Compliment Letter - BibbASTEC

Compliment Letter

Write a letter complimenting a business or company for its outstanding services or products. Be specific about what you like, and give details on your positive experience with the company. We will be mailing these to the companies!

This must be a business or company that has a mailing address you can easily locate. Huge corporations may not be a good idea as they sometimes will not accept this type of mail. Think smalltomediumsized businesses.

In this scenario you will use the Business Letter format as it is more professional and you are more likely to get a response. You can use the "Formal Letter" template in Word if you like. They've already done the formatting work for you!

You must include all information called for in the Formal Letter template. If you can not find a specific person to address the letter to, use an appropriate substitute, i.e. "To whom it may concern." (You may also omit Job Title if you can not find that information.)

You must have an intro paragraph that explains your purpose for writing.

In your second paragraph, tell the company a little about yourself as well as what you like about their company. Like it says above, give details on your positive experience with the company.

In your concluding paragraph, summarize your earlier statements. Provide any additional contact information, and thank the recipient for his or her time.

Leave space between your closing and your name for an ink signature. (See below for example)

When complete, save the Word document as "your name compliment letter" and submit to Edmodo.

I will grade these based on all required info, correct formatting, and quality of content. This is worth 20 points and is due by the end of class March 1.


[Leave space here]

Mr. Bibb


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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