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Types of Emerging Health Care Information SystemsInstructionsReview?this week's reading assignments and conduct additional outside research on information systems used in the health care industry. Based on your research, evaluate the information systems for a health care organization you currently work at or an organization with which you are familiar. Then, in the table below, identify the information systems used, the scope of each system, each system’s components and uses, and how each system supports the health care organization’s strategies.In the References section following the table, cite at least 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references, in addition to any assigned readings you used to complete this assignment. Format your citations according to APA guidelines.Health Care Information Systems TableSystem NameDescribe the scope of the system using 45 to 60 words.Describe the components and use of the system using 45 to 60 words.Explain how the system supports organizational strategies using 45 to 60 words.References ................

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