Technology Integrated Lesson Plan

Technology Integrated Lesson Plan

MEDT 3401

|Name: |Britni Worthy and Ashley Strickland |

|Lesson Plan # |1 |

|Classroom Configuration |

|1 Computer |3-5 Computers |6-10 Computers |1 - 1 |

| | | |X |

|Design for Learning |

|Whole Group |Small Group |Pairs |Individual |

|X | |X | |

|Bloom’s Taxonomy - Levels Addressed |

|Knowledge |Comprehension |Application |Analysis |Synthesis |Evaluation |

|X |X |X | |X | |

|Lesson Title |ABC in Word |

|Subject (s) |Language Arts |

|Duration |One class period |

|Learners |

|Grade Level(s) |2 |

|Special Needs |One student with visual impairments. The student will use a computer with a |

| |magnifier screen. |

|ESL |No ESL students. |

|Prerequisite Skills |All students should know the capital and lowercase letters of the alphabet. The |

| |students should also have basic knowledge of the Microsoft Word program including: |

| |proper positioning of the hands on the keyboard, location of keys, creating a word |

| |document, changing fonts in a word document, etc. |

|Curricular Connections |

|Performance Objectives |The students will identify capital and lowercase letters of the alphabet by designing|

| |a word-processed document. Students will manipulate the letters using options from |

| |the “toolbar”. |

|GPS and Elements |ELA2R4 The student uses a variety of strategies to gain meaning from grade-level |

| |text. |

| |ELA2W1 The student demonstrates competency in the writing process. |

| |ELA2LSV1 The student uses oral and visual strategies to communicate. |

|Teacher NETS |Technology Operations and Concepts |

| |A. demonstrates introductory knowledge, skills, and understanding of concepts related|

| |to technology. |

| |Planning and Designing Learning Environments and Experiences |

| |E. plan strategies to manage student learning in a technology enhanced environment. |

| |III. Teaching, Learning, and the Curriculum |

| |Facilitate technology-enhanced experiences that address content standards and student|

| |technology standards |

| |IV. Assessment and Evaluation |

| |C. applies multiple methods of evaluation to determine students' appropriate use of |

| |technology resources for learning, communication, and productivity. |

| |V. Productivity and Professional Practice |

| |C. Apply technology to increase productivity. |

| |VI. Social, Ethical, Legal and Human Issues |

| |E. Facilitate equitable access to technology resources for all students. |

| | |

|Student NETS |Basic operations and concepts: Students are proficient in the use of technology. |

| |Social, Ethical, and Human issues: Students practice responsible use of technology |

| |systems, information, and software. |

| |Technology Productivity tools: Students use technology tools to enhance learning, |

| |increase productivity, and promote creativity. |

|Assessment |

|Assessment |Students will create a word-processed document where they will follow instructor’s directions to type letters of |

| |the alphabet in the proper sequence. A rubric will be used to measure student’s success of the lesson plans main |

| |objectives. |

|Instructional Media |

|Materials |Computer with Microsoft Word program available. |

| |Rubric for grading the Word-processed document. |

| |Projector screen for demonstrations. |

|Technology |

|Teacher |Projector Screen |

| |Microsoft Office/ Word |

|Student |Microsoft Office/Word |

|Teacher URLs | |

|Student URLs | |

|*Create and attach with this lesson plan all handouts and media you will use to implement this lesson. |

|Learning Plan |

|Hook/Motivation |We will read the book “Alphabet Mystery” by Audrey Wood and allow the students to become excited about the letters |

| |of the alphabet. |

| |By using the projector screen, the instructor will provide a demonstration of the activity as well as some of the |

| |functions of Microsoft Word. |

|Connections to Previous Learning |The students will have prior experience with the letters of the alphabet, and will have the basic skills needed to |

| |distinguish between capital and lower-case letters. |

| |The students will have a basic introduction to Microsoft Office/ Word program. |

|Procedures |All students will receive a copy of the rubric, the rubric should also be covered before the assignment is given. |

|*Number these |Teacher will model each step of the process. |

| |1. Open a new Word document. |

| |2. Demonstrate typing and erasing using Backspace. |

| |3. Demonstrate changing the font size using the tool bar as follows: |

| |- Locate the font size box on the tool bar. Click the down arrow next to the default size number (usually 12). |

| |Scroll down to 18 and click. |

| |4. Have students change the font size to 18 and then type their first name. Remind students to erase mistakes |

| |using Backspace. |

| |5. Demonstrate Saving with a “unique” name. (Discuss “unique name”) |

| |- Click File, Save As, and provide a filename such as ‘abc cindy’. Click Save |

| |Tip – always have K-2 students save after just a little work – you will need to help many of them the first time |

| |they save. Don’t wait to save! |

| |6. Exit & Open (time permitting practice the Save, Exit & Open sequence 2-3 times). |

| |7. Demonstrate moving the cursor to the right of their name. |

| |8. Demonstrate the use of the Backspace key vs. Delete button for erasing. |

| |9. Demonstrate pressing the Enter Key to skip to the next line (be sure to demonstrate the use of the Backspace |

| |key to “undo” the Enter Key). |

| |10. Review changing the Size of the font to 36. |

| |11. Demonstrate using the Shift Key to type an upper and lower case letter for the first few letters of the |

| |Alphabet. Use the space bar to leave a space between each set of letters. For example, ‘Aa Bb Cc’. |

| |Tip - if possible, have an example of the alphabet around the room or on the chalkboard in upper & lower case |

| |letters. |

| |Tip - for Kindergarten students have some fun and sing the alphabet slowly while kids point to the letters on the |

| |keyboard. |

| |12. Demonstrate changing the Color - click the mouse so the cursor is between upper and lower case letters. To |

| |change the color of the font click the down arrow next to the icon on the toolbar that has an ‘A’ with a colored |

| |line under it. Click on a chosen color and the font will automatically change to that color. Do this with each set|

| |of letters choosing a different color for each set. |

| | |

|Student Processing/Products |Students will create the word-processed document which demonstrates their ability to manipulate letters using |

| |different fonts and sizes. |

| |Ex: Page: 4 |

|Adaptations |For the visually impaired student there will be a special computer designated which has a screen magnifier. |

| |If other students need assistance they will be allowed to work in a group with at least one partner. |

|Connections to Other Disciplines |Students have prior experience with the Microsoft technology. |

|Extensions/Enrichments |Advanced students may try level 2 or 3 when they have finished level 1. They may also practice typing with |

| |other words that they know. |

| |See Pg. 1: |

Ashley’s Reflection:

I enjoyed creating this lesson because it enabled me to see that technology can be integrated into lessons for children of very young ages. The lesson was a bit time consuming, and I am not sure that students as young as kindergarten would have the attention span to listen to directions and follow the steps for an entire class period. I think that a lesson of this magnitude is more appropriate for students in first or second grade. I would like to try this lesson, but would need to know that all of the students meet the prerequisite prior to me teaching the lesson. I would also need access to a computer lab so that the students could work individually to complete the assignment.

Britni’s Reflection:

I feel that this would be an interesting lesson if incorporated into the classroom. I would be concerned that some students would become uninterested or confused because some students in kindergarten may not have any prior knowledge of computer technology. I would like to see this lesson plan more directed and tailored towards a first grade or second grade level. I think if it were more directed towards a higher grade level then the used of clip art and other Microsoft word media should be incorporated. When I student taught in kindergarten we were denied the use of the computer labs because the students were only in kindergarten, so I feel that if this were true in most cases then this lesson could not be carried out as planned. If this happened then the teachers could teach this lesson with small groups during center time.


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