Format for Substantive Degree Program Request for Bachelor ...


Master of Science in Computer Information Systems (MSCIS)

The Master of Science in Computer Information Systems (MSCIS) is a professional degree that integrates the information, business, and technology cultures. It is focused on the practice of IT in organizations, emphasizing communication, working in and managing teams, and aligning technology projects with business priorities. Students receive training in both the modern techniques of management and the technology of computer systems.

The MSCIS curriculum was designed according to industry demand. Students are able to select areas of study in Special Topics courses that meet their own interests. These areas can include IT security, database analysis, design and management, the use of IT in a global economy, E-commerce, and networked systems.

Some of the careers MSIS graduates (with some experience) may pursue include (but are not limited to):


❑ VP IT operations

❑ Software Product manager

❑ Requirements analyst

❑ Programming team leader

❑ Systems architect

❑ Internal requirements analyst

❑ Development team leader

❑ Strategic technology consultant

❑ Network Managers

❑ Database Administrator

❑ Data Administrators

❑ MIS Instructors

The curriculum of the Master of Science in Computer Information Systems (MSCIS) degree program requires 33 credit hours of course work.

The University of Texas at El Paso would be the only university within a 250 mile radius to offer this program (The University of Arizona in Tucson being the nearest). Within the state of Texas, the nearest universities offering similar programs are The University of Texas (Austin) and The University of Texas at Arlington.

The course curriculum is based on AIS/ACM committee report on MS in IS, 2006. The report was entitled, “MSIS 2006: MODEL CURRICULUM AND GUIDELINES FOR GRADUATE DEGREE PROGRAMS IN INFORMATION SYSTEMS,” and was prepared by a panel of international and national experts.

New Program Request Form for Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees

| |

|Directions: An institution shall use this form to propose a new bachelor’s or master’s degree program. In completing the form, the institution |

|should refer to the document Standards for Bachelor’s and Master’s Programs, which prescribes specific requirements for new degree programs. Note: |

|This form requires signatures of (1) the Chief Executive Officer, certifying adequacy of funding for the new program; (2) a member of the Board of |

|Regents (or designee), certifying Board approval, and (3) if applicable, a member of the Board of regents or (designee), certifying that criteria have|

|been met for staff-level approval. Note: An institution which does not have preliminary authority for the proposed program share submit a separate |

|request for preliminary authority. That request shall address criteria set in Coordinating Board rules Section 5.24 (a). |

| |

|Information: Contact the Division of Academic Affairs and Research at 512/427-6200 for more information. |

| |

|Administrative Information |

| |

|1. Institution: The University of Texas at El Paso |

| |

|2. Program Name – Show how the program would appear on the Coordinating Board’s program inventory (e.g., Bachelor’s of Business Administration |

|degree with a major in Accounting): Master of Science in Computer Information Systems (MSCIS). |

| |

|3. Proposed CIP Code: |

| |

|4. Brief Program Description – Describe the program and the educational objectives: |

| |

|The Program |

| |

|Information technology as Focal Point of a Revolution |

| |

|Information Technology is the focal point of a revolution in which computer science and computing tools and techniques drive innovation across a wide|

|spectrum of businesses and industries. This proposal for a Master of Science program in Computer Information Systems (MSCIS), distinguished by its |

|currency, intensity and rigor, in educating a cadre of leaders in this revolution. |

| |

|Goals for MSCIS |

| |

|This degree is neither an overview nor an introduction to the IS field. Students will gain a theoretical grounding in computing not often acquired |

|"on the job" and a significant body of coursework in a technical IS Application Area that will qualify them as IS specialists in that field. The |

|MSCIS graduates are able to "do" as well as "talk about" the application of Information Technology. |

| |

|The MSCIS program primarily prepares students for leadership roles in the IT industry. However, student interaction with IDS faculty who are working |

|on leading edge IT research should encourage a number of the students to seek a Ph.D. at UTEP in related fields. Specifically, the objectives of the |

|degree program will include: |

|To increase awareness of various information technologies and their uses; |

|To consider the capabilities of current technology and explores future trends in computer systems and communication technologies; |

|To strengthen the ability to use information as a resource for optimal decision making; |

|To enhance analytical, risk assessment and critical thinking skills with contemporary analysis and design techniques and case evaluation; |

|To sharpen interpersonal and written communication skills; |

|To provide elective courses that increase technical competence and promote effective management. |

| |

| |

|Breadth of Experience - the MSCIS Core |

| |

|The MSCIS will provide graduates with a breadth of experience in (24 credits hours): |

|Database Systems |

|Networking |

|Software Design |

|Management of Technology |

|Human Computer Interaction |

|Enterprise Systems |

|Research Methods |

| |

|Depth of Experience - Application Areas |

| |

|Application Areas are designed to provide an in-depth experience in the application of information technology. Students will choose one of the |

