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Q & AMaribelTinaNathanBrandiWhat are the major issues with existing HMIS? Discuss why system interoperability is becoming a major concern for HMIS.The following are major issues with existing HMIS:1. Database (DB) system interoperability2. Language interoperability3. System platform interoperability4. Semantic interoperabilityStay tuned til when?...?Will you be able to make it happen??Interoperability is becoming a major concern for HMIS because mainly due to the inability for different software/programs are not able to "share and process information irrespective of their implementation language and platform" (Tang, 2010 pg 148). With so many different software and programs available for hospital to utilize to upkeep EMR it is very difficult for one entity (government) to collect and put all the files/records in unison. As per the 4 major issues: 1. Patient records are kept in data bases thus it is difficult to access the database without the permissions. 2. Many of the HMIS were developed using different program languages. 3. Different HMIS utilizes different system platform to operate their programs and lastly within the software/programs, same terminologies can be inferred differently (Tang, 2010 pg 149). Discuss main components or protocols of Web services. Discuss how Web services could be fitted into or applied to HMIS.Main components and protocols of Web services are as follows:1. XML (eXtensible Markup Language)2. SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol)Two assistant technologies:1. WSDL (Web Services Description Language)2. UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration)Web services could be applied to HMIS where massive health data can be exchanged and processed because patients and hospitals are not generally located in the same location. Data exchange is very important to process treatment hence web service-based integrated healthcare information system (WSIHIS) is proposed to digitalize all documents (Tang, 2010, pg 154).Research potential advantages and disadvantages of Web services to HMIS. Discuss if there are any other effects or beneficial uses of Web services to HMIS besides as a solution for the HMIS interoperability issue. Advantages:Web service based middleware provides ways of communication between two differently developed programs and operating systemsUser interface is easy and convenientDeveloped data repositoryCreates one universal format for all hospitals to easily search/request informationDisadvantages:Question the security/privacyEasy access using XML files to search/request informationCreate standardization in order for different operating systems and programming languages to talk to each otherDescribe the different Organizational Structure?Division Structure, Functional Structure and Matrix Structure.Divisional Structure can take on 3 different forms: Service, Market and Geographic. In a service structure employees are grouped by service in divisions such as emergency surgery and dermatology. A market structure would divide services based on the market served such as Pediatrics, Adult Health and Geriatrics. Last is the Geographic structure were employees are grouped based on specific geographic locations (Tan, 2010, pg 173). Functional Structure employees are grouped based on the function of specific jobs within the organization.Matrix Structure groups employees by both division and functions. They can combined the best of both separate structures.Develop a matrix and list the advantages and disadvantages of using each of the organizations structure as presented in the chapter?Divisional Structure: AdvantagesDisadvantagesThey let each department excelDuplication of roles across divisional units.And better serves customers andLess efficiency and economy interdivisional Can cater to geographic and culture Rivalries, poor communicationDifferences.And coordination.Functional Structure: Advantages DisadvantagesEfficiency clear lines of authorityDepartment focus causes And accountability.Interdepartmental communication duplications of workto suffer. Incomplete workstlyes Responsibilities are clearlyand poor communicationDefined in each department.Matrix Structure: AdvantagesDisadvantagesGaining advantages ofHaving 2 bosses with conflictingA functional and divisionalinterests and loyalties’.Better efficient exchangeDivisional and Functional power struggleOf information because thoseExpensive to maintain and lack of chain From different department areof command and unable to perceive who Eager to share information to is in charge.Reach their common goal.When would it be appropriate for executive in a healthcare organization to dictate tactics to an organization? It’s important when it comes to planning and strategizing in a company. An executive’s main role is to plan, organize, direct and control so if it’s benefiting the organization of the healthcare organization then it’s okay for the executive to dictate tactics.References:Tan, J. K. H., & Payton, F. C. (2010).Adaptive health management information systems: Concepts, cases, and practical applications, 3rd ed. Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett Publishers. ................

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