Comprehensive Course of Study Template

Washington Township Public Schools


|Course: |Fundations / Word Study – Grade 1 |

|Written By: |Kristi Fuller |

| |

|Under the Direction of: |Gretchen Gerber |

| |

|Description: |Fundations provides children of varying learning abilities with a foundation for reading and spelling. Students will be instructed using a structured, sequential, and cumulative phonics/spelling program using multisensory |

| |teaching techniques. |

| |Curriculum Highlights: |

| |Letter formation, print knowledge, alphabetic awareness, phonological and phonemic awareness training; |

| |Segment words into syllables and syllables into sounds (phonemes) - up to 5 sounds; |

| |Name corresponding letter(s) and short and long vowels when given letters; Name corresponding letter(s) when given sounds of letters and vowels; |

| |Identify word structure such as blends, digraphs, basewords, suffixes, syllable types (closed and vowel-consonant-e syllables); |

| |Read and spell closed and vowel-consonant-e syllable type words; Read and spell compound words and other words with two syllables; |

| |Read and spell words with s, es, ed, ing suffixes; Read and spell words with unexpected vowel sounds; |

| |Read and spell targeted high-frequency,non-phonetic words; Construct sentences using vocabulary words; |

| |Read approximately 60 words per minute with fluency and understanding; |

| |Read controlled stories (95-100% decodable) with fluency, expression, and understanding; Apply beginning dictionary skills; |

| |Apply correct punctuation (period, question mark, exclamation point);Apply capitalization rules for beginning of sentences and names of people; |

| |Retell short narrative stories and facts from expository text |

| |Joseph A. Vandenberg: |

| |Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction |

| | |

| |Barbara E. Marciano: |

| |Director of Elementary Education |

| | |

| |Jack McGee: |

| |Director of Secondary Education |

| | |

|Written: |Spring 2012 |

|Revised: | |

|BOE Approval: |Spring 2012 |


|Course Title: |Fundations Level 1 |

I. Unit 1: Letter-Keyword Sounds and Letter Formation

II. Unit 2: Consonant Vowel Consonant- CVC

III. Unit 3: Digraphs

IV. Unit 4: Bonus Letter

V. Unit 5: Glued Sounds (Welded Sounds) am, an

VI. Unit 6: Suffix -s

VII. Unit 7: Glued Sounds –ng, -nk

VIII. Unit 8: Blends, Digraphs and Digraph blends

IX. Unit 9: Closed Syllable

X. Unit 10: Closed Syllables with blends

XI. Unit 11: Mutlisyllabic Words

XII. Unit 12: Suffix –es

XIII. Unit 13: Suffixes –ed and –ing

XIV. Unit 14: Vowel-consonant-e


|Course Title: |Fundations |

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|Unit #: |UNIT 1 OVERVIEW |Unit Title: |Letter-Keyword Sound and Letter Formation |

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|Unit Description and Objectives: |

|During this Unit, the students will review letter names, keywords and sounds and lower-case letter formation of the letters a-z. |

Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings:

|Essential Questions: |Enduring Understandings/Generalizations |Guiding Questions |

| |Students will understand that: | |

|1.Why are sounds and letters important? |1. Recognizing the relationship between sounds, syllables and spoken words is |1.1 How are sounds represented by letters? |

| |foundational for future success as a reader. |1.2 How to recognize the difference between consonants and vowels? |

|2.What do good readers do? |2.Fluent readers recognize that letters represent sounds. |2.1 How are sounds represented by letters? |

| | | |

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|Course Title/Grade: |Fundations Grade 1 | |Primary Core Content Standards referenced With Cumulative Progress Indicators |

|Unit Number/Title: |Unit 1 Letter-Keyword Sounds & Letter Formation | |RF 1.3 |

| |Refer to Additional Activities in Teachers Manual- |Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |Double Dose Model for 5 days (see appendix) |

|Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |*Make It Fun | | |

| |*Story Time |Intervention Placement Inventory |Fluency Kit |

|Fluency Kit |*Word of the Day | | |

| |* Word Talk |Fluency Kit |Decodable Stories |

|Intervention Placement Inventory | | | |

| | | |Intervention Placement Inventory |

| | | | |


|Course Title: |Fundations Level 1 |

| | |

|Unit #: |UNIT 2 |Unit Title: |Consonant Vowel Consonant (CVC) |

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|Unit Description and Objectives: |

|During this unit, the students will learn how to blend and read three-sound short vowel words as well as segment and spell them. They will be introduced to sentence dictation procedures such as capitalization, punctuation and proofreading. |

Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings:

|Essential Questions: |Enduring Understandings/Generalizations |Guiding Questions |

| |Students will understand that: | |

|1. How do sounds and letters create words? |1. Recognizing the relationship between sounds, symbols, and spoken words is |1.1 How are sounds represented by letters? |

| |foundational for future success as a reader. |1.2 How to recognize the difference between consonants and vowels? |

|2. When a word doesn’t make sense, what can I do? |2.1 Word analysis and decoding skills are foundational for success as a reader. |2.1How do I figure out a words I do not know? |

|3. What do good readers do? |3. Fluent readers recognize that letters represent sounds. |3.1 How does fluency affect my comprehension? |

| | | |

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|Course Title/Grade: |Fundations Level 1 | |Primary Core Content Standards referenced With Cumulative Progress Indicators |

|Unit Number/Title: |Unit 2 CVC | |RF 1.1 |

| |Refer to Additional Activities in Teachers Manual- |Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |Double Dose Model for 5 days (see appendix) |

|Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |*Make It Fun | | |

| |*Story Time |Intervention Placement Inventory |Fluency Kit |

|Fluency Kit |*Word of the Day | | |

| |* Word Talk |Fluency Kit |Decodable Stories |

|Intervention Placement Inventory | | | |

| | | |Intervention Placement Inventory |

| | | | |


|Course Title: |Fundations Level 1 |

| | |

|Unit #: |UNIT 3 OVERVIEW |Unit Title: |Digraphs |

| | |

|Unit Description and Objectives: |

|During this unit, the students will be introduced to digraphs wh, ch, sh, th and ck and learn that they ‘stick together’ to form one sound, even though there are two letters. They will also learn that wh is only used at the beginning of a word and ck is only|

|used at the end of a word right after a short vowel. |

Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings:

|Essential Questions: |Enduring Understandings/Generalizations |Guiding Questions |

| |Students will understand that: | |

|1. How do sounds and letters create words? |1. Recognizing the relationship between sounds, symbols, and spoken words is |1.1 How are sounds represented by letters? |

| |foundational for future success as a reader. |1.2 How to recognize the difference between consonants and vowels? |

|2.When a word doesn’t make sense, what can I do? |2.1 Word analysis and decoding skills are foundational for success as a reader. |2.1How do I figure out a words I do not know? |

|3.What do good readers do? |3.Fluent readers recognize that letters represent sounds. |3.1 How does fluency affect my comprehension? |

| | | |

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|Course Title/Grade: |Fundations Level 1 | |Primary Core Content Standards referenced With Cumulative Progress Indicators |

|Unit Number/Title: |Unit 3 Digraphs | |RF 1.1 |

| |Refer to Additional Activities in Teachers Manual- |Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |Double Dose Model for 5 days (see appendix) |

|Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |*Make It Fun | | |

| |*Story Time |Intervention Placement Inventory |Fluency Kit |

|Fluency Kit |*Word of the Day | | |

| |* Word Talk |Fluency Kit |Decodable Stories |

|Intervention Placement Inventory | | | |

| | | |Intervention Placement Inventory |

| | | | |


|Course Title: |Fundations Level 1 |

| | |

|Unit #: |UNIT 4 OVERVIEW |Unit Title: |Bonus Letter/Glued Sound all |

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|Unit Description and Objectives: |

|During this unit, the students will learn bonus letter rule. At the end of a one syllable word, if the word had one vowel immediately followed by an f, l, or s at the end, double that consonant. |

Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings:

|Essential Questions: |Enduring Understandings/Generalizations |Guiding Questions |

| |Students will understand that: | |

|1. How do sounds and letters create words? |1. Recognizing the relationship between sounds, symbols, and spoken words is |1.1 How are sounds represented by letters? |

| |foundational for future success as a reader. |1.2 How to recognize the difference between consonants and vowels? |

|2.When a word doesn’t make sense, what can I do? |2.1 Word analysis and decoding skills are foundational for success as a reader. |2.1How do I figure out a words I do not know? |

|3.What do good readers do? |3.Fluent readers recognize that letters represent sounds. |3.1 How does fluency affect my comprehension? |

| | | |

| | | |


|Course Title/Grade: |Fundations Level 1 | |Primary Core Content Standards referenced With Cumulative Progress Indicators |

|Unit Number/Title: |Bonus Letter/Glued sound all | |RF.1.1 |

| |Refer to Additional Activities in Teachers Manual- |Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |Double Dose Model for 5 days (see appendix) |

|Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |*Make It Fun | | |

| |*Story Time |Intervention Placement Inventory |Fluency Kit |

|Fluency Kit |*Word of the Day | | |

| |* Word Talk |Fluency Kit |Decodable Stories |

|Intervention Placement Inventory | | | |

| | | |Intervention Placement Inventory |

| | | | |


|Course Title: |Fundations Level 1 |

| | |

|Unit #: |UNIT 5 OVERVIEW |Unit Title: |Glued Sounds |

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|Unit Description and Objectives: |

|In this Unit, the students will be introduced to glued sounds am and an. The vowels are somewhat changed form a pure short vowel to a more nasalized vowel. Depending upon the person’s dialect, this is sometimes more pronounced. |

Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings:

|Essential Questions: |Enduring Understandings/Generalizations |Guiding Questions |

| |Students will understand that: | |

|1. How do sounds and letters create words? |1. Recognizing the relationship between sounds, symbols, and spoken words is |1.1 How are sounds represented by letters? |

| |foundational for future success as a reader. |1.2 How to recognize the difference between consonants and vowels? |

|2.When a word doesn’t make sense, what can I do? |2.1 Word analysis and decoding skills are foundational for success as a reader. |2.1How do I figure out a words I do not know? |

|3.What do good readers do? |3.Fluent readers recognize that letters represent sounds. |3.1 How does fluency affect my comprehension? |

| | | |

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|Course Title/Grade: |Fundations Level 1 | |Primary Core Content Standards referenced With Cumulative Progress Indicators |

|Unit Number/Title: |Unit 5 Glued Sounds | |RF.1.1 |

| |Refer to Additional Activities in Teachers Manual- |Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |Double Dose Model for 5 days (see appendix) |

|Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |*Make It Fun | | |

| |*Story Time |Intervention Placement Inventory |Fluency Kit |

|Fluency Kit |*Word of the Day | | |

| |* Word Talk |Fluency Kit |Decodable Stories |

|Intervention Placement Inventory | | | |

| | | |Intervention Placement Inventory |

| | | | |


|Course Title: |Fundations Level 1 |

| | |

|Unit #: |UNIT 6 OVERVIEW |Unit Title: |Suffix -s |

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|Unit Description and Objectives: |

|In Unit 6, the student will be introduced to the concept of a baseword and suffix. Suffix –s will be added to words studied in previous Units. |

Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings:

|Essential Questions: |Enduring Understandings/Generalizations |Guiding Questions |

| |Students will understand that: | |

|1. How do sounds and letters create words? |1. Recognizing the relationship between sounds, symbols, and spoken words is |1.1 How are sounds represented by letters? |

| |foundational for future success as a reader. |1.2 How to recognize the difference between consonants and vowels? |

|2. When a word doesn’t make sense, what can I do? |2.1 Word analysis and decoding skills are foundational for success as a reader. |2.1How do I figure out a words I do not know? |

|3. What do good readers do? |3. Fluent readers recognize that letters represent sounds. |3.1 How does fluency affect my comprehension? |

| | | |

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|Course Title/Grade: |Fundations Level 1 | |Primary Core Content Standards referenced With Cumulative Progress Indicators |

|Unit Number/Title: |Unit 6 Baseword and Suffix | | RF.1.1 |

| |Refer to Additional Activities in Teachers Manual- |Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |Double Dose Model for 5 days (see appendix) |

|Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |*Make It Fun | | |

| |*Story Time |Intervention Placement Inventory |Fluency Kit |

|Fluency Kit |*Word of the Day | | |

| |* Word Talk |Fluency Kit |Decodable Stories |

|Intervention Placement Inventory | | | |

| | | |Intervention Placement Inventory |

| | | | |


|Course Title: |Fundations Level 1 |

| | |

|Unit #: |UNIT 7 OVERVIEW |Unit Title: |Glued Sounds ng and nk |

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|Unit Description and Objectives: |

|In this Unit 7, the students will be introduced to –ng and –nk glued sounds. There will be four new glued sounds ending with ng (and, ing, ong, ung) and four endings with nk (ank, ink, onk, unk). |

Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings:

|Essential Questions: |Enduring Understandings/Generalizations |Guiding Questions |

| |Students will understand that: | |

|1. How do sounds and letters create words? |1. Recognizing the relationship between sounds, symbols, and spoken words is |1.1 How are sounds represented by letters? |

| |foundational for future success as a reader. |1.2 How to recognize the difference between consonants and vowels? |

|2.When a word doesn’t make sense, what can I do? |2.1 Word analysis and decoding skills are foundational for success as a reader. |2.1How do I figure out a words I do not know? |

|3.What do good readers do? |3.Fluent readers recognize that letters represent sounds. |3.1 How does fluency affect my comprehension? |

| | | |

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|Course Title/Grade: |Fundations Level 1 | |Primary Core Content Standards referenced With Cumulative Progress Indicators |

|Unit Number/Title: |Unit 7 Glued Sounds ng and nk | |RF.1.1 |

| |Refer to Additional Activities in Teachers Manual- |Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |Double Dose Model for 5 days (see appendix) |

|Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |*Make It Fun | | |

| |*Story Time |Intervention Placement Inventory |Fluency Kit |

|Fluency Kit |*Word of the Day | | |

| |* Word Talk |Fluency Kit |Decodable Stories |

|Intervention Placement Inventory | | | |

| | | |Intervention Placement Inventory |

| | | | |


|Course Title: |Fundations Level 1 |

| | |

|Unit #: |UNIT 8 OVERVIEW |Unit Title: |Blends, Digraphs & Digraph Blends |

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|Unit Description and Objectives: |

|In this Unit, the students will learn the difference between a blend and a digraph. A digraph contains two consonants and only makes one sound. A blend, however, contains two consonants but they each make their own sound. They will also learn about digraph|

|blends. A digraph blend is a digraph blended with another consonant such as n and ch in the word lunch. Words with digraph blends will also have four sounds. |

Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings:

|Essential Questions: |Enduring Understandings/Generalizations |Guiding Questions |

| |Students will understand that: | |

|1. How do sounds and letters create words? |1. Recognizing the relationship between sounds, symbols, and spoken words is |1.1 How are sounds represented by letters? |

| |foundational for future success as a reader. |1.2 How to recognize the difference between consonants and vowels? |

|2.When a word doesn’t make sense, what can I do? |2.1 Word analysis and decoding skills are foundational for success as a reader. |2.1How do I figure out a words I do not know? |

|3.What do good readers do? |3.Fluent readers recognize that letters represent sounds. |3.1 How does fluency affect my comprehension? |

