Bilingual Spanish Reading Progress Monitoring: Fluency & …

[Pages:93]Bilingual Spanish Reading Progress Monitoring:

Fluency & Comprehension Instructional Level Grade 3 Teacher & Student Resources

(Adapted from Tesoros de Lectura ,DIBELS Next and IDEL) 1

Fluency Administration Process

Say these specific directions to the student:

Por favor, l?eme este cuento en voz alta. Haz lo mejor que puedas. Si no conoces una palabra, yo te la leo.

(Begin testing)Pon tu dedo en la primera palabra y empieza. Follow along as the student reads the passage.

Timing Wait Discontinue Reminders Scoring Directions

Calculating Final Score Determine Baseline

Frequency of progress monitoring

1 minute. Start your stopwatch after the student says the first word of the passage. Place a bracket ([]) and say PARA after one minute. If no response in 3 seconds, say the word and mark it as incorrect. If necessary, indicate for the student to continue reading. If no words are read correctly in the first line, say PARA, record a score of "0." If student earns a score of "0," then progress monitor at the next instructional level below. IF a student stops, and it is not a hesitation on a specific item, say "Sigue leyendo." If a student loses his or her place, point. Leave blank any word a student reads correctly.

To be counted as a correctly read word, the whole word must be read, not just sounds. Inserted words, repeated words, and phrases are ignored and not counted as errors. A word is scored as incorrect if it is initially misread, but if the student self-corrects

within 3 seconds, mark SC above the word and score as correct. Proper nouns read with correct pronunciation or with any reasonable phonetic

pronunciation are counted as correct. Put a slash (/) through any errors.

Errors include: o Words read incorrectly. o Substitutions. o Omitted words o Hesitations more than 3 seconds o Words read out of order o Words that are sounded out, but not read as a whole word

If a student skips a row cross out the entire row and count the omitted words as errors.

Add total words read correctly within the minute and record it next to Total Words. Count and record the number of errors and record it next to Errors. Subtract errors from the total words and record the total number of Words Correct. Before implementing any intervention, student's baseline must be calculated

Administer (3) Fluency Progress Monitoring Passages. Determine Words Correct for each passage. Choose the Words Correct MEDIAN (middle) score for the baseline.

o For example, if a student scored a 46, 38, 42. Put in order from least to greatest and choose the middle score: Baseline would be 42.

Students should be progress monitored after every 5 intervention sessions.


Comprehension Administration Process

Student reads story aloud or silently.

Say these specific directions to the student.

Cu?ntame sobre lo que acabas de leer. Trata de decirme todo lo que puedas.



Scoring Directions Determine Baseline

Frequency of progress monitoring

IF a student has not said anything at all, provides a very limited response, or provides an off-track response, ask ?Puedes decirme algo sobre lo que le?ste? or ?Me puedes dar m?s detalles o informaci?n importante sobre lo que acabas de leer? After the reminder, if the student does not say anything, say "Gracias" and discontinue the task. If student gets off-track, repeat the directions. Use rubric found below the comprehension passage to determine final score.

Before implementing any intervention, student's baseline must be calculated Administer (3) Comprehension Progress Monitoring Passages. Determine the rubric score for each passage. Find the MEDIAN (middle) score for the baseline. o For example, if a student scored a 1, 2, 1. Put in order from least to greatest and choose the middle score: Baseline would be 1.

Students should be progress monitored after every 5 intervention sessions.


Instructional Level Grade 3 Fluency: Progress Monitoring 1

Total Words: Errors (include skipped words): Words correct:

Response Patterns: (Check all that apply) Reads with appropriate phrasing, intonation/expression, and observed punctuation. Self-corrects/monitors meaning Shows automaticity on re-read words Uses effective decoding strategies Errors persevere passage meaning

Errors violate passage meaning

Frequent errors on high frequency words.

Frequently omits words or letters Frequently adds words or letters Skips lines Other_____________________


Instructional Level Grade 3

Comprehension: Progress Monitoring 1

Quality of Response:

(Note: If the student provides only a main idea, it is considered one detail)

0 Cannot provide any details about the story. 1 Provides 2 or fewer details. 2 Provides 3 or more details. 3 Provides 3 or more details in a meaningful sequence. 4 Provides 3 or more details in a meaningful sequence that captures the main idea.

Retell Response Patterns: (check all that apply)


Talks about own life related passage___

Retells the passage verbatim___

Makes up own story___

Repeats the same detail___



Instructional Level Grade 3 Fluency: Progress Monitoring 2

Total Words: Errors (include skipped words): Words correct:

Response Patterns: (Check all that apply) Reads with appropriate phrasing, intonation/expression, and observed punctuation. Self-corrects/monitors meaning Shows automaticity on re-read words Uses effective decoding strategies Errors persevere passage meaning

Errors violate passage meaning

Frequent errors on high frequency words.

Frequently omits words or letters Frequently adds words or letters Skips lines Other_____________________


Instructional Level Grade 3

Comprehension: Progress Monitoring 2

Quality of Response:

(Note: If the student provides only a main idea, it is considered one detail)

0 Cannot provide any details about the story. 1 Provides 2 or fewer details. 2 Provides 3 or more details. 3 Provides 3 or more details in a meaningful sequence. 4 Provides 3 or more details in a meaningful sequence that captures the main idea.

Retell Response Patterns: (check all that apply)


Talks about own life related passage___

Retells the passage verbatim___

Makes up own story___

Repeats the same detail___



Instructional Level Grade 3 Fluency: Progress Monitoring 3

Total Words: Errors (include skipped words): Words correct:

Response Patterns: (Check all that apply) Reads with appropriate phrasing, intonation/expression, and observed punctuation. Self-corrects/monitors meaning Shows automaticity on re-read words Uses effective decoding strategies Errors persevere passage meaning

Errors violate passage meaning

Frequent errors on high frequency words. Frequently omits words or letters Frequently adds words or letters Skips lines Other_____________________



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