Web sites to use in a Business Education classroom

Business Education Webliography – MS Word

A. Accounting - Tests, quizzes and sample exams.

B. Accounting Lesson Plans Tonya Skinner's site; lesson plans and activities

C. BizStartup - This project will cast kids in the role of entrepreneurs creating business plans for hypothetical start-up ventures, using productivity tools to map out each hoped-for stage of their enterprises' development

D. Business Education Resources - posted by the Division of Career Education, Missouri DOE

E. Business Education - Lesson plans and resources

F. Business Education lesson plans from Tonya Skinner

G. Business Education Lesson Plans -

H. Business Ethics - Ethics toolkit for Managers

I. Business Ethics Guidelines and Resources - Provided by George S. May International Company

J. Business and Marketing Ed - Lesson plans and ideas. Each topic card, there are eight of them, contains a scheme of work and links to six of the best web sites for that topic.

K. Business Math and Economics - Tonya Skinner's site; lesson plans and activities

L. Business Law

1. Business Laws - (the official business link to the US Government ) Before launching your small business, be sure to check on specific laws and regulations for your area.

2. Business Law - activities by Tonya Skinner [also look at Tonya's Business Education Lesson Plans and Resources]

3. Business Law Questions - (and answers) free advice from

4. Business Law Today - on-line version of a publication from the ABA

5. - A Compendium of Law Resources

6. United States Code - GPO Access - "The U.S. Government Printing Office disseminates official information from all three branches of the Federal Government."

M. Business Organization -"Sister Sue Sells Seashells By the Seashore" - Online lesson activity

N. Business Resources - Lesson plans, internet resources and more.

O. Business Units of Study - The Study Units have been designed to help prepare for GCSE Business Studies and other related qualifications. The aim has been to present a wide ranging series of Study Units and Modules presented in an interesting, fact finding style which allows independent student centered learning.

P. Business WebQuests - online lessons

Q. Careers

1. Careers - Interest Surveys, Internships, Career Information and more

2. Careers - Multi-link site with career tests, surveys, links, guides and more

3. Careers - Elementary Site; Middle School and High School; lessons, activities; K-12

4. Career Assessment Test - This test may be used as an aid in determining your "career personality."

5. Career and Tech Resources - Links to sites in most career and tech subject areas.

6. Career Exploration Tools and Materials - to Assist Educators, Counselors, and Students

7. Career Guide to Industries - The Career Guide to Industries provides information on available careers by industry, including the nature of the industry, working conditions, employment, occupations in the industry, training and advancement, earnings and benefits, employment outlook, and lists of organizations that can provide additional information.

8. Career Resource Page - Numerous links to various types of jobs.

9. Career- Skill Search - Match your skills with jobs.The Skills Search function is designed to help you use your skill set to identify occupations for exploration

10. Career WebQuest - Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker...what will my next career be?

11. Career Zone - a product of the New York State Department of Labor

R. Economics

1. Campbell R. Harvey's Hypertextual Finance Glossary - the largest financial glossary on the Internet

2. Compound Interest Calculator - select the link near the bottom of the Interactive page - there is an accompanying Teacher’s Guide.

3. Currency Converter: You can view any exchange rate among the 164 currencies for any day since 1 January 1990 through today. This currency converter is updated daily at 8:00 p.m. EST.

4. Economics Education Web - based on Nebraska Standards

5. Economic Quiz - online interactive - works in IE, not Firefox

6. Economic Resources - from Bartley Business Information Center

7. EconEdLink - Internet-based economic and personal finance lessons for K-12 teachers and their students

8. ECONnections - standards-based lesson plans adapted from NCEE printed materials for the Internet with interactive activities for students

9. EduStock - (a ThinkQuest site) Edustock is an educational web page designed to teach students what the stock market is, and how it can work for them.

10. Federal Reserve Education - links to instructional materials and tools that can increase your understanding of the Federal Reserve, economics and financial education

11. Financial Data Finder - maintained by Denis Shibiko Department of Finance, Fisher College of Business, The Ohio State University

12. Financial Glossary - a Yahoo Finance site

13. Great Ideas for Teaching Accounting - giving accounting instructors the opportunity to share some techniques that have been successful in their classrooms

14. Holt Stock Report

15. It All Adds Up - personal finance for teens who want to get a head start on their financial future by using online games and simulations

16. Jumpstart's Reality Check - Imagine the possibilities...then take their simple test. Fill in your choices and then get ready for a reality check! Chances are you'll be surprised by how much your so called "Dream Life" is going to cost you.

17. Kathy Schrock's Guide for Educators: Economics - a collection of web links

18. Mathematics and Economics - designed as support materials for a commercial product, this site has free links to lessons, web sites, and interactives

19. MyStocks – (a one-stop place where you can trade stocks with virtual money). The Global Stock Game is a realistic stock market simulation, where you can have fun and learn the stock market at no cost. Registration is required, but it is free.


21. National Council on Economic Education - interactive activities

22. National Economics Standards - includes links to related lessons

23. NCEE Online Lessons - use pull-down menus to search for online lessons from all of NCEE's programs (502 currently available)

24. NYSE

25. Practical Money Skills - Teacher Resources

26. SEC - official site of the US Securities and Exchange Commission

27. Secrets of Making Money - a PBS program which follows the U.S. Treasury and the Secret Service on a joint mission to stay ahead of counterfeiters and make a better, more hi-tech buck

28. State Stock Market Simulations- check to see if your state has a Stock Market Simulation that your students can participate in

29. TheMint - packed with all kinds of tips about what to do with your money (from Northwestern Mutual)

30. Twelve Principles Calendar - a cool calendar with twelve personal finance principles for young people

1. Lessons to go with the calendar

31. Virtual Finance Library - a resource that Ohio State's Department of Finance provides to academia and investors alike

32. Web Links from the National Council on Economic Education

33. World Paper Money Homepage posted Ron Wise - over 10,000 notes, with individual front and back scans

S. Entrepreneurs in the Classroom: M.Y.O.B. Spells Success - Lesson plan from EducationWorld

T. Entrepreneur Web Guide - Starting a Business, Business Plan Templates and more

U. Explorations in Economic Supply - Lesson Plan with interactive sections

V. Great Ideas for Teaching Accounting - Lesson Plans and activities

W. Hey, Mr. Producer! - examine the economic roller coaster involved in the production of a Broadway musical

X. International Business Resource - from Michigan State University

Y. Labor and employment law regulation explanations- Pick your state for information

Z. Lesson Plans - Cross-curriculum Business Education Lesson plans

AA. Starting a Business - Legal requirement guidelines for any business

AB. Virtual Economics Lessons - lesson plans with visuals

AC. Virtual Worlds - Explore various business worlds virtually!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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