Computer Information Systems - Bluegrass Community and ...

-859155-29972000 Computer & Information Technologies General InformationThe CIT program has recently undergone extensive revisions and as of fall, 2012, the BCTC CIT program will include Applications, Computer Science, Internet Technologies, Network Technologies, and Programming tracks. A core set of courses are required by all options, which includes a general education component central to a collegiate education and technical courses giving students an introduction to information systems, computer applications, program development, system maintenance, and networking including the Internet. In addition to core courses, students must take specialty courses for their selected option.Track Information The Applications Track emphasizes several aspects of application software. It includes such productivity applications as: word processing, spreadsheets, database management, presentations, geographic information systems, website development/maintenance, and help desk tracking systems. Completion of this track will prepare students to work with computer-based systems in business and industry focusing on the following specializations:Business Software Specialist - Designed to train students to operate a wide variety of software packages and to assist businesses in developing and maintain databases, producing financial statements, and developing applications using various software puter Application Support - Provides an in-depth knowledge of application software, computer system configurations, Help Desk Tools/Software, end-user documentation, user training, and other user support skills. Geographic Information Systems - Provides students with practical GIS skills and a solid foundation for geographical manipulation through developing and implementing GIS Applications. Software Support - Provides an in-depth knowledge of application software, computer system configurations, and data driven websites. The Computer Science Track – See CIT – Computer Science Track Curriculum Sheet.The Internet Technologies Track prepares students to design, program, and maintain Internet-based services. With specializations in web programming and web server administration, this track will help prepare students for positions developing and maintaining interactive web sites. The Network Technologies Track provides the concepts and skills needed to set up, maintain, and expand networked computer systems. This track requires sequences in Microsoft Windows, Cisco, and UNIX/Linux as well as courses providing deeper insight into Internet protocols and network security. Employment opportunities include entry-level positions in installation and administration of local area networks in medium to large organizations and as computer network administrators in small businesses. The Programming Track prepares students to design, develop, and maintain computer programs written in current and emerging programming languages. With specializations in Information Systems and Software Development, students successfully completing this track are prepared for entry-level positions in computer programming. Information Systems - This track is designed with an emphasis on programming for a business environment. Students completing the Information Systems track study basic business concepts, one programming language at an advanced level, and two programming languages at an introductory level. Software Development - This track emphasizes computer software development. Students completing the Software Development track study a minimum of two computer programming languages at an advanced level and additional programming language(s) at an introductory level. Flexibility within this track allows students to focus on a specific area of software development by means of the programming languages they choose to