|several application areas: |

|Telecomm, Networking and Security |

|Software Design and Sourcing Issues |

|E-Business including E-Government Issues |

|Knowledge Management |

|Human Computer Interaction |

|Global Information Systems |

|Academic IS courses |

| |

|In addition to application area courses, students will choose one additional elective, subject to advisor approval. |

| |

|Capstone Course |

| |

|The MSCIS capstone course will integrate the knowledge and professional practice of IT Core and Application Area courses. The capstone course |

|utilizes an Information Technology Team Project with a real organization to practice the major concepts of the IT Master's degree. The Team Project |

|involves strategic and business planning, systems development, and technology implementation. Expertise in database systems, networking, software |

|design, decision sciences, management of technology, human computer interaction, and ethics are applied within a framework of global e-business |

|strategy. |

| |

| |

|Duration of Study |

| |

|Core Courses will generally be taken in the fall and Application Area courses in the spring.  Full-time students will normally begin the program in |

|the fall term and may take four courses in the fall and four in the following spring and three in the next fall to complete the program.  Or they can|

|complete in two years by following a 3-3-2-3 formula. Part-time students typically can complete the program in two and one half years of continuous |

|study. UTEP CIS undergraduates with advanced standing may be able to complete the master’s with one additional term. |

|Dual Degree Objective. |

|The MSCIS can be combined with an MBA with IS concentration to provide a dual degree. An MBA student takes 24 additional credit hours in MSCIS |

|courses to achieve the goal. It consists of an integration of required courses (18 credit hours) and two electives (6 credit hours). The dual degree |

|allows a student to complement a strong general management core with a focus on Information Management. The number and variety of electives means |

|that the student can further customize his or her studies according to personal and professional interests. Ultimately, a student obtains two |

|highly-ranked master’s degrees with which to launch his or her career. |

| |

|Educational Objectives |

| |

|The educational objective of the proposed M.S. in Computer Information Systems (MSCIS) is to provide advanced |

|and specialized training in information technology that is not available through existing degree programs such as |

|the Master of Business Administration, Master of Information Technology, Master of Accountancy, and Master of |

|Science in Economics in the College of Business Administration. |

| |

|Advanced and specialized technical training in the area of database and enterprise systems, expert systems, |

|e-business, e-commerce and e-governmental issues, networks and security management, and system analysis and design will prepare students for careers |

|as database administrators, telecommunication specialists, knowledge engineers, system specialists, or for Ph.D. studies in information systems. |

|Advanced and managerial training in the area of strategic and global information systems, and decision support will allow them to manage and utilize|

|information technology towards increasing organizational productivity and achieving competitive advantage. |

| |

|Higher competencies in the information technology area will also help students pass professional certification |

|exams such as Certified Data Processor (CDP), Certified Compute Programmer (CCP), and Certified Systems |

|Programmer (CSP) with relative ease. |

| |

|5. Administrative Unit – Identify where the program would fit within the organizational structure of the university (e.g., The Department of |

|Electrical Engineering within the College of Engineering): Department of Accounting and Information Systems, College of Business Administration |

| |

|Proposed Implementation Date – Report the first semester and year that students would |

|enter the program: Fall, 2019 |

| |

|7. Contact Persons – Provide contact information for persons who can answer specific questions about the program: |

| |

|Name: Kallol Bagchi |

| |

|Title: Associate Professor |

| |

|E-mail: |

| |

|Phone: 915-747- 5376 |

Program Information

I. Need

Note: Complete I.A and I.B only if preliminary authority for the program was granted more than four years ago. This includes programs for which the institution was granted broad preliminary authority for the discipline.

A. Job Market Need – Provide short- and long-term evidence of the need for graduates in the job market.

In addition to student interest, there is also justification for the MSCIS program in terms of job

market demands. An initial survey indicates considerable interest on the part of the local

businesses to hire employees with advanced and specialized training in the information systems area.

Our undergraduate CIS students are hired by EDS, Varay Systems, ExxonMobile, Texas Instruments,

Principal Finance, City of El Paso, El Paso County, Curry and Adkins, Shell Oil, U.S. Border Patrol,

U.S. Customs, State Farm Insurance, Texas Department of Transportation, Delphi Automotive,

Johnson and Johnson, United Parcel Service, and IBM, as well as others.

The IDS department has also initiated a full-scale survey of potential employers of graduates from the

MSCIS program. Names, addresses, and phone numbers of potential recruiters will also be

provided as an addendum to this application.

