Guidance counselor vs. school counselor

SCHOOL NAME & LOGOCounseling CenterSCHOOL ADDRESSSCHOOL PHONESCHOOL FAXTable of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Guidance counselor vs. school counselor PAGEREF _Toc14272366 \h 3The American School Counseling Association (ASCA) National Model for School Counseling Programs PAGEREF _Toc14272367 \h 5Define PAGEREF _Toc14272368 \h 6STUDENT STANDARDS PAGEREF _Toc14272369 \h 7PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS: PAGEREF _Toc14272370 \h 7?Professional Standards & Competencies PAGEREF _Toc14272371 \h 7?Ethical Standards PAGEREF _Toc14272372 \h 7Manage PAGEREF _Toc14272373 \h 8PROGRAM FOCUS PAGEREF _Toc14272374 \h 9PROGRAM PLANNING PAGEREF _Toc14272375 \h 10Data PAGEREF _Toc14272376 \h 10Annual Data Review PAGEREF _Toc14272377 \h 10Annual Student Outcome Goals PAGEREF _Toc14272378 \h 10Action Plans PAGEREF _Toc14272379 \h 10Lesson Plans PAGEREF _Toc14272380 \h 10Annual Administrative Conference PAGEREF _Toc14272381 \h 10Use of Time PAGEREF _Toc14272382 \h 11Calendars PAGEREF _Toc14272383 \h 11School Counseling Advisory Council PAGEREF _Toc14272384 \h 11Deliver PAGEREF _Toc14272385 \h 14Direct Student Services PAGEREF _Toc14272386 \h 15Instruction PAGEREF _Toc14272387 \h 15Appraisal & Advisement PAGEREF _Toc14272388 \h 15Counseling PAGEREF _Toc14272389 \h 15Indirect Student Services PAGEREF _Toc14272390 \h 15Consultation PAGEREF _Toc14272391 \h 15Collaboration PAGEREF _Toc14272392 \h 15Referrals PAGEREF _Toc14272393 \h 15Assess PAGEREF _Toc14272394 \h 17Program Assessment PAGEREF _Toc14272395 \h 18School Counseling Program Assessment PAGEREF _Toc14272396 \h 18Annual Results Report PAGEREF _Toc14272397 \h 18School Counselor Assessment & Appraisal PAGEREF _Toc14272398 \h 18Supervisee Expectations PAGEREF _Toc14272399 \h 19Professionalism PAGEREF _Toc14272400 \h 20Responsibilities PAGEREF _Toc14272401 \h 20Guidance counselor vs. school counselorTennessee Bill # 302 Passed May 24, 1999: An act to rededsignate guidance counselors as school counselors and to amend TCA (Tennessee Code Annotated), Title 49, accordingly. Be it enacted by the general assembly of the State of Tennessee: Section 1. TCA, Section 49-5-402(a), is amended by deleting the words "guidance counselor" wherever they appear and substituting the words "school counselor".This state law was passed to formally changing the name from “guidance” counselor to school counselor. Professional school counselors, the American School Counseling Association, Tennessee School Counseling Association, and the Tennessee Department of Education have been working diligently to reconfigure the professional identity of PSCs from its historical guidance epistemology to a comprehensive developmental model. The professional school counselor is a certified/licensed educator (must have a Master's or higher in TN), is trained in school counseling with unique qualifications, and has skills to address all students’ academic, personal/social and career development needs.? Professional school counselors implement a comprehensive school counseling program that promotes and enhances student achievement. In effect, this school employs school counselors, not guidance counselors in the Counseling Center. The American School Counseling Association (ASCA) National Model for School Counseling Programs4th editionDefineReview the listed documents on the ASCA website: STANDARDSPROFESSIONAL STANDARDS:Professional Standards & CompetenciesEthical StandardsManagePROGRAM FOCUSBeliefsINSERT DEPARTMENT BELIEF STATEMENTEXAMPLE: The school counselors of WCMS believe that school personnel should work to have every student achieve at their maximum and aid them with any additional support that is necessary. We also believe that the student body is