study (object-oriented programming, database programming, game development, etc.). -405765-168910Effective Fall 2013Computer & Information TechnologiesCurriculum InformationGeneral Education Requirements*Major Requirements – Core FORMCHECKBOX ENG 101—Writing I (3) FORMCHECKBOX MAT 150—College Algebra (3) FORMCHECKBOX Heritage/Humanities Course (3) ________ FORMCHECKBOX Natural Science Course (3) ________ FORMCHECKBOX Social/Behavioral Science Course (3) ________*These courses may be completed at any time while working toward your degree. FORMCHECKBOX CIT 105—Introduction to Computers (3) FORMCHECKBOX CIT 111—Computer Hardware and Software (4) FORMCHECKBOX CIT 120—Computational Thinking (3) FORMCHECKBOX CIT 150—Internet Technologies (3) FORMCHECKBOX Approved Level I Networking Course:CIT 160—Intro to Networking Concepts (4) ORCIT 161—Network Fundamentals (4) [Network Technology students must take CIT 161 beginning Fall 2012] FORMCHECKBOX CIT 170 – Database Design Fundamentals (3) FORMCHECKBOX CIT 180 – Security Fundamentals (3) FORMCHECKBOX Approved Level I Programming Language (3) ________Major Requirements - TracksApplications Track FORMCHECKBOX CIT 130—Productivity Software (3) FORMCHECKBOX Approved Business or Manage-ment Course (3) FORMCHECKBOX Approved CIT Elective (3)Applications Track Course Sequence (12) FORMCHECKBOX ______________________ FORMCHECKBOX ______________________ FORMCHECKBOX ______________________ FORMCHECKBOX ______________________Internet TechnologiesTrack FORMCHECKBOX CIT 155—Web Page Develop-ment (3) FORMCHECKBOX CIT 157—Web Page Design and Production FORMCHECKBOX CIT 253—Data-Driven WebPages: Topic (3) FORMCHECKBOX CIT 258—Internet Technolo-gies Seminar (3)Internet Technologies Specialization Sequence (12) FORMCHECKBOX _____________________ FORMCHECKBOX _____________________ FORMCHECKBOX _____________________ FORMCHECKBOX _____________________ Network Technologies Track FORMCHECKBOX CIT 219—Internet Protocols (3) FORMCHECKBOX CIT 288 – Network Security(3)Approved Level I AND Level II Network Specialization Sequence (Microsoft, Cisco, Unix/Linux) (10-12) FORMCHECKBOX _____________________ FORMCHECKBOX _____________________ FORMCHECKBOX _____________________ FORMCHECKBOX _____________________Approved Level I, II, OR III Network Specialization Sequence (Microsoft, Cisco, Unix/Linux) (6-7) FORMCHECKBOX _____________________ FORMCHECKBOX _____________________Programming Track FORMCHECKBOX CIT 130—Productivity Software (3) FORMCHECKBOX Approved CIT Technical Course (3) FORMCHECKBOX Approved CIT Technical Course (3)Programming Option Sequences (15) FORMCHECKBOX _____________________ FORMCHECKBOX _____________________ FORMCHECKBOX _____________________ FORMCHECKBOX _____________________ FORMCHECKBOX _____________________Capstone CourseThis course should be completed during the last semester of your course work. FORMCHECKBOX CIT 291 CIT Capstone (3) 1929130870585Students are advised to consult the Bluegrass Community and Technical College Catalog for credit hour and prerequisite information.00Students are advised to consult the Bluegrass Community and Technical College Catalog for credit hour and prerequisite information.80899049530Graduation RequirementsStudents must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 (C) to be eligible for graduation.Non-general education course credits more than 5 years old cannot be used to meet graduation requirements.Only major core and option requirement courses in which a student earned a “C” or higher (or “Pass” for Pass/Fail courses) may be used to meet graduation requirements.00Graduation RequirementsStudents must have a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 (C) to be eligible for graduation.Non-general education course credits more than 5 years old cannot be used to meet graduation requirements.Only major core and option requirement