Data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics are reproduced below in Table 1 which indicates that the

demand of jobs is high and the growth will be sustained in near future.

| | | | | | |

|National employment title |Employment |Projected Employment |May 2004 |

| | |change, 2004–14 |median |

| | | |annual |

| | | |earnings |

|   | |

|   | |

|  |  |  |  | |

| | | |  | |

|  |2004 |2014 |Percent |  |

| | | |  | |

|Computer systems analysts |487 |640 |31.4 |66,460 |

|Network systems and data communications |231 |357 |54.6 |60,600 |

|analysts | | | | |

|Computer support specialists |518 |638 |23  |40,430 |

|Network and computer systems administrators |278 |385 |38.4 |58,190 |

| | | |  | |

|Computer and information systems managers** |280 |353 |25.9 |92,570 |

|Computer specialists, all other |149 |177 |19 |59,480 |

| | | |  | |

|Computer and information scientists, research* |22 |28 |25.6 |85,190 |

| | | |  | |

|Computer software engineers, applications |460 |682 |48.4 |74,980 |

| | | |  | |

|Database administrators |104 |144 |38.2 |60,650 |

| | | |  | |

| | | | | | |

|Table 1. High-wage, high-growth occupations, by educational attainment cluster and earnings |

|(Numbers in thousands) |

|*: The course will prepare them for a Ph.D degree course | | | | |

|**: May additionally require several years of experience | | | | | |

In addition we also enclose local job market data in and around El Paso area (Table 2). It is a survey that the El Paso Community College conducted and focuses on the 2005 – 2010 job requirements in the four local counties. This survey includes average salaries which are among the highest in our community.


Table 2. Job Opportunities in El Paso Area

It may be noted that the Fort Bliss Military Base is the second largest employer in El Paso area. Our graduates can have different government job opportunities there (civilian jobs).

B. Student Demand – Provide short- and long-term evidence of demand for the program.

An initial survey indicates that there is considerable interest on the part of the undergraduate students to get into program like M.S. in CIS. This interest is based on a number of reasons: first, the present B.B.A. with concentration in CIS does not provide advanced and specialized training in information systems and there is a considerable demand for employees trained in this technology in the greater El Paso area. Second, most of UT El Paso students are place-bound and can not afford to leave El Paso. Third, the closest M.S. in CIS program is about 500 miles away from the El Paso area. Fourth, the military base at Fort Bliss is located in El Paso and there is a continuous demand of master’s level education from the military base.

The IDS department and the College of Business Administration also receive unsolicited inquiries

about the M.S. in CIS program and applications for admission into such program from employees of

different companies who have been transferred to the El Paso area. Often these employees had

express frustration that no such program is available UT El Paso.

The department has finished a preliminary survey of 98 business students to gauge undergraduate interest in the MSCIS program, the results of which are given below. More than 63% expressed an interest in MSCIS program. When the awareness of the MSCIS increases, the percentage of those interested should increase. Based on this result, we can conclude that the MSCIS has generated a lot of student’s interest at the College of Business, UTEP.

|Variable |Yes |No |

|Major in CIS? |60.2% |39.8% |

|Senior? |88.78% |11.22% |

|Master’s degree in future? |91.8% |8.2% |

|Interest in MSCIS program? |63.3% |36.7% |

|Knowledge about MSCIS? |15.3% |84.7% |

| |(some) |(Not much) |

Table 3. Results of a Student Survey Done in November, 2006.

C. Enrollment Projections – Use this table to show the estimated cumulative headcount and full-time student equivalent (FTSE) enrollment for the first five years of the program. (Include majors only and consider attrition and graduation.)

|YEAR |1 |2 |3 |4 |5 |

|Headcount |25 |35 |40 |45 |45 |

|FTSE |20 |25 |30 |35 |35 |

II. Quality

A. Degree Requirements – Use this table to show the degree requirements of the program. (Modify the table as needed; if necessary, replicate the table for more than one option.)

|Category |Semester Credit |Clock Hours |

| |Hours | |

|General Education Core Curriculum | | |

|(bachelor’s degree only) | | |

|Required Courses |24 | |

|Prescribed Electives |9 | |

|Free Electives |None | |

|Other (Specify, e.g., internships, clinical |(if not included | |

|work) |above) | |

|Foundation Courses (optional) |15 | |

|TOTAL (including optional courses) |48 | |

B. Curriculum – Use these tables to identify the required courses and prescribed electives of the program. Note with an asterisk (*) courses that would be added if the program is approved. (Add and delete rows as needed. If applicable, replicate the tables for different tracks/options.)

|Prefix and Number |Required Courses |SCH |

|CIS 5325 |Enterprise Models |3 |

|CIS 5350 |Systems Analysis and Design |3 |

|CIS 5394 Current |Current Issues in CIS |3 |

|Issues in CIS | | |

|CIS 5380 |IT Infrastructure |3 |

|CIS 5315 |Global and Strategic Information Systems |3 |

|CIS 5375 |Project Management |3 |

|CIS 5377 |Human Computer Interaction |3 |

|CIS 5399 |Integrated Capstone |3 |

|Prefix and Number |Prescribed Elective Courses |SCH |

| |Students should select related 3 of the following courses each 3 hours for | |