| | | |

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|Course Title/Grade: |Fundations Level 1 | |Primary Core Content Standards referenced With Cumulative Progress Indicators |

|Unit Number/Title: |Unit 8 Digraph Blends | | RF.1.1 |

| |Refer to Additional Activities in Teachers Manual- |Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |Double Dose Model for 5 days (see appendix) |

|Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |*Make It Fun | | |

| |*Story Time |Intervention Placement Inventory |Fluency Kit |

|Fluency Kit |*Word of the Day | | |

| |* Word Talk |Fluency Kit |Decodable Stories |

|Intervention Placement Inventory | | | |

| | | |Intervention Placement Inventory |

| | | | |


|Course Title: |Fundaitons Level 1 |

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|Unit #: |UNIT 9 OVERVIEW |Unit Title: |Closed Syllables |

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|Unit Description and Objectives: |

|In Unit 9 the students will be introduced to the first syllable type, closed syllables. Closed syllables can only have one vowel, the vowel is followed by one or more consonants, and the vowel sound is short. |

Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings:

|Essential Questions: |Enduring Understandings/Generalizations |Guiding Questions |

| |Students will understand that: | |

|1. How do sounds and letters create words? |1. Recognizing the relationship between sounds, symbols, and spoken words is |1.1 How are sounds represented by letters? |

| |foundational for future success as a reader. |1.2 How to recognize the difference between consonants and vowels? |

|2.When a word doesn’t make sense, what can I do? |2.1 Word analysis and decoding skills are foundational for success as a reader. |2.1How do I figure out a words I do not know? |

|3.What do good readers do? |3.Fluent readers recognize that letters represent sounds. |3.1 How does fluency affect my comprehension? |

| | | |

| | | |


|Course Title/Grade: |Fundations Level 1 | |Primary Core Content Standards referenced With Cumulative Progress Indicators |

|Unit Number/Title: |Unit 9 Closed Syllable | |RF.1.1 |

| |Refer to Additional Activities in Teachers Manual- |Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |Double Dose Model for 5 days (see appendix) |

|Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |*Make It Fun | | |

| |*Story Time |Intervention Placement Inventory |Fluency Kit |

|Fluency Kit |*Word of the Day | | |

| |* Word Talk |Fluency Kit |Decodable Stories |

|Intervention Placement Inventory | | | |

| | | |Intervention Placement Inventory |

| | | | |


|Course Title: |Fundations Level 1 |

| | |

|Unit #: |UNIT 10 OVERVIEW |Unit Title: |Blend and Segment 5 sounds |

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|Unit Description and Objectives: |

|Unit 10 does not introduce any new sounds. In this Unit, the students will learn how to blend and segment up to five sounds in a closed syllable. |

Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings:

|Essential Questions: |Enduring Understandings/Generalizations |Guiding Questions |

| |Students will understand that: | |

|1. How do sounds and letters create words? |1. Recognizing the relationship between sounds, symbols, and spoken words is |1.1 How are sounds represented by letters? |

| |foundational for future success as a reader. |1.2 How to recognize the difference between consonants and vowels? |

|2.When a word doesn’t make sense, what can I do? |2.1 Word analysis and decoding skills are foundational for success as a reader. |2.1How do I figure out a words I do not know? |

|3.What do good readers do? |3.Fluent readers recognize that letters represent sounds. |3.1 How does fluency affect my comprehension? |

| | | |

| | | |


|Course Title/Grade: |Fundations Level 1 | |Primary Core Content Standards referenced With Cumulative Progress Indicators |

|Unit Number/Title: |Unit 10 Blend and Segment 5 sounds | |RF.1.1 |

| |Refer to Additional Activities in Teachers Manual- |Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |Double Dose Model for 5 days (see appendix) |

|Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |*Make It Fun | | |

| |*Story Time |Intervention Placement Inventory |Fluency Kit |

|Fluency Kit |*Word of the Day | | |

| |* Word Talk |Fluency Kit |Decodable Stories |

|Intervention Placement Inventory | | | |

| | | |Intervention Placement Inventory |

| | | | |


|Course Title: |Fundations Level 1 |

| | |

|Unit #: |UNIT 11 |Unit Title: |Multisyllabic Words |

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|Unit Description and Objectives: |

|In Unit 11, the focus will change from sounds to syllables. The students will learn how to read and spell two-syllable words with closed syllables. Also the students will learn how to segment or divide two syllable words between consonants. |

Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings:

|Essential Questions: |Enduring Understandings/Generalizations |Guiding Questions |

| |Students will understand that: | |

|1. How do sounds and letters create words? |1. Recognizing the relationship between sounds, symbols, and spoken words is |1.1 How are sounds represented by letters? |

| |foundational for future success as a reader. |1.2 How to recognize the difference between consonants and vowels? |

|2.When a word doesn’t make sense, what can I do? |2.1 Word analysis and decoding skills are foundational for success as a reader. |2.1How do I figure out a words I do not know? |

|3.What do good readers do? |3.Fluent readers recognize that letters represent sounds. |3.1 How does fluency affect my comprehension? |

| | | |

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|Course Title/Grade: |Fundations Level 1 | |Primary Core Content Standards referenced With Cumulative Progress Indicators |

|Unit Number/Title: |Unit 11 Multisyllable words | |RF.1.1 |

| |Refer to Additional Activities in Teachers Manual- |Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |Double Dose Model for 5 days (see appendix) |

|Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |*Make It Fun | | |

| |*Story Time |Intervention Placement Inventory |Fluency Kit |

|Fluency Kit |*Word of the Day | | |

| |* Word Talk |Fluency Kit |Decodable Stories |

|Intervention Placement Inventory | | | |

| | | |Intervention Placement Inventory |

| | | | |


|Course Title: |Fundations Level 1 |

| | |

|Unit #: |UNIT 12 |Unit Title: |Suffix ending -es |

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|Unit Description and Objectives: |

|In this Unit, the students will learn about the new suffix ending –es. The concept of plural words with be reviewed. |

Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings:

|Essential Questions: |Enduring Understandings/Generalizations |Guiding Questions |

| |Students will understand that: | |

|1. How do sounds and letters create words? |1. Recognizing the relationship between sounds, symbols, and spoken words is |1.1 How are sounds represented by letters? |

| |foundational for future success as a reader. |1.2 How to recognize the difference between consonants and vowels? |

|2.When a word doesn’t make sense, what can I do? |2.1 Word analysis and decoding skills are foundational for success as a reader. |2.1How do I figure out a words I do not know? |

|3.What do good readers do? |3.Fluent readers recognize that letters represent sounds. |3.1 How does fluency affect my comprehension? |

| | | |

| | | |


|Course Title/Grade: |Fundations Level 1 | |Primary Core Content Standards referenced With Cumulative Progress Indicators |

|Unit Number/Title: |Unit 12 Suffix -es | |RF.1.1 |

| |Refer to Additional Activities in Teachers Manual- |Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |Double Dose Model for 5 days (see appendix) |

|Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |*Make It Fun | | |

| |*Story Time |Intervention Placement Inventory |Fluency Kit |

|Fluency Kit |*Word of the Day | | |

| |* Word Talk |Fluency Kit |Decodable Stories |

|Intervention Placement Inventory | | | |

| | | |Intervention Placement Inventory |

| | | | |


|Course Title: |Fundations Level 1 |

| | |

|Unit #: |UNIT 13 OVERVIEW |Unit Title: |Suffix –ed and -ing |

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|Unit Description and Objectives: |

|In this Unit, the students will learn two new suffix endings –ed and –ing. These suffix endings will be added to closed syllable words that do not change when the suffix is added. |

Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings:

|Essential Questions: |Enduring Understandings/Generalizations |Guiding Questions |

| |Students will understand that: | |

|1. How do sounds and letters create words? |1. Recognizing the relationship between sounds, symbols, and spoken words is |1.1 How are sounds represented by letters? |

| |foundational for future success as a reader. |1.2 How to recognize the difference between consonants and vowels? |

|2.When a word doesn’t make sense, what can I do? |2.1 Word analysis and decoding skills are foundational for success as a reader. |2.1How do I figure out a words I do not know? |

|3.What do good readers do? |3.Fluent readers recognize that letters represent sounds. |3.1 How does fluency affect my comprehension? |

| | | |

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|Course Title/Grade: |Fundations Level 1 | |Primary Core Content Standards referenced With Cumulative Progress Indicators |

|Unit Number/Title: |Unit 13 Suffix endings –ed and -ing | |RF.1.1 |

| |Refer to Additional Activities in Teachers Manual- |Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |Double Dose Model for 5 days (see appendix) |

|Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |*Make It Fun | | |

| |*Story Time |Intervention Placement Inventory |Fluency Kit |

|Fluency Kit |*Word of the Day | | |

| |* Word Talk |Fluency Kit |Decodable Stories |

|Intervention Placement Inventory | | | |

| | | |Intervention Placement Inventory |

| | | | |


|Course Title: |Fundations Level 1 |

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|Unit #: |UNIT 14 OVERVIEW |Unit Title: |Vowel-consonant-e |

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|Unit Description and Objectives: |

|In this Unit, the students will learn the vowel-consonant-e syllable. They will learn the long vowel sound for each vowel and that u can have two sounds as well as the s might say /z/ between tow vowels. Lastly, the students will learn that the suffix s can|

|be added to these words. |

Essential Questions and Enduring Understandings:

|Essential Questions: |Enduring Understandings/Generalizations |Guiding Questions |

| |Students will understand that: | |

|1. How do sounds and letters create words? |1. Recognizing the relationship between sounds, symbols, and spoken words is |1.1 How are sounds represented by letters? |

| |foundational for future success as a reader. |1.2 How to recognize the difference between consonants and vowels? |

|2.When a word doesn’t make sense, what can I do? |2.1 Word analysis and decoding skills are foundational for success as a reader. |2.1How do I figure out a words I do not know? |

|3.What do good readers do? |3.Fluent readers recognize that letters represent sounds. |3.1 How does fluency affect my comprehension? |

| | | |

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|Course Title/Grade: |Fundations Level 1 | |Primary Core Content Standards referenced With Cumulative Progress Indicators |

|Unit Number/Title: |Unit 14 Vowel Consonant e | |RF.1.1 |

| |Refer to Additional Activities in Teachers Manual- |Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |Double Dose Model for 5 days (see appendix) |

|Double Dose Model for 3 days (see appendix) |*Make It Fun | | |

| |*Story Time |Intervention Placement Inventory |Fluency Kit |

|Fluency Kit |*Word of the Day | | |

| |* Word Talk |Fluency Kit |Decodable Stories |

|Intervention Placement Inventory | | | |

| | | |Intervention Placement Inventory |

| | | | |


|Course Title: |Fundations – Level 1 |Grade: |Grade 1 |

|Unit Title: |Visual and Performing Arts |

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Washington Township Public Schools

Department of Student Personnel Services


The regular curriculum is modified for Special Education students enrolled in both self-contained and resource center classes.

Modifications address individual learning rates, styles, needs and the varying abilities of all special populations served in the programs available in the district.

The intent is three-fold:

• To provide alternative materials, techniques and evaluation criteria to address the range of students' needs;

• To parallel the regular curriculum in skill, content sequence and coverage to prepare students for mainstreaming;

• To maximize students' potential for movement to less restrictive environments.

In the event there is a conflict between the prescribed curriculum and the IEP for an individual student, the IEP will take precedence and will constitute the individually prescribed proficiencies for the student.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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