Twin City Removals

|Twin City Removals | |

| |Uplift Date: |

|Customers Inventory | |

|A.B.N 95 834 862 057 |Prepack Required: |

|Email: twincityremovals@ | |

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|Name: |

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|Telephone No: |Mobile No: |

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|Please give more information on certain items. This will give more accurate Quote. |

Note For certain items please notate – L = large, M = Medium, S = small, in the QTY boxes

|Lounge Room |

|Item |Qty |Item |Qty |Item |Qty |

|Air Conditioner - ( M L) | |Fish Tank& Stand (S M L) | |Standard Lamp | |

|Beanbag | |Futon Bed | |Speakers (Sm Med Lge) | |

|Bookcase (Sm Med Lge) | |Heater / Radiator (Sm Lge) | |Stereo | |

|Cabinet (Sml Med Lge) | |Magazine Tidy | |Television (Sm Med Lge) | |

|Carpet | |Mirror (Sm Lge) | |Television Cabinet (M or L) | |

|CD Rack / Tower (Sm Lge) | |Organ | |Vase / Flowers | |

|Coffee Table (Sm Med Lge) | |Piano Upright (Sml Med Lge | |Video Cabinet | |

|Com / Wall Unit | |Piano Stool | |Video Player | |

|Corner Lounge | |Plant Stand | |Wall Picture (Sm Med Lge) | |

|Corner Unit | |Pouffe | |Plants (Sm Med Lge) | |

|Desk (Student Med Lge) | |Recliner | | | |

|Desk Fan | |Rocking Chair | | | |

|Divan | |1 Seater Lounge Chair | | | |

|DVD Player | |2 Seater Lounge Chair | | | |

|Entertainment Unit (Med Lg) | |3 Seater Lounge Chair | |Boxes/ Standard Size No. | |

|Fan Pedestal | |Sofa Bed | |Boxes/ Book Size No. | |

|Dining Room |

|Item |Qty |Item |Qty |Item |Qty |

|Book Case (Sm Med Lge) | |Dining Chairs hi or low back | |Wall Unit 1, 2 or 3 Piece | |