| |a total of 9 hours) | |

|CIS 5320/ CIS 4320 |Object-oriented System |3 |

|CIS 5330 |Expert and Decision Support Systems |3 |

|CIS 5340 |Electronic Commerce in Business |3 |

|CIS 5345 |E-Government Issues |3 |

|CIS 5355 |Customer Relationship Management |3 |

|CIS5395/ |Web Technology and languages |3 |

|MIT 5316 | | |

|CIS 5360 |Business Intelligence and Security Informatics |3 |

|CIS 5366 |Virtual Organizations |3 |

|CIS 5368/ |Advance Database Management |3 |

|CIS 4368 | | |

|CIS 5370 |Data Communications and Computer Networks |3 |

|CIS 5372 |Managing the Telecommunications Resources |3 |

|CIS 5374 |Business Structure and Strategy in Telecom Industry |3 |

|CIS 5385 |Advanced Database Systems |3 |

|CIS 5386 |Knowledge Management |3 |

|CIS 5387 |Global Cultural Implications for IS |3 |

|CIS 5388 |Business Process Reengineering |3 |

|CIS 5389 |Principles of IS Research |3 |

|CIS 5397 |Offshoring, Nearshoring/ Border Issues |3 |

|CS 5383 |Topics in Software Assurance |3 |

|EDCT 5300 |Instructional Design, Delivery and Assessment/CATE |3 |

|EDCT 5306 |Teaching and Learning for Business Education Teachers |3 |

|MIT 5324 |Object-oriented Analysis and Design |3 |

|POM 5399 (4399) |Supply Chain Management |3 |

|QMB5311 |Quantitative Methods in Business |3 |

|Prefix and Number |Foundation Courses |SCH |

|All students must complete the foundation courses (FC) as described below. Courses | |

|in the FC will be waived for a student if the student has taken these courses or their | |

|equivalents or demonstrates proficiency in the relevant area by taking challenge | |

|examinations approved by the Graduate Studies Committee in the IDS department. It | |

|must be stated here that this is not an unique requirement for the M.S. in CIS program. | |

|This is required for all three existing M.S. programs in the College of Business | |

|Administration. | |

|ACCT 5301 (2301 & 2302) |Financial Accounting (3) |3 |

|MKT 5311 (3300) |Principles of Marketing (3) |3 |

|CIS 5311 |Management Information Systems (3) |3 |

|COMM 5362, ENGL 5311, ENGL 5312, ENGL 5314 |Professional Communications (3) |3 |

|or ENGL 5315 | | |

|MGMT 5311 |Organizational Management Seminar (3) |3 |

C. Faculty – Use these tables to provide information about Core and Support faculty. Add an asterisk (*) before the name of the individual who will have direct administrative responsibilities for the program. (Add and delete rows as needed.)

| | | |% Time |

|Name of Core Faculty and Faculty |Highest Degree and |Courses Assigned |Assigned |

|Rank |Awarding Institution |in Program |To Program |

|Godwin J. Udo, Southwestern Bell | |CIS 5315, CIS 5372, |20% |

|Professor of CIS & Chair |Ph.D., Information Systems, Clemson University|CIS 5374 | |

| |(1990) | | |

|Kallol Bagchi, Associate Professor |Ph.D., Information Systems, Florida Atlantic |CIS 5380, CIS 5345, CIS 5519, |25% |

|of CIS |University (2001). |CIS 5387, | |

| |Ph.D., Computer Science, Jadavpur University |CIS 5370 | |

| |(1988). | | |

|Wingyan Chung, Assistant Professor |Ph.D., Management, The University of Arizona |CIS 5390, CIS 5360, |20% |

|of CIS |(2004). |CIS 5386, CIS 5330 | |

|Leopoldo A. Gemoets, Associate |D.Sc, Environmental Engineering, Santa Lucia |CIS 5350, CIS 5355, CIS 5375 |20% |

|Professor of CIS |Health Sciences University (1983). | | |

| |Ph.D., Management Information Systems, Florida|CIS 5394, CIS 5389, |20% |

|Laura Hall, Associate Professor of |State University (1997). |CIS 5366 | |

|CIS | | | |

|Peeter J. Kirs, Associate Professor|Ph.D., Management Information Systems, |CIS 5325, CIS 4368, CIS 5385, |25% |

|of CIS |S.U.N.Y. at Buffalo (1987). |CIS 5320 | |

|Mo Adam Mahmood, Mayfield Professor|Ph.D., Management Information Systems, Texas |CIS 5377, CIS 5340, CIS 5395, | 20% |

|of CIS |Tech University (1982) |CIS 5389 | |

|New Faculty in Year 2007 | | | 33% |

| | | |% Time |

|Name of Support Faculty and Faculty |Highest Degree and |Courses Assigned |Assigned |

|Rank |Awarding Institution |in Program |To Program |

|Somnath Mukhopadhyay |Ph.D., Management Science, Arizona State |QMB 5311 |N.A. |

| |University (1992). | | |

| | | | |

|Rolfe Sassenfeld |Ph.D. in Computer Eng., UTEP (1998) |MIT 5316, MIT 5324, |N.A. |

| |Ph.D. in Computer Science, | | |

|Luc Longpre |Cornell University (1986) |CS5383 |N.A. |

|Jim Valdez | |EDCT 5300, EDCT 5306 |N.A. |

|Rafael Gutierrez |Ph.D. in Industrial Eng., University of |POM 4399/5399 |N.A. |

| |Arkansas (1998) | | |

D. Library – Provide the library director’s assessment of library resources necessary for the program. Describe plans to build the library holdings to support the program.

