Digestion Project

Name: ______________________________________ Class: ___________

Bio9: The Creative Portrayal of the Digestive Journey

(62 Points – This will count as a Test Grade)

The Project: Follow the journey of some food through the digestive system from the perspective of the food.

▪ Choose a food that contains the following organic compounds: carbohydrates, protein, and lipids.

▪ Trace the path of that food as all of its components are digested.

You will portray this journey in ONE of TWO ways (you choose ONE):

Creative Writing: Write a creative story from the perspective of the food. Describe your journey through the digestive system. Your story must be typed.

Illustrated Storybook: Combine the above option with some illustrations to trace the path of the food through the digestive system. You might want to describe each major component of the digestive system on a different page (Hint: a great way to do this would be to create the story in PowerPoint, so that each slide is a page). Your storybook can either be neatly handwritten and hand-drawn, or can be done with PowerPoint, or a combination of handwritten and computer.

Your project should illustrate the following big ideas:

▪ The relationship between structure and function in the human digestive system

▪ The process of breaking down food into small, building block molecules

▪ The importance of enzymes in metabolism

Use the rubric on the next page as a guide to the specific information that your project should include. Remember to use all your resources, including Ms. Dickson and Mr. Moretti’s office hours, the Writing Center, and your classroom resources. Complete the self assessment as you work through the rubric to be certain you have all of the necessary components.

|Assessment Rubric |

| |Point |Total Points |Student Assessment |Earned Points |

|Sections |Breakdown | | | |

|Choose foods that contains carbohydrates, proteins, lipids Identify the sources | | | | |

|of each carbon compound (above) in the food you choose | | | | |

| | |9 | | |

|Carbohydrates |3 | | | |

|Proteins |3 | | | |

|Lipids |3 | | | |

|For each organ, describe how the important structures of each organ is linked to| |16 | | |

|its major function. | | | | |

|Mouth |3 | | | |

|Esophagus |2 | | | |

|Stomach |3 | | | |

|Small Intestine |4 | | | |

|Large Intestine |3 | | | |

|Rectum/ Anus |1 | | | |

|Identify what happens to each organic compound at each component of the | |20 | | |

|digestive system. Include: | | | | |

|The enzymes that break down the carbon compounds. | | | | |

|The substrates and products of each reaction | | | | |

|What happens to the products at each organ? | | | | |

|Mouth (1 enzyme) |3 | | | |

|Esophagus (no enzyme) |1 | | | |

|Stomach (at least 1 enzyme) |5 | | | |

|Small Intestine (at least 3 enzymes) |9 | | | |

|Large Intestine (no enzymes) |2 | | | |

|Rectum/ Anus (no enzymes) |1 | | | |

|Identify how the pancreas and liver are involved in digestion. What do they | |8 | | |

|produce? How are these things used by other organs in the digestive system? | | | | |

|Pancreas |4 | | | |

|Liver |4 | | | |

|Overall quality, creativity, and integration of content | |9 | | |

|Overall quality and presentation |2 | | | |

|Creativity |2 | | | |

|Integration of content details |2 | | | |

|Spelling and grammar |2 | | | |

|Completion of self assessment |1 | | | |

|========Total======= |62 | | |

|Teacher Comments: |

Step 1: Choose a food/ meal that contains carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids.

Your food/ meal: __________________________________________________________________

Its sources of:

1. Carbohydrates ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Proteins


3. Lipids ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Major functions of extra organs involved in digestion: What do they do and how do they support the other digestive organs?

▪ Liver:

o What does it produce and what is this used for? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

o How does it directly support other digestive organs?


▪ Pancreas:

o What does it produce and what are these used for? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

o How does it directly support other digestive organs?


Step 3: Decide which form your project will take – Creative Writing or Illustrated Storybook?

Step 4: As you work, be sure to check the rubric to be sure you’re including all the requirements! Remember, Ms. Dickson and Mr. Moretti are available during office hours for additional help with this assignment.

Step 5: Have fun and do Great Work!!!



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