courses in which a student earned a “C” or higher (or “Pass” for Pass/Fail courses) may be used to meet graduation requirements.Applications TrackBusiness Software SpecialistCIT 234Advanced Productivity Software (3)CIT 236Advanced Data Organization (3)CIT 171SQL I (3)Approved Business or Management course (3)Computer Application SupportCIT 232Help Desk Operations (3)CIT 234Advanced Productivity Software (3)CIT 236Advanced Data Organization (3)CIT Technical Course (3) Geographic Information SystemsGIS 110Spatial Data Analysis and Map Interpretation (3)GIS 120Intro to Geographic Information Systems (3)GIS 210Advanced Geographic Information Systems (3)CIT 253Data-Driven Web Pages: Topic (3)Software SupportCIT 234Advanced Productivity Software (3)CIT 236Advanced Data Organization (3)CIT 253Data-Driven Web Pages: Topic (3)ENG 102Writing II (3) OR Oral Communications (3)Approved Business CoursesACT 111Fundamentals of Accounting (3)ACC 201Financial Accounting I (3)MGT/BAS 160Introduction to Business (3)Approved Management CoursesMGT/BAS 200Small Business Management (3)MGT/BAS 274Human Resource Management (3)MGT/BAS 283Principles of Management (3)MGT/BAS 287Supervisory Management (3)MGT/BAS 288Personal and Organizational Leadership (3)MFG 256Production Management (3)OST 275Office Management (3) QMS 101Introduction to Quality System (3)QMS 201Customer Service Improvement Skills (3)CIT Technical CoursesAny additional CIT course (except CIT 103 or lower)GIS 120Introduction to Geographical Information Systems (3)IMD 126Introduction to Desktop Publishing (3)IMD 133Beginning Web Design (3)ENG 102Writing II (3) (cannot count for two requirements)Oral Communications (3) (cannot count for two requirements)Additional Accounting, Business, or Economics course as approved by Program CoordinatorInternet Technologies Track 1. Web Programming: CIT 171SQL I (3)Approved Level I Web Programming Language (3)Approved Level II Web Programming Language (3)Approved CIT Technical Course (3) 2. Web Administration: Microsoft:CIT 213MS Client/Server Configuration (3) CIT 261MS Active Directory Services (3) OR (CIT 262)MS Network Infrastructure (3) CIT 255Web Server Administration (3) CIT 219Internet Protocols (3) 1 Unix: CIT 217UNIX/Linux Administration (3) CIT 218UNIX/Linux Net Infrastructure (3) CIT 255Web Server Administration (3) CIT 219Internet Protocols (3) Programming Track 1. Information Systems: CIT 171SQL I (3)Approved Level II Programming Language (3)Approved Level I, II, or III Programming Language (3)Approved Programming Management Course (3)Approved Programming Business. Course (3) 2. Software DevelopmentApproved Level I Programming Language (3)Approved Level II Programming Language (3)Approved Level II Programming Language (3)Approved Level I, II, or III Programming Language (3) CIT 253Data-Driven Web Pages: Topic (3)Approved Level I Programming Language Courses CIT 140Javascript I (3) CIT 141PHP I (3) CIT 142C++ I (3) CIT 145Perl I (3) CIT 147Programming I: Language (3) CIT 148Visual BASIC I (3) CIT 149Java I (3) CIT 171SQL I (3) CS 115Intro to Computer Programming (3)Approved Level II Programming Language Courses CIT 241PHP II (3) CIT 242C++ II (3) CIT 2462D Game Development: Language (3) CIT 247Programming II: Language (3) CIT 248Visual BASIC II (3) CIT 249Java II (3) CIT 271SQL II (3) CS 215Intro to Program Design, Abstraction, & Problem Solving (4)Approved Level III Programming Language Courses CIT 2763D Game Development: Language (3) CIT 277Programming III: Language (3) CIT 278Visual BASIC III (3)Network Technologies TrackLevel I Network Specialization SequenceMicrosoft Windows:Any 6 credit hours of course work from the Microsoft Windows Network Specialization Course ListUNIX/Linux:CIT 217UNIX/Linux Administration (3)CIT 218UNIX/Linux Net Infrastructure (3)Cisco:CIT 210Routing Protocols (4)Security:Any 6 credit hours from