Tips for the QRI - University of Washington

Administering the QRI

Step-by-Step Instructions

Other Tips

← You work from copies of forms; child uses book.

← Tape-record the session: you have permission to do this.

← Follow the directions carefully, especially the directions TO students. What you say to the student makes a difference in his/her performance.

← Do not worry about timing for “reading rate” during your session. Get the times from the tape.

← You may want to have the child do a look-back for a passage in which he/she had comprehension difficulties. You should do that only AFTER you have done the retelling and asked questions. It is most useful to do this for passages where word id accuracy is instructional level but comprehension is low.

← Be aware of dialect issues—this is less of an issue when a child is reading, but a child should not be penalized in any oral responses, retellings, etc. Also, look to see if any of child’s miscues make sense in light of dialect. This would be an important thing to note in your report.


Step 1: Administer Word Lists (pp. 46-53)

o Start 2 levels below grade level (or pre-primer)

o Continue through lists until you identify your students’ independent, instructional, and frustration levels

Step 2: Select a Narrative Passage

o Begin with passage at student’s last independent level from word lists; if you know that your student struggles with comprehension, you can start at a lower level

o Ask the concept questions to get a sense of your student’s prior knowledge (pp. 54-63)

o Have the student read the passage aloud (older students can some passages silently); keep track of miscues

o Ask the student to retell the narrative (use retelling rubric to evaluate NOT QRI method)

o Ask each of the comprehension questions

o 3rd grade level and above only—have students use look-backs to answer incorrect questions

o Calculate your student’s levels for word identification and comprehension (if your student read silently, only use comprehension level); if your student is independent or instructional, move up a level; if they are at the frustration level, stop (or move down level(s) if you have not identified their instructional level yet) (chart on p. 68 is helpful for cases of mixed results)

o Continue administering passages until you find your student’s independent, instructional, and frustration levels—if you have time constraints, it is most important to find your student’s instructional level (keep in mind that a student can be instructional at more than one level)

o STOP if you get to one level above your student’s actual grade level, even if they are independent or instructional at that level

Step 3: Select an Expository Passage

o Begin with passage at student’s last independent level from the narrative passages

o Have the student read the passage aloud (older students can some passages silently); keep track of miscues

o Ask the student to retell the passage (use retelling rubric to evaluate NOT QRI method)

o Ask each of the comprehension questions

o 3rd grade level and above only—have students use look-backs to answer incorrect questions

o Calculate your student’s levels for word identification and comprehension (if your student read silently, only use comprehension level); if your student is independent or instructional, move up a level; if they are at the frustration level, stop (or move down level(s) if you have not identified their instructional level yet) (chart on p. 68 is helpful for cases of mixed results)

o Continue administering passages until you find your student’s independent, instructional, and frustration levels—if you have time constraints, it is most important to find your student’s instructional level (keep in mind that a student can be instructional at more than one level)

o STOP if you get to one level above your student’s actual grade level, even if they are independent or instructional at that level


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