Rubric for Evaluating Senior Capstone Projects

Rubric for Evaluating Senior Capstone Projects

Assessable outcomes:

• written communication skills

• oral communication skills

• familiarity with and utilization of scientific literature

• ability to define a scientific question or problem,

• ability to measure, collect data

• ability to analyze and interpret data

• ability to develop methodologies—reasonable, logical, clear, attainable

• ability to work independently

| |1=Unacceptable |2=Acceptable |3=Good |4=Superior |

|Proposal Development | | | |

|Research question |Failed to communicate the question and/or|Adequately communicated the question |Clearly communicated the question to be|Clearly and fully communicated the |

| |its significance in the context of |and/or its significance in the context of|addressed and/or its significance in |question to be addressed and its |

| |previous work. |previous work. |the context of previous work. |significance in the context of previous |

| | | | |work. |

|Methods |The student has failed to communicate the|The student has adequately communicated |The student has clearly communicated |The student has clearly and fully |

| |methodology to be employed and/or its |the methodology to be employed and/or its|the methodology to be employed and/or |communicated the methodology to be |

| |appropriateness to the question |appropriateness to the question |its appropriateness to the question |employed and its appropriateness to the |

| | | | |question |

|outcomes |Student has failed to define the |Student has adequately defined the |Student has clearly defined the |Student has clearly and fully defined the |

| |hypothesis to be investigated, and/or the|hypothesis to be investigated, and/or the|hypothesis to be investigated, the |hypothesis to be investigated, the |

| |potential outcomes, and/or how they will |potential outcomes, and/or how they will |potential outcomes, and/or how they |potential outcomes, and how they will be |

| |be distinguished |be distinguished |will be distinguished |distinguished |

|budget |Budget fails to reflect an understanding |Budget does not account for proposed |Budget does not fully account for |Budget reflects the methodology and is |

| |of methodology and/or fails in |methodology and/or is not justified |proposed methodology and/or is not |fully justified |

| |justification of expenses. | |fully justified | |

|Written Paper | | | | |

|Content |Student has failed to communicate the |Student has adequately communicated the |Student has clearly communicated the |Student has clearly and fully communicated|

| |ability to interpret the significance of |ability to interpret the significance of |ability to interpret the significance |the ability to interpret the significance |

| |their research and/or place it in the |their research and/or place it in the |of their research and/or place it in |of their research and place it in the |

| |context of existing geologic knowledge |context of existing geologic knowledge |the context of existing geologic |context of existing geologic knowledge |

| | | |knowledge | |

|Mechanics |Writing is poor and may or may not be in |Writing is adequate and may or may not be|Writing is clear, concise and in the |Writing is clear, concise and is of |

| |the style appropriate for the project |in the style appropriate for the project |style appropriate for the project |publication quality |

|Organization |The paper is poorly structured and may or|The paper is adequately structured and |The paper is logically structured and |The paper is logically structured and in |

| |may not be in an appropriate format |may or may not be in an appropriate |in an appropriate format |an appropriate format for publication |

| | |format | | |

|Public Presentation | | | |

|Content |The presentation fails to convey the |The presentation adequately conveys the |The presentation clearly conveys the |The presentation clearly and fully |

| |problem, the methodology, data analysis, |problem, the methodology, data analysis, |problem, the methodology, data |communicates the problem, the methodology,|

| |interpretation and results |interpretation and results |analysis, interpretation and results |data analysis, interpretation and results |

| | | | |in a professional manner |

|organization |The presentation was poorly organized, |The presentation was adequately |The presentation was logically |The presentation was logically organized, |

| |and failed to include an introduction |organized, including a introduction which|organized, including a introduction |including an informative introduction |

| |which states the problem and/or its |states the problem but not necessarily |which states the problem and its |which clearly states the problem and its |

| |significance |its significance |significance |significance with seamless transitions |

| | | | |between topics |

|Media |Involved technology that distracted from |Involved technology that did not enhance |Presentation used technology in an |Presentation used technology in an |

| |the audience’s ability to understand the |the audience’s ability to understand the |appropriate way |appropriate way that enhances the ability |

| |data and its interpretation. |data and its interpretation. | |of the audience to understand the content |

|Q&A |Student’s responses fails to demonstrate |Student’s responses demonstrate an |Student’s responses demonstrate |Student’s responses clearly demonstrate |

| |an understanding and/or depth of the |incomplete understanding and/or depth of |complete understanding and depth of the|complete understanding and depth of the |

| |problem |the problem |problem |problem beyond the presentation |


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