the Approved Security Specialization Sequence Course List which are not taken as part of another sequenceLevel II Network Specialization SequenceMicrosoft Windows:Any 6 credit hours of course work from the Microsoft Windows Network Specialization Course ListUnix/Linux (choose two): CIT 255Web Server Administration (3) CIT 145Perl I (3) OR CIT 253Data-Driven Web Pages: Topic (3)Cisco: CIT 211LAN Switching and Wireless (4)CIT 212Accessing the WAN (4)Level III Network Specialization SequenceInternet Servers Administration:CIT 255Web Server Administration (3)CIT 265Microsoft Applications Servers (3)Microsoft Windows:Any 6 credit hours of course work from the Microsoft Network Specialization Course ListApproved Microsoft Windows Network Specialization CoursesCIT 213MS Client/Server Configuration (3)CIT 261MS Active Directory Services (3)CIT 262MS Network Infrastructure (3)CIT 264MS Server Administration (3)CIT 265MS Applications Servers (3)CIT 266MS Enterprise Administration (3)Approved Security Specialization Sequence CoursesCIT 182Perimeter Defense and Countermeasures (3)CIT 184Attacks and Exploits (3)CIT 284Computer Forensics (3)CIT 285Windows OS Security (3)CIT 286UNIX/Linux OS Security (3)Approved Level I Web Programming Language Courses CIT 141PHP I (3)CIT 148Visual BASIC I (3)CIT 149Java I (3)Approved Level II Web Programming Language CoursesCIT 241PHP II (3)CIT 248Visual BASIC II (3)CIT 249Java II (3)General Education CoursesOral CommunicationCOM 181 Basic Public SpeakingCOM 252 Introduction to Interpersonal CommunicationsCOM 281 Communication in Small GroupCOM 287 Persuasive SpeakingNatural ScienceANA 209 Principles of Human AnatomyAST 101 Frontiers of AstronomyAST 155/BIO 155 AstrobiologyAST 191 The Solar SystemAST 192 Stars, Galaxies, and the UniverseAST 195 Introductory Astronomy LabBIO 112 Introduction to BiologyBIO 113 Introduction to Biology LabBIO 114 Major Discoveries in BiologyBIO 115 Biology Laboratory IBIO 116 Biology IIBIO 117 Biology Laboratory IIBIO 118 Microbes and SocietyBIO 120 Human EcologyBIO 121 Introduction to Ecology LaboratoryBIO 122 Introduction to Conservation BiologyBIO 124 Principles of EcologyBIO 130 Aspects of Human BiologyBIO 135 Basic Anatomy and Physiology with LaboratoryBIO 137 Human Anatomy and Physiology IBIO 139 Human Anatomy and Physiology IIBIO 140 BotanyBIO 141 Botany with LaboratoryBIO 142 ZoologyBIO 143 Zoology with LaboratoryBIO 144 Insect BiologyBIO 150 Principles of Biology IBIO 151 Principles of Biology Laboratory IBIO 152 Principles of Biology IIBIO 153 Principles of Biology Laboratory IIBIO 155/AST 155 AstrobiologyBIO 220 The Genetic PerspectiveBIO 225 Medical MicrobiologyBIO 226 Principles of MicrobiologyBIO 227 Principles of Microbiology with LaboratoryCHE 115 General Chemistry LaboratoryCHE 120 The Joy of ChemistryCHE 125 The Joy of Chemistry LaboratoryCHE 130 Introductory General and Biological ChemistryCHE 140 Introductory General ChemistryCHE 145 Introductory General Chemistry LaboratoryCHE 150 Introduction to Organic and Biological ChemistryCHE 155 Intro to Organic and Biological Chemistry LaboratoryCHE 170 General College Chemistry ICHE 175 General College Chemistry Lab. ICHE 180 General College Chemistry IICHE 185 General Chemistry Laboratory IICHE 220 Analytical ChemistryCHE 270 Organic Chemistry ICHE 275 Organic Chemistry Laboratory ICHE 280 Organic Chemistry IICHE 285 Organic Chemistry Laboratory IIEST 150 Introductory EcologyEST 160 Hydrological GeologyGEO 130 Earth’s Physical EnvironmentGEO 251 Weather and ClimateGLY 101 Physical GeologyGLY 102 Historical GeologyGLY 110 Environmental GeologyGLY 111 Laboratory for Physical GeologyGLY 112 Laboratory for Historical GeologyGLY 130 Dinosaurs and Disasters: A Brief History of the VertebratesGLY 220 Principles of Physical GeologyPGY 206 Elementary PhysiologyPH 217 Intermediate Applied PhysicsPHY 151 