The current collection development activities at the University Library support computer information science courses in the MBA program and the PhD in International Business.

Current collection building includes the Government Documents collection (UTEP is a depository library collecting at the 64% level) is an additional major resource for this program. Serial and monograph documents in CIS are included in this collection. The monograph collection is also developed through an approval plan that supports all degree programs. This plan supplies new materials in subject areas of interest to CIS.

The journal collection contains a number of titles in the field that are available online and in print.

The Business Reference Librarian is a subject specialist who serves as a liaison with the CIS department and assists faculty and students in research of complex topics. In addition, all librarians assist students and faculty in the use of library resources.

Based on the analysis of the Library’s collections, services, and current purchasing practice the additional resources needed to provide adequate support for the proposed Master in Computer Information Science:

• $3,500 in inflation adjustments (typically 10 to 12 percent a year) to maintain the costs of the existing subscriptions to journals and databases.

With the new money added to the current collection building techniques the Library will be in

an excellent position to support the proposed program.

E. Facilities and Equipment – Describe the availability and adequacy of facilities and equipment to support the program. Describe plans for facility and equipment improvements/additions.

The College of Business Administration has a few excellent computer laboratories with state-of

the art hardware and software. These laboratories should be adequate for providing students

with advanced and specialized training in information technology.

These Labs are Lab 306, Lab 310, Lab 320 and Lab 324. The overall hardware and software

availability breakups are shown in the table below.

|Computers |  |  |  |  |

|Type |

|Software available for Windows |  |  |  |

|Great Plains |ACL 8 |

|Personnel1 | |Reallocated Funds | |

| |$616777.00 | |$105000.00 |

|Facilities and Equipment | |Anticipated New Formula Funding3 | |

| |$0 | |$528216.00 |

|Library, Supplies, | |Special Item Funding | |

|and Materials |$0 | |$0 |

|Other2 |$12,000.00 |Other4 | $0 |

|M&O $6000 | | | |

|Travel $6000 | | | |

|Total Costs |$628777.00 |Total Funding | |

| | | |$633216.00 |

1. Report costs for new faculty hires, graduate assistants, and technical support personnel. For new faculty, prorate individual salaries as a percentage of the time assigned to the program. If existing faculty will contribute to program, include costs necessary to maintain existing programs (e.g., cost of adjunct to cover courses previously taught by faculty who would teach in new program).

2. Specify other costs here (e.g., administrative costs, travel).

3. Indicate formula funding for students new to the institution because of the program; formula funding should be included only for years three through five of the program and should reflect enrollment projections for years three through five.

4. Report other sources of funding here. In-hand grants, “likely” future grants, and designated tuition and fees can be included.

| |

|Signature Page |

| |

|1. Adequacy of Funding – The chief executive officer shall sign the following statement: |

| |

|I certify that the institution has adequate funds to cover the costs of the new program. Furthermore, the new program will not reduce the |

|effectiveness or quality of existing programs at the institution. |

| |

|______________________________________ _______________________ |

|Chief Executive Officer Date |

| |

| |

|Board of Regents Approval – A member of the Board of Regents or designee shall sign the following statement: |

| |

|On behalf of the Board of Regents, I certify that the Board of Regents has approved the program. |

| |

|______________________________________ _______________________ |

|Board of Regents (Designee) Date of Approval |

| |

| |

|3. Board of Regents Certification of Criteria for Commissioner of Assistant Commissioner Approval – For a program to be approved by the |

|Commissioner or |

|the Assistant Commissioner for Academic Affairs and Research, the Board of Regents or designee must certify that the new program meets the |

|eight criteria under TAC Section 5.50 (b): The criteria stipulate that the program shall: |

| |

|(1) be within the institution’s current Table of Programs; |

|(2) have a curriculum, faculty, resources, support services, and other components of a degree program that are comparable to those of high |

|quality programs in the same or similar disciplines at other institutions; |

|(3) have sufficient clinical or in-service sites, if applicable, to support the program; |

|(4) be consistent with the standards of the Commission of Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools and, if applicable, |

|with the standards or discipline-specific accrediting agencies and licensing agencies; |

|(5) attract students on a long-term basis and produce graduates who would have opportunities for employment; or the program is appropriate |

|for the development of a well-rounded array of basic baccalaureate degree programs at the institution; |

|(6) not unnecessarily duplicate existing programs at other institutions; |

|(7) not be dependent on future Special Item funding |

|(8) have new five-year costs that would not exceed $2 million. |

| |

|On behalf of the Board of Regents, I certify that the new program meets the criteria specified under TAC Section 5.50 (b). |

| |

|__________________________________________________________________ |

|Board of Regents (Designee) Date |


A. Admission Requirements

Students must possess a B.S. degree in information systems, or in some related field , must submit

an official score on the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT) and must have a minimum upper

level undergraduate GPA of 2.7. International students must also have a minimum TOEFL score of

