uk

Complex regional pain syndrome in adults

UK guidelines for diagnosis, referral and management in primary and secondary care

Complex regional pain These guidelines concern the diagnosis and management of patients with complex

regional pain syndrome (CRPS). They provide recommendations for diagnosis, treatment

syndrome in adults and referral in a variety of clinical settings (GP practice, orthopaedic practice, rheumatology,

neurology and neurosurgery, dermatology, pain medicine, rehabilitation medicine and

long-term care). TUhKeirgpuuirdpeolsieneisstofoprrodviadegncoohseisre,nrtegfeuridranl caenfdor professionals working in the di erent heamlthasnpaecgiaelmtiees nwthoincaprreimforatrhyesaenpdatsieenctos.nTdheargyuicdaelrienes include an

introduction for all interested parties, and sections which are specialty-speci c.

Developed by a panel of experts with support from, and representation by the Royal College of General Practitioners, the Royal College of Physicians, the College of Occupational Therapists, the British Association

Clinicians will nodf Dreermlaetovloaginstst, thienBfriotisrhmHeaaltthiPorofnessiionnarlseinaRhdeuimnagtolobgyo, tthhe BrtithisheOrithnoptareodidc Aussocctiaitoionn, and respective speci c sections. Recommendations are generally based on panel consensus and expert the British Pain Society, the British Psychological Society, the British Society for Rehabilitation Medicine,

the British Society for Rheumatology, the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, the Physiotherapy Pain

opinion; gradingAisssocniatoiont, tpherSoocvieitdy oef Bdrit.isGh Nreaurdoloignicagl Suorgfeornes,canodmthemPaineRnelidef aFotuinodantiosn. using the typology developed for thWeitNh aaddtitiioonanl sauplpSoret frrovmitcheeRoFyarlaComllegee wof Roadrikologfiostsr, tlhoe Snocgiet-ytoef Crhmiropcodoistns adnditPoiodiantrisstsi, s given there.

The Association of Orthopaedic Practitioners, the British Association of Hand Therapists, the British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons and the Association of British Neurologists.

These guidelines are available from the RCP website: rcplondon.ac.uk/crps

Endorsed by :

Endorsed by

Also endorsed by the British Society of Rheumatologists and British Health Professionals in Rheumatology

Also endorsed by the British Society of Rheumatologists and British Health Professionals in Rheumatology

April 2012

Pain Relief Foundation


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