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1.05 Analyzing Components of Culture

Complete Parts 1-4 below. Submit your completed work to 1.05 Analyzing Components of Culture Dropbox.

Part 1 directions: Identify each item in the chart below as an example of material or symbolic (non-material) culture by placing an “X” in the corresponding box.

|Material or Symbolic Culture? |Material |Symbolic |

|Your school building |      |      |

|Religious beliefs |      |      |

|A hamburger |      |      |

|A cross |      |      |

|Knowing the President’s name |      |      |

|A history textbook |      |      |

|Listening to music |      |      |

|A baseball glove |      |      |

|Your favorite shirt |      |      |

|Spoken language |      |      |

Part 2 directions: Identify each item in the chart below as an example of a folkway, a more or a taboo in American society by placing an “X” in the corresponding box.

|Folkway, More or Taboo? |Folkway |More |Taboo |

|Eating with chopsticks |      |      |      |

|Public nudity |      |      |      |

|Speeding in a car |      |      |      |

|Incest |      |      |      |

|Wearing shoes in a grocery store |      |      |      |

|Shaking hands as a greeting |      |      |      |

|Driving on the right side of the road |      |      |      |

|Cannibalism |      |      |      |

|Vandalism |      |      |      |

|Using foul language in public |      |      |      |

Part 3 directions: Identify each item in the chart below as an example of an informal sanction or a formal sanction by placing an “X” in the corresponding box.

|Informal or formal sanction? |Informal |Formal |

|Verbal praise |      |      |

|Pat on the back |      |      |

|Speeding ticket |      |      |

|Glaring |      |      |

|Written commendation |      |      |

|Winning an Oscar |      |      |

|A “high five” |      |      |

|Detention slip |      |      |

|Gossip |      |      |

|Avoidance/shunning |      |      |

Part 4 directions: Write a 1-paragraph short story using EXAMPLES of the terms in each chart above.

Your story should include: material or symbolic aspect of culture; a folkway, more or taboo; and a formal or informal sanction

Note the following style changes: Change the font color for your example of material or symbolic culture to red. Change the font color for your example of a folkway, more or taboo to blue. Change the font color for your example of informal or formal sanction to green.



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