Standards-Based Weekly Lesson Plan for Course/Content Area

|UNIT OUTCOME(S): |Students review the real number system and the order of operations. They begin to study formulas, |

| |evaluating expressions, and additive and multiplicative inverses. They see how properties of equality |

| |and properties of the real number system can be used to solve equations, and they study other topics |

| |related to linear equations, linear inequalities, and absolute value. |

|ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: |What properties can be applied to solve equations and inequalities? |

| |What rules apply when solving inequalities, but not to equations? |

| |Why are there usually 2 answers to an absolute value equation? |

|Resources: |Book, notebook, pencil, calculator |

|CONTENT STANDARDS: Performance Descriptors (only): |6BJ-Simplify expressions using the field properties, and properties of equality for the set of real |

| |numbers. |

| |8DH-Solve absolute value equations in one variable using algebraic methods |

| |8CH-Solve arithmetic and algebraic equations and inequalities using properties of real numbers |

|COLLEGE READINESS SKILLS: |EEI 20-23 Perform straightforward word-to-symbol translations. Evaluate algebraic expressions by |

| |substituting integers for unknown qualities |

| |EEI 28-32 Manipulate expressions and equations. Solve absolute value equations |

|MODIFICATIONS AND ACCOMMODATIONS (for the week): |None There are no special education students in this class. |

|Examples of Instructional Activities and Strategies: explanation, discussion, lecture, lecture—discussion, cooperative learning, problem based solving |

|MONDAY 8/23/2010 1-5 |

|Daily Objective: |Concepts from 1-5 Solving Inequalities |

|Knowledge: What the students will know… | |

|Skills: What the students will be able to do… |Students will be able solve absolute value equations, inequalities and compound inequalities. |

|Activities and Strategies |Do Now- 1 absolute value equation and one inequality |

| |Homework 1.5 Collect |

| |Teacher will review solving absolute value equations, inequalities and introduce compound |

| |inequalities. Teacher will give examples and students do guided practice |

| |Students will do independent practice problems |

| |5, Closure Students will show mastery skills as they successfully complete select problems on |

| |board. |

|Alternative Instructional Activities and Strategies: | I will give further example and walk student through step by step. Peer help. |

|Homework: |1.6 page 49 15-39(X3), 49, 50 |

| |Practice quiz 2 p 39 1-5 |

|TUESDAY 8/24/2010 1-6 |

|Daily Objective: |How to solve compound and absolute value inequalities. |

|Knowledge: What the students will know… | |

|Skills: What the students will be able to do… |Solve compound & absolute value equations |

|Activities and Strategies |Do Now – page 39 69,71,72 collect and grade |

| |Homework PQ p 39 collect |

| |I will explain compound inequalities using number lines stressing AND and OR. |

| |Students will do guided, then independent practice. Check answers. |

| |CLOSURE- Ask students procedure for solving compound inequalities and what AND and OR stand |

| |for. |

| |If time, students go to board to practice as teacher assists and assesses. |

|Alternative Instructional Activities and Strategies: |Peer tutoring/students do examples at the board |

|Homework: |PRACTICE TEST PAGE 51 1-33 Start teacher developed practice test. |

|WEDNESDAY 8/25/2010 1-6 |

|Daily Objective: |Students will know the definition of a matrix is and the key stokes needed in the TI |

|Knowledge: What the students will know… | |

|Skills: What the students will be able to do… |Students will be able to name dimensions of matrix, load them into calculator, add, subtract |

| |and multiply. |

|Activities and Strategies |Do Now – Mini quiz on 1.1-1.5 Collect and grade |

| |homework 1.6 |

| |Teacher will give notes on matrices then demonstrate how to load matrix and add, subtract, |

| |multiply them in calculator. |

| |Students do guided then independent practice. |

| |CLOSURE- Students add and subtract two matrices by hand and multiply using calculator. |

|Alternative Instructional Activities and Strategies: |Peer tutoring/students do examples at the board |

|Homework: |Teacher practice test. |

|THURSDAY 8/26/2010 1-1 to 1-6 |

|Daily Objective: |Concepts from Chapter 1 |

|Knowledge: What the students will know… | |

|Skills: What the students will be able to do… |Apply rules for solving equations taught in Chapter 1. |

|Activities and Strategies |Do Now – page 43 #3, pg 44 # 9 and 12. Collect and grade. |

| |Homework practice test p 51 and teacher practice test. |

| |Students put problems from teacher practice sheet on board and explain. Give class credit. |

| |CLOSURE-check answers and ask for procedures to solve inequalities, absolute value equations |

| |and inequalities, classification of numbers. |

|Alternative Instructional Activities and Strategies: |Peer tutoring/students do examples at the board |

|Homework: |Study for Chapter 1 Test |

|FRIDAY 8/27/2010 1-1 to 1-6 |

|Daily Objective: |Concepts from Chapter 1 |

|Knowledge: What the students will know… | |

|Skills: What the students will be able to do… |Apply rules for solving equations taught in Chapter 1. |

|Activities and Strategies |Do Now – None |

| |I will give the Chapter 1 Test |

| |Students will show mastery by completing the Chapter 1 Test |

|Alternative Instructional Activities and Strategies: |Peer tutoring/students do examples at the board |

|Homework: |Pg 55 1-24 all |


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