made up of individual students with individual styles and personalities and presentations should be as diverse as the students. VisionINSERT DEPARTMENT VISION STATEMENTEXAMPLE: The school counselors of WCMS believe that every student has a right to receive services according to individual need. Our counseling program is based on the Tennessee School Counseling and Guidance Standards and we actively recruit the participation of parents and other school personnel in an effort to meet the needs of the students. Mission StatementsWest Creek Middle SchoolINSERT SCHOOL MISSION STATEMENTEXAMPLE: Our mission is to educate and inspire students to become life-long learners, independent thinkers, respectful individuals, and responsible citizens while providing a safe and engaging environment.WCMS Counseling CenterINSERT DEPARTMENT MISSION STATEMENTEXAMPLE: The mission of the WCMS Counseling Center is to provide all students with a counseling program to help meet their potential. We strive to provide educational programs and material to students, parents, and staff and to enhance communication between all three entities. We also engage in the development of students’ academic, career, and personal/social arenas in order to empower them to become successful in the school and when they depart. PROGRAM PLANNINGDataAccording to ASCA, “the school counselor program’s focus and direction are based on student needs as determined through a review of school data. Understanding and using data are essential to ensuring equitable services and that every student receives the benefits of the school counseling program.” During your fieldwork experience, be sure to:Connect with a staff member to review and examine school dataInquire about the school’s annual improvement goalsLook for trends in dataCompare the school’s data to district and state dataIF YOU COLLECT OTHER DATA, INCLUDE THAT INFORMATION HERE AS WELL. FOR EAXMPLE: Faculty Recommendations- student needs Faculty Needs assessment Parent Needs Assessment Student Session survey Student progress survey Group pre assessment Annual Data ReviewAfter you have reviewed the school data, identify gaps in achievement, attendance, and discipline for the various subgroups. Annual Student Outcome GoalsBased on the data, the counseling center has identified the following goals for this year: INSERT PROGRAM GOALSEXAMPLEBy May 2016, 8th grade boys with 10 or more discipline referrals/behavior notifications in the first marking period will decrease referrals/notifications by 25% in the last quarter.By May 2016, 8th grade students with two or more failing classes in the first marking period will decrease failures by one class in the last quarter.Action PlansIF YOU HAVE DEVELOPED SPECIFIC ACTION PLANS, INSERT THEM HERE. CLICK HERE FOR EXAMPLES: Lesson PlansIF YOU HAVE LESSON PLANS, INCLUDE A STATEMENT ON WHERE THE SUPERVISEE CAN LOCATE THEM FOR REVIEW (OR LIST HELPFUL WEBSITES WITH SAMPLE LESSON PLANS APPLICABLE TO YOUR SETTING)Annual Administrative ConferenceFORMERLY KNOWN AS THE MANAGEMENT AGREEMENT. INCLUDE A STATEMENT ON WHERE THE SUPERVISEE CAN LOCATE THIS FOR REVIEW. Use of TimePROVIDE A BRIEF OVERVIEW OF YOUR TIME TRACKING SYSTEM. INCLUDE A STATEMENT ON WHERE THE SUPERVISEE CAN LOCATE THIS FOR REVIEW.CalendarsPROVIDE A DEPARTMENT CALENDER HERE. SEE EXAMPLE PROVIDED IN THE SPACE BELOW.School Counseling Advisory CouncilIF YOU HAVE AN ADVISORY COUNCIL, INCLUDE INFORMATION ABOUT THAT HERE. DeliverDirect Student ServicesInstructionINCLUDE INFORMATION ON HOW YOUR DEPARTMENT PROVIDES INSTRUCTION TO STUDENTS. FOR EXAMPLE, DO YOU PRESENT CLASSROOM LESSONS OR ASSIST IN THE DEVELOPMENT/IMPLEMENTATION OF SCHOOL-WIDE CURRICULUM/ADVISORY LESSONS? WHAT DO THIS LOOK LIKE IN YOUR SCHOOL?Appraisal & AdvisementTHROUGH THIS