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|Customer Care Team |

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|Comments, Compliments and Complaints Report |

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|April 2004 – March 2005 |

|Blackpool will be a Vibrant, Inclusive, | |

|Healthy, Safe and Prosperous Town | |

Document Information

|Issue Date |March 2005 |

|Version/Issue Number |1.0 |

|Effective From Date |April 2005 |

|Document Status |Final |

|Scope of Document |Report and analysis of Customer feedback in the form of |

| |Compliments, comments and complaints received from April 2004 to |

| |March 2005 |

|Objective |To report on the nature of the customer feedback received by |

| |Housing and Social Services in 2004- 5, and recommend actions |

| |required to act of customer feedback. |

| |Approved by/ |DMT April 2005 |

| |Unapproved & Date | |

|Document Sponsor |Name |Jean Hedley |

| |Job Title |Assistant Director |

| |Division | |

|Author |Name |Kate Aldridge |

| |Job Title |Customer & Quality Assurance |

| | |Manager |

| |Contact Tel: |651950 |


1. Document Information 2

2. Introduction 3

3. Scope 4

4. How we collect and report feedback 4

5. Comments about Social Services. 5

6. Compliments about Social Services. 6

7. Complaints 7

7.1. Complaints Overview. 8

8. Complaints Figures 9

8.1. Stage 1 Figures. 9

8.2. Complaints by Team 10

8.2.1. Older Persons and Physical Disabilities 10

8.2.2. Mental Health and Learning Disabilities 10

8.2.3. Other Departments 10

8.2.4. Landlord Services 10

8.2.5. Housing Business Support 11

8.2.6. Children’s Services 11

8.3. How adult customers have complained. 11

8.4. Response Times 11

8.5. Stage Two and Three Figures 12

9. Persistent Complainants. 12

10. Summary 12

11. Next Steps 13

12. Appendix A 15


The National Health Service and Community Care Act 1990 requires all Local Authorities to establish a representations and complaints procedure.

In line with the core values of the Department, the aim of the Compliments, Comments and Complaints procedures is to enable service users to give feedback about the services offered by the department with the objectives of protecting vulnerable people and enabling service users to participate in the improvement and development of services that are delivered to them.


This document is designed to report and analyse the Customer Feedback, positive, negative and neutral, reported to Housing and Social Services in the financial year 2004/5.

It includes comparative information on feedback received for Children’s Services, now part of the Education and Children’s Services Department.

This report does not include Corporate Complaints.

Persistent complainants are covered in section 9, and their complaints are not reflected in the figures given in sections 7 and 8.

How we collect and report feedback

The Customer Care Team leaflet “Compliments, Comments and Complaints” gives our customers information on how to give feedback to the Department. The leaflet is available in six languages, including English, and is printed in large print for partially sighted customers and available on tape. Specific versions have been designed to explain the feedback process to Children in Care and to Adults with learning disabilities. These are issued to customers during out of office contact, such as reviews, are issued with care plans for people with disabilities and Older People and are available in all our customer facing offices, including customer first.

The Comments, Compliments and Complaints leaflet contains a pull out A4 sheet with return address prompting customers to offer feedback on the service they have received from the Department. We also receive letters from Customers, completed Corporate complaint leaflets and letters from MP’s.

The Department does not require customers to offer feedback in writing. Verbal feedback is recorded and treated in the same manner as written feedback. When a complaint is received from a customer verbally, the Department will confirm the detail of the complaint in writing to the customer, to ensure there has not been a mis understanding and that all areas of the complaint have been accurately recorded.

The Customer Care Team attend events, like the recent Senior Voice Conference (11th March 2004) to promote the feedback process to customers directly.

The Customer Care Team work with the Primary Care Trust to manage joint feedback, and to ensure that feedback received by the Primary care Trust which impacts on Social Services is shared, and visa versa.

Information and guidance on the feedback process is available to all departmental staff to support them in answering any questions customers may ask, and training in the feedback process is available for staff on a regular basis.

The Department has a Customer Care Forum, created and facilitated by the Customer Care Team, which brings together staff from across the different Service Areas to discuss the feedback process, identify and tackle issues and share good practice.

The Customer Care Team are responsible for the logging of all customer feedback, and for the tracking and resolution of Complaints. The team are also responsible for maintaining an effective and proactive procedure to support this process. The Compliments, Comments and Complaints Policy and Procedure was revised to cover Landlord Services, Housing Business Support and Adult Social Care in February 2005. It will be revised again in February 2006, or when there is an impacting change in legislation or organisation.

Comments about Social Services.

A comment shall mean:

“A request for change, which the customer defines as a comment, however communicated, about the service provided by or on behalf of the Housing and Social Services Department (including the actions of its staff)”

All comments received by Service Areas from Customers that are not requests for a change covered by existing procedures are forwarded to the Customer Care Team.