Introductory Physics IPHY 152 Introductory Physics IIPHY 160 Physics and Astronomy for Elementary TeachersPHY 161 Introductory Physics Laboratory IPHY 162 Introductory Physics Laboratory IIPHY 201 College Physics IPHY 202 College Physics Lab IPHY 203 College Physics IIPHY 204 College Physics Lab IIPHY 211 General PhysicsPHY 213 General PhysicsPHY 231 General University Physics IPHY 232 General University Physics IIPHY 241 General University Physics I LaboratoryPHY 242 General University Physics II LaboratorySCI 100 Environmental Science: An Inquiry-Based Interdisciplinary ApproachSCI 295 Scientific InvestigationsSocial and Behavioral ScienceAGR 101 The Economics of Food and AgricultureANT 101 Introduction to AnthropologyANT 130/REL 130 Introduction to Comparative ReligionANT 160 Cultural Diversity in the Modern WorldANT 220 Introduction to Cultural AnthropologyANT 221 Native People of North AmericaANT 235 Food and CultureANT 241 Origins of Old World CivilizationsANT 242 Origins of New World CivilizationsCOM 101 Introduction to CommunicationsCOM 249 Mass Media and Mass CultureCOM 254 Intro to Intercultural CommunicationsECO 101 Contemporary Economic IssuesECO 150 Introduction to Global EconomicsECO 201 Principles of MicroeconomicsECO 202 Principles of MacroeconomicsFAM 252 Introduction to Family ScienceFAM 253 Human Sexuality: Development, Behavior, and AttitudesFLK 280 Cultural Diversity in the USGEN 140 Development of LeadershipGEN 225 Lifelong Learning ApplicationsGEO 152 Regional Geography of the WorldGEO 160 Lands and Peoples of the Non-Western WorldGEO 172 Human GeographyGEO 210 Pollution, Hazards, and Environmental ManagementGEO 222 Cities of the WorldsGEO 240 Geography and GenderHUM 135 Introduction to Native American LiteratureHUM 202 Survey of Appalachian Studies IHUM 203 Survey of Appalachian Studies IIHUM 204 Appalachian SeminarHUM 221 Contemporary Perspectives on Peace and WarPOL 101 American GovernmentPOL 210 Introduction to European Politics: East and WestPOL 212 Culture and Politics in the Third WorldPOL 235 World PoliticsPOL 255 State GovernmentPSY 100 Introduction to PsychologyPSY 110 General PsychologyPSY 180 Human RelationsPSY 185 Human PotentialPSY 230 Psychosocial Aspects of Death and DyingPSY 223 Developmental PsychologyPSY 297 Psychology of AgingPSY 298 Essentials of Abnormal PsychologyRAE 120 Introduction to Chinese CultureREL 101 Introduction to Religious StudiesREL 130 Introduction to Comparative ReligionSOC 101 Introduction to SociologySOC 151 Social InteractionSOC 152 Modern Social ProblemsSOC 220 The CommunitySOC 235 Inequality in SocietySOC 249 Mass Media and Mass CultureSOC 260 Population, Resources and ChangeSPA 115 Culture of Mexico for Non-Spanish SpeakersSWK 275 The FamilyWGS 200 Introduction to Women's Studies in the Social Sciences Foreign LanguagesASL 101 American Sign Language IASL 102 American Sign Language IIASL 201 American Sign Language IIIASL 202 American Sign Language IVFRE 101 Elementary French IFRE 102 Elementary French IIFRE 201 Intermediate French IFRE 202 Intermediate French IIGER 101 Elementary German IGER 102 Elementary German IIGER 201 Intermediate German IGER 202 Intermediate German IIJPN 101 Beginning Japanese IJPN 102 Beginning Japanese IIRAE 150 Elementary Chinese IRAE 151 Elementary Chinese IISED 101 Sign Language ISED 102 Sign Language IISED 203 Sign Language IIISED 204 Sign Language IVSPA 101 Elementary Spanish I (spoken approach)SPA 102 Elementary Spanish II (spoken approach)SPA 201 Intermediate Spanish ISPA 202 Intermediate Spanish IIArts and HumanitiesHumanitiesANT 130 Introduction to Comparative ReligionART 100 Introduction to ArtART 104 Introduction to African ArtART 105 Ancient Through Medieval Art HistoryART 106 Renaissance Through Modern Art HistoryART 201 Ancient Art HistoryART 202 Medieval Art HistoryART 203 Renaissance Art HistoryART 204 