250/600. They also need to submit a statement of purpose (1-2 pages) informing applicant’s socio-economic

and educational background, professional experience (if any) and education and career goals. They must

also provide official transcripts of degrees and 3 letters of recommendation.

B. Budget Justification


Personnel: Actual salaries will be based on experience and qualifications

C. Proposed Course Inventory

Core Courses (* : New Courses)


*CIS 5325 Enterprise Models

Provides a process-oriented view of the organization and its relationships with suppliers, customers, and competitors: processes as vehicles for achieving strategic objectives and transforming the organization; process analysis, design, implementation, control and monitoring; processes as a means of achieving compliance; impact on work; the role of enterprise resource planning (ERP), supply chain management (SCM), and customer relationship management (CRM) systems. The process continuum: from structured to unstructured processes. Impact on work practices. The role of systems in transforming organizations and markets; global perspectives.

CIS 5350 Systems Analysis and Design

Systems development life cycle; analysis and design techniques; information systems planning and project identification and selection, requirements collection and structuring, process modeling, conceptual and logical data modeling, database implementation, design of the human-computer interface and data management, design of the human computer interface (HCI) System implementation and operation, system maintenance, and change management implications of systems. Students will use current methods and tools such as rapid application development, object-oriented analysis and design, prototyping, and visual development.

*CIS 5380 IT Infrastructure

Telecommunications fundamentals including data, voice, image, and video. The concepts, models, architectures, protocols, standards, and security for the design, implementation, and management of digital networks. Server architectures, server farms, cluster computing, and grid computing. Storage area networks and network attached storage, Data center design and implementation. Development of an integrated technical architecture (hardware, software, networks, and data) to serve organizational needs in a rapidly changing competitive and technological environment. Network, data and application architectures. Enterprise application integration, XML. Web Services.

CIS 5394 Current Issues In CIS

This course addresses emerging technologies, how they evolve, how to identify them and the effect of international, political, social, economic and cultural factors on them. Topics covered in the course include accuracy of past technology forecasts, how to improve them, international perspectives on emerging technologies, future organizational and customer trends, and forecasting methodologies including monitoring, expert opinion, trend analysis and scenario construction.


CIS 5313 Global and Strategic Information Systems

The top management, strategic perspective for aligning competitive strategy, core competencies, and information systems. The development and implementation of policies and plans to achieve organizational goals. Defining the systems that support the operational, administrative, and strategic needs of the organization, its business units, and individual employees. Approaches to managing the information systems function in organizations, including examination of the dual challenges of effectively controlling the

use of well-established information technologies, while experimenting with selected emerging technologies. Role of the CIO.

*CIS 5375 Project and Change Management

Managing projects within an organizational context, including the processes related to initiating, planning, executing, controlling, reporting, and closing a project. Project integration, scope, time, cost, quality control, and risk management. Software size and cost estimation. Assigning work to programmer and other teams. Monitoring progress. Version control. Managing the organizational change process. Identifying project champions, working with user teams, training, and documentation. The changing management role of the IS specialist. The use of sourcing and external procurement; contracts and managing partner relationships.

CIS 5384 Human Computer Interaction

Human characteristics and their impacts on developing human-centered information systems; fit between human, technology, and tasks to achieve high performance and satisfaction within organizational and business context; HCI development processes that concerns the entire lifecycle of the information system; HCI evaluation concerns, techniques, issues, and standards.

*CIS 5390 Integrated Capstone

This course focuses on the design and management of an overall organizational system consisting of three interacting subsystems: (1) the enterprise itself - its structure, core processes, and relationships with external entities such as customers, suppliers, and outsourcers; (2) the IS function and its role in marshalling information technologies and information assets to support the strategy of the organization, and (3) the information technology architecture consisting of the organization’s networks, hardware, data, and applications. The student will learn how to integrate and synthesize these three aspects of the enterprise, how IT must be aligned with the strategy of the organization, and how to make appropriate choices about architecture in relationship to overall organization goals.

Elective Courses (* : New Courses)

CIS 5320 C++/JAVA and Object-oriented System

This course presents object oriented and procedural software engineering methodologies in data definition and measurement, abstract data type construction and use in developing screen editors, reports and other IS applications using data structures including indexed files. The language used is C++/JAVA.