The Customer Care Team –

• Acknowledge the comment by sending a letter to the Customer, unless the comment is anonymous.

• Send a copy of the comment to the relevant team (s)/ department (s) for consideration.

• Record the comment for reporting purposes

• Record any action taken as a result of the comment.

• Respond to the Customer if they enquire about the progress of their comment.

• Ensure any new “good practice” which is adopted as a result of a comment is cascade to all relevant teams and notify Departmental Management as appropriate.

Last year, a total of 11 comments were received by the Department. It is not recorded how many, if any, were directed at Children’s Services.

This year, the Customer Care Team have received and processed 26 comments, none of which were for Children’s Services.

|Team |Number of Comments |

|Adult Service |3 |

|Day Care |1 |

|Housing Business Support |12 |

|Contracts |1 |

|EASIT |4 |

|Older Persons |3 |

|BIFAIS |1 |

|Reviews |1 |

|Total |26 |

Comments recieved this year have been similar in theme, asking the Department and it’s Service Areas for further help and support, particularly in busy teams, like reception at South King St (Housing Business Support). Each team in receipt of a comment has been asked to ensure that these customer views are taken into consideration in the provision and quality of services.

Compliments about Social Services.

A compliment shall mean:

“An expression of satisfaction, which the Customer or their representative defines as a compliment, however communicated, about the service provided by or on behalf of the Housing and Social Services Department (including the actions of its staff)”

All written and verbal compliments from Customers are forwarded to the Customer Care Team.

The Customer Care Team –

• Acknowledge the compliment by sending a letter to the Customer, unless the compliment is anonymous.

• Send a memo about the compliment to the member of staff and their manager, or, where the compliment is not specific, the team manager.

• Record the compliment for reporting purposes

• Record any action taken as a result of the compliment.

• Ensure any new “good practice” which is adopted as a result of a compliment is cascade to all relevant teams and notify Departmental Management as appropriate.

Last year, a total of 221 compliments were processed by the Customer Care Team, two of which were for Children’s Services. This year, a record 885 compliments have been recorded, three of which were for Children’s Services.


As the chart illustrates, Adult compliments recorded this year are four times those recorded in 2003-4. This is because Monthly Customer Care Reports to team managers have raised the profile of the feedback process, and teams have informed the Customer Care team of Compliments which in the past, would not have been recorded. Staff and Managers alike are now aware of the process for notifying compliments to the customer team.

Teams receiving a high volume of compliments include Care and Repair, Equipment Adaptations and Sensory Impairment Team, Older Persons Team and our in-house Home Care team. A full breakdown of the compliments received can be found at Appendix A.


A complaint shall mean:

“An expression of dissatisfaction, which the Customer or their representative defines as a complaint, however communicated, about the service provided by or on behalf of the Housing and Social Services Department (including the actions of its staff, or their failure to act, or their delay in taking action).“

The Customer Care Team manage customer complaints on behalf of teams across Housing and Social Services. Adult Social Care complaints are governed by legislation, which dictates timescales for responses and the processes that need to be followed. Adult Social Services complaints should be responded to within 10 working days of receipt. As good practice, the Customer Care Team apply the same timescales to Landlord Services and Housing Business Support complaints, and MP enquires.

Complaints can be about –

o A service, or number of services provided by or on behalf of the Department, and

o Staff working for, or acting on behalf of, the Department.

Where a complaint is made which does not fall within the remit of the Customer Care Department, they direct the customer to address their concerns to a more appropriate source.

The Complaints process is made up of stages. Stage One complaints are “informal”. They can be received verbally or in writing, and on receipt will be forwarded to a manager at the appropriate level to provide a response. The Customer Care Team administer this process, and provide assistance to managers where requested. Stage One complaints, and MP enquires, should be responded to within 10 working days. Where this is not possible, the customer will be sent a holding letter explaining why there will be a delay.

If the Customer is not satisfied with the response they receive to their complaint at Stage One, or their complaint is serious in nature (I.e. alleges serious misconduct or misadministration) the complaint will be dealt with at Stage Two, the formal stage. How Stage Two is administered depends on the nature of the complaint. If the complaint is a non - statutory complaint, about a service provided by Landlord Services or Housing Business Support, the Stage Two process mirrors the Corporate Complaints Process. The complaint will be sent to a senior manager or Assistant Director who will re-investigate the complaint and provide a response to the Customer.