|Bookshelf (Sm Med Lge) | |Dining Table (Sm Med Lge) | | | |

|Buffet Sideboard | |Display Hutch | | | |

|Cabinet | |Other Chairs | |Boxes/ Standard Size No. | |

|Desk (Student Med Lge) | |Tray Mobile | |Boxes/ Book Size No. | |

|Kitchen |

|Item |Qty |Item |Qty |Item |Qty |

|Kit/Hutch (Sml Med Lge) | |Microwave | |Tidy Bin | |

|Butchers Block | |M/wave Cabinet | | | |

|Dishwasher | |Pantry | | | |

|Freezer (T/box chest lge) | |Stools | | | |

|Fridge Med Lge | |Table (Sm Med Lge) | |Boxes/ Standard Size No. | |

|Highchair | |Chairs | |Boxes/ Book Size No. | |

|Main Bedroom 1 |

|Item |Qty |Item |Qty |Item |Qty |

|Air Conditioner ( S M L) | |Mirrow (Sml Med Lge) | |Headboard | |

|Bedside Table | |Double Bed Base | |Television (Sm Med Lge) | |

|Bookshelf (Sm Med Lge) | |Double Bed Mattress | |Wardrobe Comb | |

|Blanket Box or Chest | |Queen Bed Base | |Wardrobe (Sml Med Lge) | |

|Chair | |Queen Mattress | |Suitcases | |

|Chest of Drawers (S M Lge) | |King Bed Base`s | |Boxes/ Standard Size No. | |

|Dressing Table (Sm Md Lge) | |King Bed Mattress | |Boxes/ Book Size No. | |

|Bedroom 2 |

|Item |Qty |Item |Qty |Item |Qty |

|Bedside Table | |Dressing Table | |Toybox | |

|Bookshelf (Sm Med Lge) | |Folding Bed | |Wardrobe Comb | |

|Bunks Double or Single | |Mirror | |Wardrobe Double | |

|Bunks Mattresses | |Pictures (Sm Med Lge) | |Wardrobe Single | |

|Chair | |Single Bed Base | |Water Bed (sn Db Qu Ki) | |

|Chest of Drawers (Sm Md L) | |Single Bed Mattress | |Blanket Box or Chest | |

|Desk ( Student Med Lge) ) | |Stool | |Air/Con.(S M L) | |

|Divan | |Suitcases | |Boxes/ Std or Book Size No | |

|Bedroom 3 |

|Item |Qty |Item |Qty |Item |Qty |

|Baby Bath | |Dressing Table | |Toybox | |

|Bassinette & Stand (Sm Lge) | |Low Chair | |Trunk | |

|Bookshelf (Sm Med Lge) | |Mattress Small | |Wardrobe Comb | |

|Chair | |Mirror | |Wardrobe Double | |

|Change Table (Sm Med Lge) | |Pictures (Sm Med Lge) | |Wardrobe Single | |

|Chest of Drawers (S Md Lge) | |Playpen | |Low Boy | |

|Cot Folded | |Single Bed Complete | |Strip Bags | |

|Desk (Student ) | |Pram/stroller (Sm Med Lge) | |Boxes/Std or Book Size No | |

|Bedroom 4 |

|Item |Qty |Item |Qty |Item |Qty |

|Bedside Table | |Low Chair | |Toybox | |

|Bookshelf (Sm Med Lge) | |Mirror | |Trunk | |

|Bunks Double or Single | |Pictures (Sm Med Lge) | |Wardrobe Comb | |

|Bunks Mattresses | |Playpen | |Wardrobe Double | |

|Chair | |Pram | |Wardrobe Single | |

|Chest of Drawers (S M L) | |Single Bed | |Strip Bags | |

|Desk (Student Med Lge) | |Single Mattress | | | |

|Dressing Table | |Stroller | |Boxes/ Std or Book Size No | |

|Study |

|Item |Qty |Item |Qty |Item |Qty |

|Bookcase (Sm Med Lge) | |Hutch | |Lamp | |

|ComputerChair (Sml Lg) | |Cabinet (Sml Med Lge) | |Whiteboard | |

|Computer | |Photocopier (Sm Med Lge) | |Writing Desk | |

|Desk (Office) (Med Lge) | |Pictures | | | |

|Desk (Computer) | |Printer | | | |

|Fax Machine | |Shelving | |Boxes Standard Size No. | |

|Filing Cabinet (2,3,4, drawer) | |Table | |Boxes Book Size No. | |

|Hallway |

|Item |Qty |Item |Qty |Item |Qty |

|Carpet | |Hat & Coat Stand (S M L) | | | |

|Chair | |Mirror (Sm Med Lge) | | | |

|Grandfather Clock | |Painting / Pictures | | | |

|Hallstand | |Phone Table (Sm Med Lge) | |Boxes Standard Size No | |

|Hall table | |Writing Desk (Sm Med Lge) | |Boxes Book Size No | |

|Laundry |

|Item |Qty |Item |Qty |Item |Qty |

|Basket | |Freezer (T/box Chest Lge) | |Vacuum Cleaner | |

|Brooms | |Ironing Board | |Washing Machine (Sm Lge) | |

|Clothes Dryer | |Linen basket | | | |

|Clothes Airier | |Mop & Bucket | | | |

|Clothes Basket | | | | | |

|Clothes Trolley | | | |Boxes/ Standard Size No. | |

|Cupboard (Tall or Low) | | | |Boxe/ Book Size No. | |

|Family / Rumpus Room |

|Item |Qty |Item |Qty |Item |Qty |

|Bar (Sm Med Lge) | |1 Seater Lounge | |Television (Sm Med Lge) | |

|Bar Fridge | |2 Seater Lounge | |Wall Unit (Sml Med Lge) | |

|Billiard Table (Give size) | |3 Seater Lounge | |Wooden Chest | |

|Blackboard | |Painting (Sm Med Lge) | |EntertainmentUnit (Sml Lg) | |

|Bookshelves (Sm Med Lge) | |Pouffe | |Corner Unit (Sml Med Lge) | |

|Chair | |Sewing Machine | |Table (Sml Med Lge) | |

|Computer | |Stool | |Chairs (Sml Med Lge) | |

|Desk (Sm Med Lge) | |Fish Tank (Sml Med Lge) | |Boxes Std Or Book Size No | |

|Out Door / Garage / Shed |

|Item |Qty |Item |Qty |Item |Qty |

|Antenna | |Jack | |Wading Pool | |

|Army Trunk | |Ladder (Sm Med Lge) | |Wardrobe | |

|Back Packs | |Motor Bike (Sm Med Lge) | |Weedeater | |

|Basketball Stand | |Lawn Mower / Catcher | |Wheelbarrow | |

|BBQ (Sm Med Lge) | |OutdoorTable (Sml Med Lg) | |Whipper Snipper | |

|Bicycle | |Outdoor Chairs (Fold Up, | |Workbench (Sml Med Lge) | |

| | |Stackable Or Fixed | | | |

|Camping Gear (Sm Med Lge) | | | |Workmate | |

|Canoe (Sm Med Lge) | |Picnic Basket | |Steel Cabinets | |

|Car Fridge | |Plant Stand | |Steel Shelves | |

|Cement Ornament (S M L) | |Ride on Mower (Sml Lge) | |Motor Scooter | |

|Chairs Folding | |Sand Pit Shell | |Pot Plants (Sml Med Lge) | |

|Childs Chairs | |Toy Scooter | | | |

|Childs Table | |Shelving (Steel ) | | | |

|Compost Bin | |Suit cases | | | |

|Dog Kennel (Sm Med Lge) | |Swing Set (Dismantled) | | | |

|Dustbin (Sm Med Lge) | |Table (Sm Med Lge) | | | |

|Esky (Sm Med Lge) | |Table Tennis | | | |

|Fishing Rods | |Tent | | | |

|Garden Tools | |Timber | | | |

|Gas Bottle (EMPTY) | |Tool Boxes | | | |

|Golf Clubs | |Toy Pram | | | |

|Toy Horse (Sml Med Lge) | |Trampoline (Sml Med Lge) | |Boxes/ Standard Size No | |

|Hose/Stand | |Trike | |Boxes / Book Size No | |

|Miscellaneous |

|Item |Qty |Item |Qty |Item |Qty |

|Guitar | |Garden Tools | |Strip Bags | |

|Plants (Sm Med Lge) | |Walker Mach.(sm Lge) | |Xmas Tree | |

|Plastic stacking Boxes (SML) | |Exercise Fold up (sml) | | | |

|Sewing Machine | |Exercise Equip Bench | | | |

|Sewing Mac Table | |Exercise Equip Gym (Lge) | |Boxes/ Standard Size No | |

|Singer Tread Mach | |Weights Bar Bell | |Boxes/ Book Size No | |


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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