John Jay High School - Wappingers Central School District

Name:_________________________________ Date:_______ Period:________

Objective: You will be making a one color design to be printed onto a t-shirt.

Please note when making your design:

• Keep your image or message tasteful!

• Use big solid colors, no thin lines, no shadows or outline font styles

• Try to keep graphics high contrast (black or white)

You will be creating your final design on the computer using Adobe Illustrator, the world’s leading vector drawing software. You may NOT jump straight to the computer until you fully brainstormed and sketched your ideas on paper. INSTRUCTOR APPROVAL IS REQUIRED for all steps.


1) Start out by drawing FOUR different thumbnail sketches

Approval of Image or Message:______________________

2) Chose one of your ideas and expand on it, by drawing two different layouts of that idea on the rough sketch handout sheet.

Approval of Image or Message:______________________

3) Once you have an image or a message, print it and show it to the instructor for approval:

Approval of Image or Message:______________________

4) See the instructor to make a “positive” of your image.

5) Follow the information sheets for light sensitive film processes and screen printing.

6) You must show the instructor at least one print of your design on some type of textile material.

7) Clean your screen to remove all ink (See Screen Cleaning for Storage sheet)

Approval of Clean Screen: ______________________

7) Submit one example print along with this screen printing packet for grading.

Introduction – A final printed image takes hours of preparation and planning. A designer follows a specific procedure to create a final product that allows for criticism, change and client approval.

Thumbnail Sketches – Small, quick layout sketches. Generally smaller than the final layout however, shown in approximately in the same proportion.

Rough Sketch – Roughs are detailed sketches of thumbnails that best solved the design problem. Usually one or two thumbnails are made into roughs. A rough more clearly represents the appearance of the finished design. Parallel lines are used to show similar line copy, while large type faces are hand lettered and illustrations are sketched.

Mechanical or Paste Up – Is what the final product will look like. Copy and line art are waxed in place on a white board or combine on the computer and printed out for photographic reproduction. Pictures and halftones were handles separately before the computer, now they are printed together.

Comprehensive Layout – A completed design on illustration board and is the actual size of the finished product. The composition is the master plan for the final design. It has to be checked for size and fit.

One Color Silkscreen Ideas


Instructor Must Sign Off Before Moving Forward

One Color Silkscreen Rough Sketches


Instructor Must Sign Off Before Moving Forward



Screen Cleaning for Storage

1) DO NOT put any water on the screen to start.

2) Using 4 x 4 Cotton Pads and Ink Remover to REMOVE ALL INK from the screen and frame.

3) Remove all Masking Tape from the borders of your screen frame

4) Carefully remove Silk Screen Fabric from your screen frame and throw away into the large trash can

5) Remove cord from your frame’s Kerf and place in cord storage bin (if there is no ink on it)

6) Using the sink and sprayer, submerge the screen frame in water to loosen gummed kraft paper from edge of screen frame (this may take a few minutes)

7) Use Ink Remover and 4 x 4 Cotton Pad Remove any Excess Ink from your wooden frame

8) RETURN the screen to instructor for storage.

9) Instructor will SIGN-OFF on your packet.

Name:____________________________ Date:_________ Period:_____

Design Grade (Thumbnails and Rough Sketches)


Four Different Layouts _____/20

Instructors Approval _____/10

Rough Sketches

Two Different Layouts _____/20

All Information Included _____/20

Instructors Approval _____/10

Total: _____/80

Final Printout

Use of Fonts and Graphics _____/20

Overall Design (appearance) _____/20

Example Print Submitted _____/15

One Print on Textile _____/10

Printing Quality _____/15

Screen Cleaned and Returned _____/10

Instructor’s Approval _____/10

Total: _____/100


Thumbnail Sketch #3

Thumbnail Sketch #1

Thumbnail Sketch #4

Thumbnail Sketch #2


Rough Sketch #2

Rough Sketch #1


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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