CompTIA Security+ Practice Tests

[Pages:601] CompTIA?

Security+? Practice Tests Exam SY0-501

S. Russell Christy Chuck Easttom

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For my beautiful and wonderful wife, thank you for all your support.

--Russ Christy


I would like to thank Ken Brown and Kathi Duggan for all their support during my journey on this project; and all those at Wiley who worked on this title. The dedication of the team at Wiley cannot be overstated.

Thanks are also due to my family, who supported me through my endless work hours--my wonderful wife Leigh Ann, my children Zackary and Katelyn, and my mom. I love you all!

--Russ Christy

About the Authors

S. Russell Christy is a technical trainer in Memphis, Tennessee, who delivers traditional and online classroom learning for adults, covering a wide variety of products. He specializes in computer maintenance and network and security; Microsoft Office applications; and web and print design. For over 20 years, he has deployed new desktops and operating systems, servers, and network hardware and software, while simultaneously troubleshooting various hardware and software issues. Russ holds a bachelor's degree in business administration from the University of Memphis. He has additionally gained industry certifications in CompTIA A+, CompTIA Network+, CompTIA Security+, CompTIA CySA+, CompTIA Server+, MTA Windows Server Administration Fundamentals, Network Fundamentals, Security Fundamentals, and Windows OS Fundamentals, Microsoft Office Specialist 2013 Master, and Adobe Education Trainer.

Chuck Easttom is a researcher, consultant, and trainer in computer science and computer security. He has expertise in software engineering, operating systems, databases, web development, and computer networking. He travels the world teaching and consulting on digital forensics, cyber security, cryptology, and related topics. He has authored 22 books and counting, as well as dozens of research papers. Chuck is additionally an inventor with 10 patented computer science inventions. He also frequently works as an expert witness in computer-related cases. His website is .


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