Modern Art HistoryENG 135 Greek and Roman Mythology in TranslationENG 161 Introduction to LiteratureENG 221 Survey of English Literature IENG 222 Survey of English Literature IIENG 230 Introduction to Literature (Subtitle)ENG 231 Literature and Genre (Subtitle)ENG 232 Literature and Place (Subtitle)ENG 233 Literature and Identities (Subtitle)ENG 234 Introduction to Women's LiteratureENG 251 Survey of American Literature IENG 252 Survey of American Literature IIENG 261 Survey of Western Literature from the Greeks through the RenaissanceENG 262 Survey of Western Literature from 1660 to the PresentENG 264 Major Black WritersENG 270 The Old Testament as LiteratureENG 271 The New Testament as LiteratureENG 281/HUM 281 Introduction to FilmENG 282/HUM 282 International Film StudiesFLK 276 Introduction to Folk StudiesGEN 125 Applied Meta-ThinkingHNR 101 Introduction to Contemporary ThoughtHON 101 The Ancient WorldHON 102 The Medieval and Renaissance WorldHON 201 The Early and Modern WorldHON 202 The Contemporary WorldHRS 101 An Integrated Study of Western Civilization IHRS 102 An Integrated Study of Western Civilization IIHRS 201 An Integrated Study of Western Civilization IIIHRS 202 An Integrated Study of Western Civilization IVHUM 120 Introduction to the HumanitiesHUM 121 Peace StudiesHUM 135 Introduction to Native American LiteratureHUM 140 Introduction to Latino LiteratureHUM 150 Introduction to African LiteratureHUM 202 Survey of Appalachian Studies IHUM 203 Survey of Appalachian Studies IIHUM 204 Appalachian SeminarHUM 212 Renaissance Art HistoryHUM 220 Historical Perspectives on Peace and WarHUM 230 Twentieth Century Japanese Literature and Culture in TranslationHUM 250 Appalachian Literature SurveyHUM 251 Contemporary Appalachian LiteratureHUM 281 Introduction to Film MUS 100 Introduction to MusicMUS 101 Folk and Traditional Music of the Western ContinentsMUS 104 Introduction to Jazz HistoryMUS 206 American MusicMUS 207 African American Music HistoryMUS 208 World MusicMUS 222 History and Sociology of Rock MusicPHI 100 Introduction to Philosophy: Knowledge and RealityPHI 110 Medical EthicsPHI 120 Introductory LogicPHI 130 EthicsPHI 140 The Ethics of War and PeacePHI 150 Business EthicsPHI 260 History of Philosophy I: From Greek Beginnings to the Middle AgesPHI 270 History of Philosophy II: From the Renaissance to the Present EraREL 101 Introduction to Religious StudiesREL 120 Introduction to the Old TestamentREL 121 Introduction to the New TestamentREL 130 Introduction to Comparative ReligionTHA 101 Introduction to Theatre: Principles and PracticesTHA 200 Introduction to Dramatic LiteratureTHA 283 American TheatreWGS 201 Introduction to Women’s Studies in the Arts and HumanitiesArts and HumanitiesHeritageFLK 276 Introduction to Folk StudiesHIS 101 World Civilization IHIS 102 World Civilization IIHIS 104 History of Europe Through the Mid- Seventeenth CenturyHIS 105 History of Europe from the Mid- Seventeenth Century to the PresentHIS 106 Western Culture: Science and Technology IHIS 107 Western Culture: Science and Technology IIHIS 108 History of the U.S. Through 1865HIS 109 History of the U.S. Since 1865HIS 120 The World at War 1939-45HIS 202 History of British People to the RestorationHIS 203 History of British People Since the RestorationHIS 206 History of Colonial Latin AmericaHIS 207 History of Modern Latin America, 1810 to presentHIS 240 History of KentuckyHIS 247 History of Islam and Middle Eastern Peoples, 500-1250HIS 248 History of Islam and Middle East Peoples, 1250 to PresentHIS 254 History of Sub-Saharan AfricaHIS 260 African-American History to 1865HIS 261 African-American History 1865 to the PresentHIS 265 History of Women in AmericaHIS 270 Ancient EuropeHIS 271 Medieval EuropeHIS 295 East Asia to 1800HIS 296 East Asia since 1800 ................

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