If the complaint is a statutory complaint, an Adult Social Care complaint governed by legislation, an investigator will be assigned to review the complaint. The Customer Care Team employ an internal investigator to undertake Adult Stage Two complaints, but where specific expert knowledge or experience is required, or where it is requested by the customer, an external investigator will be employed. An External Investigator, and Independent Person, must always be used for Children’s complaints. The Investigator provides the Department and the Customer with a report, exploring in full the nature of the complaint, whether it is upheld, and making recommendations to the Department on how the matter can be settled. This report should be completed in no more than 84 days from receipt. The Department then responds to the Customer explaining what will be done to carry out the Investigators recommendations.

If the customer is dissatisfied with the Stage Two investigation of a non statutory complaint, carried out by a senior manager or Assistant Director, they can approach the Local Government Ombudsman.

If the Customer is dissatisfied with the Stage Two investigation of a statutory complaint about adult social care, the customer can approach the Local Government Ombudsman or request a Stage Three Panel. A Panel can be arranged for the customer with 28 days of their request, consisting of an Independent Chair (not employed by Blackpool Council) and two Councillors. The Panel will consider the effectiveness of the Stage Two Investigation, and make any necessary recommendations to the Department. The Department will address a response to the Customer explaining what actions will be taken on these recommendations.

If the Customer is not satisfied with the result of the Panel of the Departments response, they can contact the Local Government Ombudsman.

The Customer Care Team will provide the Local Government Ombudsman with all relevant information about the complaint, and support the customer through the process if required.

1 Complaints Overview.

Last year, the Customer Care Team reported 121 complaints in total. Of these, 72 were from adults and 49 from or on behalf of, children.

In the year 2004/5, the Customer Care Team has processed 173 Stage One Social Care complaints. 129 for Adults Services, and 44 for Children’s Services. In addition, the team have processed 13 Housing Business Support complaints and 119 Landlord Services complaints.


As the table illustrates, Adult complaints have risen by 44% this year. Children’s complaints received have fallen by 11%.

In addition to these figures, approximately 70 customers have contacted Customer First and the Customer Care Team to express their frustration at being unable to get through on the telephone to the Blackpool Integrated Frontline Assessment Team. These customers did not want their concerns to be treated as complaints.

Action has been taken to mitigate the known problem of call volumes, including a missive to all staff who have been instructed not to “hand-off” vulnerable customers who come through on different numbers, and alternative contact routes have been offered to GP surgeries and agencies such as Age Concern. This continues to be a monitored issue.

Complaints Figures

1 Stage One Figures.

Last year, 60 % of the total complaints received were from adults. This year, they represent 74%.

90% of the complaints received by Adult Services have been about the provision of service and only 10% about the perceived attitude or behaviour of staff.

54% of the complaints received by Children’s Services have been about the provision of service, and 46% about the perceived attitude or behaviour of staff.

100% of Landlord Services and 77% of Housing Business Support complaints were about services rather than staff.

97% of Adult and Children’s complaints have been resolved at Stage One. Of the nine complainants unhappy following the initial response, three were satisfied following mitigation facilitated by the Customer Care Investigator, without the need for a full investigation.

2 Complaints by Team

1 Older Persons and Physical Disabilities

|Team |Number of |Timescales Met |Resolved at Stage One |

| |Complaints | | |

|Older Persons |28 |18 |26 |

|Front Line (BFIAS) |6 |5 |5 |

|Physical Disabilities |2 |1 |1 |

|EASIT |35 |33 |35 |

|Care and Repair |1 |1 |1 |

|Misc |5 |5 |5 |

|Total |77 |63 |73 |

2 Mental Health and Learning Disabilities

|Team |Number of Complaints|Timescales Met |Resolved at Stage One |

|Learning Disabilities |11 |10 |11 |

|Mental Health |10 |9 |9 |

|Total |21 |19 |20 |

3 Other Departments

|Team |Number of Complaints|Timescales Met |Resolved at Stage One |

|Social Care Benefit Team |11 |9 |10 |

|Fairer Charging |6 |6 |5 |

|Contractors |10 |9 |10 |

|Total |27 |24 |25 |

4 Landlord Services

|Team |Number of Complaints |Timescales Met |Resolved at Stage One |

|Applications |36 |36 |36 |

|Maintenance/ Repairs |41 |40 |41 |

|Estate Offices |36 |35 |36 |

|Neighbours |3 |3 |3 |

|Emergency Housing |3 |3 |3 |

|Total |119 |117 |119 |

5 Housing Business Support

|Team |Number of Complaints |Timescales Met |Resolved at Stage One |

|Housing Advice |7 |7 |7 |

|Housing Needs |5 |4 |5 |

|Supporting People |5 |4 |5 |

|Total |17 |15 |17 |

6 Children’s Services

|Team |Number of Complaints |Timescales Met |Resolved at Stage One |

|SWAT |16 |9 |15 |

|Childcare Reception |18 |12 |17 |

|Contractors |4 |2 |4 |

|Children with Disabilities |4 |3 |4 |

|Permanence |2 |2 |2 |

|Total |44 |28 |42 |

3 How adult customers have complained.

Of the 305 complaints received in total this year, 34% have come via the customers MP. This means 66% of customers and their representatives have felt confident enough to complain directly to us, and have found the process accessible.