PROCESS COUNSELORS HELP STUDENTS UNDERSTAND THEIR ABILITIES, VALUES, AND CAREER INTERESTS WHICH MAY RESULT IN COLLABORATIVE PLAN DEVELOPMENT. WHAT DOES THIS LOOK LIKE IN YOUR SCHOOL?CounselingHOW DO YOU OFFER THESE SERVICES IN YOUR SCHOOL? DO YOU HAVE GUIDELINES ON WHEN STUDENTS CAN BE PULLED AND FOR HOW LONG? DO YOU HAVE RESOURCES THAT YOU USE FOR SESSIONS? Indirect Student ServicesConsultationHOW DO CONSULTEES (i.e. partnts/teachers) ACCESS THE SCHOOL COUNSELOR FOR CONSULTATION SERVICES? DO THE SCHOOL COUNSELORS SEEK CONSULTATION FROM ANY INDIVIDUALS/ORGANIZATIONS?CollaborationWHAT DOES THIS LOOK LIKE IN YOUR SCHOOL? WHAT COMMITTEES DO THE COUNSELORS PARTICIPATE IN? DOES YOUR DEPARTMENT OFFER WORKSHOPS OR ENGAGE IN ANY COMMUNITY PARTNERSHIPS (i.e. FUEL, PIE Partners)? DO YOU WORK WITH ANY OF THE FOLLOWING:CENTERSTONEMILITARY FAMILY LIFE CONSULTANTSOCIAL WORKERSWHAT DOES CRISIS RESPONSE LOOK LIKE FOR COUNSELORS IN YOUR SCHOOL? WHAT CAN SUPERVISEES EXPECT IF THE FOLLOWING OCCURS?Imminent suicide attemptDrug overdoseAggressive reaction (present or imminent)Physical illness or adverse physical reactions requiring immediate medical attentionPsychotic reaction or other serious psychological disturbanceReport of child abuseSevere depression, anxiety, etc.ReferralsINCLUDE GUIDELINES ON WHEN TO MAKE REFERRALS, TO WHOM, AND FOR WHAT REASONS (i.e. Mobile Crisis, DCS, mental health agencies, etc). IT MAY BE HELPFUL TO INCLUDE LINKS TO RELEVANT CMCSS POLICIES AS WELL: (i.e. HUM-A009: Reporting Suspected Child Abuse). BE SURE TO INCLUDE COMMUNITY RESOURCES THAT YOU FREQUENTLY USE (tutoring services, community assistance programs, etc.). AssessProgram AssessmentSchool Counseling Program AssessmentDO YOU ASSESS YOUR PROGRAM ON AN ANNUAL BASIS? IF SO, INCLUDE INFORMATION ABOUT THAT HERE. BE ASURE TO DESCRIBE THE INSTRUMENTS USED, DISTRIBUTION METHODS, AND TIMELINE. CLICK HERE FOR AN EXAMPLE INSTRUMENT: . Annual Results ReportDO YOU COMPLETE AN ANNUAL REPORT AND DISSEMENTATTE TO STAKEHOLDERS? IF SO, INCLUDE A STATEMENT ON HOW SUPERVISEES CAN ACCESS THAT REPORT. THE ASCA WEBSITE PROVIDES SOME TEMPLATES, YOU CAN USE THE ONES PROVIDED OR CREATE YOUR OWN SUCH AS THIS ONE: . School Counselor Assessment & AppraisalINCLUDE A STATEMENT ON HOW YOU ARE ASSESSED AS A COUNSELOR WITHIN YOUR SCHOOL. WHAT DOES YOUR EVALUATION PROCESS LOOK LIKE?Supervisee ExpectationsProfessionalismWe encourage membership in professional organizations such as ASCA, TCA, and TSCA. We attend annual conferences at the state as well as the national level. Please be sure to review the updated ASCA ethical standards and be prepared to abide by these standards at the field site level and beyond. Appearance:Business casual- knee length dresses/skirts; no low-cut blouses; no spaghetti straps or shear topsNo gumDisplay APSU badge at all timesCasual Fridays- no holes in jeans Cell phone use only during lunch period Activities at field site MUST be directly related to specific field site (i.e. no homework, applying for jobs, etc.)Arrive at 7 AM everyday- prepare for trafficCheck in and out with driver’s license everydayIf an emergency arrives, notify supervisor as soon as possible If you know in advance that you will be out, please notify your supervisor as soon as possibleTake initiative- look for ways you can contribute. Demonstrate respect to all employees. ResponsibilitiesBe sure to visit our school and department webpage to learn more about us. Complete time logs and collect supervisor signatures on a weekly basis. Be prepared to engage in some indirect hours of essential administrative duties. Be ready to be a team player and make positive contributions to your environment. Share your goals with your supervisor. ................

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