File compression/decompression utilities:

|File compression/decompression utilities: |

Basic file compression utilities: (and file extensions)

• gzip (.gz): Also see zcat, gunzip, gznew, gzmore

compress: gzip file-name

decompress: gzip -d file-name.gz

• bzip2 (.bz2): Also see: bunzip2, bzcat, bzip2recover

compress: bzip2 file-name

decompress: bunzip2 file-name.bz2

• compress (.Z): (Adaptive Lempel-Ziv compression) Also see: uncompress, zcat

compress: compress file-name

decompress: uncompress file-name.Z

(Provided by the RPM package ncompress)

• pack (.z): Also see: unpack

compress: pack file-name

decompress: unpack file-name.z

• zip (.zip): Compress files or groups of files. (R.P.Byrne compression) Compatible with PC PKZIP files. Also see: unzip

compress: zip file-name

decompress: unzip

Also see the GUI Gnome based program file-roller. The file utility is great for viewing the contents and extracting compressed tar, RPM and Java "jar" files. It even can view and extract compressed files within other compressed tar archives!! It can also create compressed archive files as well. Great tool for inspecting an RPM package and reading the package documentation before you decide to install the package. (Introduced in Red Hat 8.0)


|Using TAR (Tape Archive) for simple backups: |

It should be noted that automated enterprise wide multi-system backups should use a system such as Amanda. (See Backup/Restore links on YoLinux home page) Simple backups can be performed using the tar command:

tar -cvf /dev/st0 /home /opt

This will backup the files, directories and all it's subdirectories and files of the directories /home and /opt to the first SCSI tape device. (/dev/st0)

Restoring files from backup:

tar -xvf /dev/st0

Script to perform weekly archive backups: /etc/cron.weekly/


tar -cz -f /mnt/BackupServer/user-id/backup-weekly-`date +%F`.tar.gz -C /home/user-id dir-to-back-up

Be sure to allow execute permission on the script: chmod ugo+x /etc/cron.weekly/

Manual page for the tar command.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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