CIS 5330 Expert and Decision Support Systems

The purpose of this course is to study expert systems and neural networks. Expert systems (ES) are AI-based systems designed to use knowledge, facts, and reasoning techniques to augment or replace decisions made by an expert. Artificial Neural Network (ANN), on the other hand, simulates human brain function in predicting the outcome of an event. The primary focus of much of the present practitioner world, in the information processing area, is on applying ES and ANN. The study of ES and ANN including their similarities and dissimilarities would, therefore, be very timely and worthwhile for students who want to work after graduation in the AI area. Students will gain hands on experience in designing ES and ANN by using relevant software tools.

CIS 5340 Electronic Commerce in Business

A well-defined set of business perspectives, coupled with a good technical background, is essential in order to successfully design, develop, deploy, and operate electronic commerce (eCommerce) businesses. The course combines important business and technical state-of-the art topics and introduces students to these issues in order to facilitate their participation and involvement in this important endeavor. The course has a number of objectives: first, it provides students with an understanding of eCommerce business and technical aspects including the Internet and the Web infrastructure for eCommerce.

*CIS 5345 E-Government Issues

Topics include effective governmental adoption and implementation of initiatives mediated by the Internet, including e-procurement, e-licensing, online citizen access to governmental databases, and e-democracy initiatives, Core questions addressed in the course include what government functions are best implemented through e-government methods, how e-government initiatives may be evaluated to assess effectiveness, what practices might improve e-government effectiveness, what the sociopolitical implications of e-governance are.

*CIS 5355 Customer Relationship Management

The role of customer satisfaction and quality in customer relationship management (CRM) is examined, and includes CRM tools and applications. In this course, students will learn about how a company crafts and implements a strategy to coordinate and integrate all of the various facilities available to a customer, including Web pages, call centers, ant the field sales force. Various CRM software packages will be examined and discussed.

CIS 5360 Business Intelligence and Security Informatics

This course introduces the fascinating topics of business intelligence and security informatics (BISI). Students will acquire knowledge and skills about the technical and managerial issues of BISI. The technical issues include various approaches to preventing and fighting security breaches and their application to real-world situations. The managerial issues include security audit, government policy, business impact of cybercrime, and management strategy. Upon completion of this course, students will be better prepared and equipped to understand and to manage security issues in networked organizations.

*CIS 5366 Virtual Organizations

The course includes organizational, social and technological factors that underlie successful development, implementation and use of collaboration technology. The course also provides practical experience in use of 'state of the art' collaborative tools, and training in distributed teamwork.

CIS 4368/5368 Advanced Database Management

The concepts, principles, issues and techniques for managing corporate data resources. Techniques for managing the design and development of large database systems including logical data models, concurrent processing, data distribution, database administration, data warehousing, data cleansing, and data retrieval.

CIS 5370 Data Communications and Networking

Telecommunications fundamentals including data, voice, image, and video. The concepts, models, architectures, protocols, standards, and security for the design, implementation, and management of digital networks. Essentials of local area networks (LAN), metropolitan area networks (MAN), and wide area networks (WAN). Transmission and switching efficiency. Regulatory and technical environments. Topics include security and authentication, network operating systems, e-commerce and associated web sites and practices, and middleware for wireless systems, multimedia, and conferencing.

*CIS 5372 Managing the Telecommunications Resources

This course provides students with the technical and managerial background for developing and managing an organization's telecommunications infrastructure. On the technical side, it covers the fundamentals of data transmission, local area networks, local internetworking and enterprise internetworking, and security. Coverage includes data communications and computer networking; local area communications topics such as cabling, and local area network hardware and software; and topics involved in wide area networking, such as circuit and packet switching, and multiplexing. On the managerial side, this course focuses on understanding the industry players and key organizations, and the telecommunications investment decisions in a business environment. Coverage includes issues in the national and international legal and regulatory environments for telecommunications services.

*CIS 5374 Business Structure and Strategy in Telecom Industry

Major technological, legal, and regulatory developments (national and international) are studied as they have molded the structure of the current telecommunications industry. The course traces the progression of early legislation, the regulated monopoly, antitrust, divestiture, and recent legislation that has led to the current industry environment of competition and incipient integration of different industry segments. The roles of various national and international institutions in shaping the telecommunications industry are discussed.