4 Response Times

All Stage One complaints should be responded to within 10 days. Last year, 46% of complaints were responded to within timescales. This year, 86% of complaints have been responded to within timescales.

[pic]This increase has been influenced by providing support to Managers in drafting responses, ensuring complaints are directed to the appropriate team for response and by tracking responses and providing reminders where required.

5 Stage Two and Three Figures

Last year, 10 complaints were escalated to, or initiated at, Stage 2 of the complaints process. Seven of these were Adult complaints. Two Stage Three panels were held, one of which was an adult complaint.

This year the Customer Care Team have been asked to conduct nine Stage Two investigations. Two of which were for Children’s Services.

The Customer Care Investigator was able to negotiate a resolution to 43% of Adult Stage Two requests without the need for a full investigation.

The Customer Care Team, working Democratic Services, facilitated three Stage Three Panels. One of these for Children’s Services, and two for Adult Services.

Persistent Complainants.

The Customer Care Team are required to respond to all reasonable complaints within the defined timescales. Some customers have a number of perceived issues with the department, and have entered into a lengthy discourse with the department which is managed through the Customer Care Team.

All of these customers are adult service users, or are acting on behalf of adult service users. We are currently managing four customers who fall into this category.

These customers regularly contact the team by letter, telephone or via their MP. Their complaints are not included in the figures within this document, as they would colour any conclusions that can be drawn.

This is not to say that their complaints are not legitimate, or that there are not lessons to be learned. However, they cannot be accurately reflected in these statistics without distorting the overall picture.


The picture given by this report is positive. Although Adult Services have received a higher volume of complaints this year than last, 97% of complaints have been resolved at Stage One, or the Informal Stage. This, coupled with the increase in compliments, implies that rather than an increase in dissatisfaction with Services, customers are finding it easier to raise issues with the Department and these are being recorded effectively.

Complaints about staff attitude and behaviour stand at just 10% of the total adult complaints.

The number of compliments received this year has far exceeded any previously recorded figures, with an increase on 2003/4 figures of 400%.

Children’s Services complaints have remained steady when compared to last year’s figures. All Stage 1 complaints from children are immediately referred to the Children’s Advocacy Service. This ensures any complaints are tackled quickly and effectively, and reduces the burden on the Customer Care Team, as they are not required to answer queries or give advice.

Next Steps

The Customer Care Team has the following key activities/ events planned for 2005/6 to build on the positive aspects of this report and to combat some of the issues.

• The Customer Care Team will provide training for staff in managing Complaints. This training will be built on to include toolkits for staff to manage conflict with customers effectively. Where specific issues are identified and upheld within teams, the Customer Care Team will work with Managers to identify ways forward, including the enhancement of training plans as appropriate, or the delivery of specific in-house training for teams.

o Objectives -

▪ To further reduce numbers of complaints regarding staff attitude and behaviour;

▪ To support an increase of knowledge across the Department of the Comments, Compliments and Complaints Process;

▪ To tailor solutions for teams and individuals to enhance their performance.

▪ To build on the increase in customer feedback.

▪ To increase the visibility of the Customer Care Team and make them accessible to staff and customers alike.

• To provide managers and staff with more knowledge and support in dealing with and encouraging feedback from customers, the Customer Care Team have produced “easy access” booklets for staff and managers, which summarise information contained in procedural documents and give positive advice.

o Objectives -

▪ To support an increase of knowledge across the Department of the Comments, Compliments and Complaints Process;

▪ To build on the increase in customer feedback.

▪ To increase the visibility of the Customer Care Team and make them accessible to staff and customers alike.

• The Customer Care Team will continue to host bi-monthly Customer Care Forums.

o Objectives –

▪ To support the promotion of good practice across the Department

▪ To raise awareness of Customer Care issues across the Department

▪ To ensure staff have a voice in the creation and maintenance of excellence in Customer Care.

• The Customer Care Team will organise an awards scheme to celebrate and reward excellent customer service in the Department.

o Objectives –

▪ To promote excellence in Customer Service

▪ To promote team working

▪ To reward staff for their contribution to the Department.

• The Customer Care Team will continue to raise customer awareness of the feedback process using publicity and organised events.

o Objectives –

▪ To ensure all customers have the opportunity to offer feedback to the Department, and have an awareness of how to present this feedback.

Appendix A

Compliments by Team





ARC 35





































SWAT 2 2








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