CIS 5386 Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management (KM) is a discipline that promotes an integrated approach to identifying, capturing, retrieving, sharing and evaluating an enterprise’s information and knowledge assets. These information and knowledge assets may include databases, documents, policies, and procedures as well as the un-captured, tacit expertise and experience resident in individual workers. Topics include artificial intelligence, information retrieval, groupware, data warehousing, human-computer interactions and multimedia/multilingual systems

*CIS 5387 Global Cultural Implications for IS

The concept of national culture. How IT influences globalization? Information resource management, managerial and organizational concerns, and innovative applications related to global IT and culture. The Role of Culture in : Global IT and Government , Global Telecommunications and Data Security , Global IT Diffusion and Infrastructure , IT in Various Parts of the World, Global Enterprise Systems and E-Commerce

*CIS 5388 Business Process Reengineering

This course will introduce the concepts and principles of reengineering. Students will learn how to initiate and implement a reengineering project in their own companies. Examples of reengineering will be studied to illustrate how companies are profiting from reengineering, and a life-cycle approach to reengineering will be presented. The role of information technologies as an enabler of process innovation will also be explored. The course will also cover techniques and tools that can be used to support the reengineering team including: static process modeling techniques (e.g., IDEF0), activity-based costing, process simulation tools, and group requirements elicitation tools (e.g., GroupSystems for Windows). How to integrate reengineering with Total Quality Management (TQM) will be suggested. Issues in implementing reengineering and change management in organizations are discussed. This seminar will teach you how to focus on your core business processes and dramatically improve it in order to compete in this global market. A group BPR project is required. Students will form team to work on a real-world BPR project that they identify and apply the skills that they have learn from this class.

CIS5395/MIT 5316 Web Technology and languages. Topics covered include; History of Internet computing, Theory of digitization, Computer networking, The client server model, HTML, XHTML, JavaScript, VB Script

*CIS 5397 Offshoring, Nearshoring/ Border Issues

What is offshoring, outsourcing and nearshoring? How Borders affect flow of information? what types of IT projects can be successfully outsourced, the software development capability of foreign companies, and how to manage off-shore projects.

QMB 5311 Introduction to Management Science

To introduce the student to several of the most widely used quantitative methods in the business world. Although the theoretical aspects of the methods are taught, the major emphasis is on computer application to show the student how the quantitative methods can provide information to help in the decision-making process.

CS 5383 Topics in Software Assurance. The study of methods and approaches to software quality assurance particularly as it applies to high-assurance, high-consequence, and safety-critical systems. Topics may include software specification methods, formal methods of software development, formal methods in software verification, and high-assurance software engineering and system safety.

MIT 5324 Object-oriented Analysis and Design

Topics covered include; Design concepts, responsibility driven design, object strategies,

responsibilities, collaborations, control styles and UML diagrams.

POM 4399 Supply Chain Management

The course will introduce some of the major operational concepts and issues relating to the flow of

materials, goods, services, and information through a company’s supply chain—the network of

organizations that supply and transform materials and distribute final products to customers. It will

emphasize the use of certain application software/information technology tools to manage, monitor,

synchronize, and optimize the material and information flows within an organization, as well as over a

whole supply/distribution network. Students will practice on the SAP R/3 enterprise resource planning

system to understand and execute the business cycles of procurement and distribution, and to integrate

several business processes of a virtual trading company. SimFlex and SAP APO will be introduced as

tools for simulating and optimizing the performance of a supply chain.

EDCT 5300 Instructional Design, Delivery and Assessment

Basic principles of curriculum planning, instruction, and assessment in Career and Technical Education settings, including methods of instruction for English language learners. Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education and department approval.

EDCT 5306 Teaching and Learning for Business Education Teachers

Methods and materials for teaching and learning the concepts of teaching courses offered in Business. This course is designed to provide future career and technology instructors with knowledge of the standards in Business education and development of skill based lesson plans.

Prerequisites: Admission to Teacher Education and department approval.

Optional Foundation Courses

CIS 5311 Management of Information Systems

Systems theory, quality, decision making, and the organizational role of information systems are introduced. Information technology including computing and telecommunications systems are stressed. Concepts of organizations, information systems growth, and process improvement are introduced.

Others See UTEP Graduate and undergraduate catalogues

D. Sample Programs (based on a 3-3-2-3 formula)

|Sample Programs with Sample Tracks Beginning in Fall |

|  |

|  Tracks |Fall |Winter |Fall |Winter |  |

|  |5325 |5315 |5380 |5320/MIT 5324 |  |

|Data Base |5350 |5375 |5399 |5368 | |

|Development |5380 |5377 |  |5385 | |

|3 electives |  |  |  |  | |

|Telecommunications |5325 |5315 |5380 |5360 |  |

|3 electives |5350 |5375 |5399 |5370 | |

|  |5380 |5377 |  |5372/53744 | |

|Electronic |5325 |5315 |5380 |5360 |  |

|Commerce |5350 |5375 |5399 |5395 | |

|3 electives |5380 |5377 |  |5340 | |

|Academic |5325 |5315 |5380 |QMB5311 |  |

|Track |5350 |5375 |5399 |EDCT 5300 | |

|3 electives |5380 |5377 |  |EDCT 5306 | |

|Globalization |5325 |5315 |5380 |5387 |  |

| |5350 |5375 |5399 |5397 | |

|3 electives |5380 |5377 |  |5345/5366/5388 | |

|Security |5325 |5315 |5380 |5360 |  |

| |5350 |5375 |5399 |CS 5383 |  |

|3 electives |5380 |5377 |  |5395 |  |



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