Template for Section Two and Three of SDD

Detail Design Document for

IT Management and Automation of

Superior Pharmacy

Developed by:

AJ Munive

Jonathan Sanchez (Project Manager)

Fernando Valladares

Jose Roman

Sajjad Zaidi

Group #:



Dr. S. Masoud Sadjadi

School of Computing and Information Sciences

Florida International University

Contact Information: sadjadi@cs.fiu.edu,

More information:

April 13, 2009

1. Introduction

With the Required Analysis Document and System Design Document now completed, we reach the Detail Design Document. In this document we will provide significant details that will help in the implementation of IT management and automation for Superior Pharmacy. The final solutions that were chosen for IT management and automation for Superior Pharmacy were selected through a process that compared various solutions found online, and through careful consideration of the company’s actual needs. Below are recommendations and information on how the administrator should conduct the implementation of the solutions.

1.1 Purpose of this document

The purpose of the Detail Design Document is to document all significant details for implementing the IT management and automation system solution that was chosen for Superior Pharmacy.

1.2 Audience of this document

The target audience for the System Design Document is the IT Administrator for Superior Pharmacy; the IT Administrator will be responsible for designing and implementing the IT solution.

2. Detailed Design Required for Each Functionality

2.1 Remote Control

In order to use LogMeIn you must first open an account on their website. After this is done you can log into your account from the computer you want the client deployed and click add computer. A launcher will pop up and install the client. After the installation is complete you will have remote access that computer from any browser. The second part for this is the installation of Himachi. In order to do this you go back to the log me in website and download from the Himachi link. Once you have downloaded the installer you run it. Once you actually launch the application you can customize your Network and turn it on and off as you please.

2.2 Auditing & Asset management

In order to use the Auditing & Asset function, you will need to install Numara Track-It! Make sure you meet the system requirements before installing. After installation is complete, you will then need to input the IP addresses for each workstation and server that you wish scan and gather hardware/software information. Once you finished gathering the hardware/software information, name each workstation and server, group each workstation and server by site (ex: 10 workstations and 2 servers grouped on Site A).

2.3 Monitoring

In order to use the monitoring function, Nagios will have to be installed on a workstation, at every site, that will act as a server running a Linux distribution (preferably Ubuntu). After the proper configuration of Nagios (see Nagios documentation) on the Linux server, you will then have to configure each individual workstation to have the NSclient++ agent running, also allowing the client to pass through the windows firewall. This will allow communication between the workstations and the Nagios monitoring server. Once the alerts on the Nagios are properly configured, the administrator is ready to move on to the implementation of the next solution.

2.4 Patch Management

Make sure that you meet the system requirements for Numara Patch Manager. Since Numara Patch Manager is agent-less, all you need is either the IP address of the workstation/server or the computer name. After that, you are free to scan for patches, for quicker results, just select an IP range to initiate scanning. Since each Site contains ten workstations and two servers, to save time, create a group for each Site individually, with that you scan each Site separately.

2.5 Backup & Disaster Recovery

In order to use this software you can go to the Paragon website and purchase the license which they will then email you. Once that is done you should download the full version of Paragon Partition Manager and install it on the system. After the installation you should proceed to backing up your OS Drive using the back up partition option. As far as KLS back up goes you should purchase the license from KLS Soft's website and wait for the license via email. After you obtain the license you should download the software and run the installer. After the installation is complete you can create a scheduled task by going to the scheduled wizard and following the steps which are pretty self explanatory.

2.6 Endpoint Security

If you already installed Numara Patch Manager, assigned each workstation its proper IP address, named and grouped each workstation, all you need to do is scan the workstation. When scanning is complete, the Patch Summery window will display all the security patches that need to be installed. The last step would be to deploy the patches by creating a deployment template.

2.7 User State Management

In order to install Corendal Directory you download and install the open source package. You can simply click next the whole way through, except when specifying the Admin user/pass, and later go back and specify settings that you many not know at the time of install. Once you have completed the installation you simply launch the Corendal GUI from you web browser and log in using your Admin account. From the browser you will need to finish setting up all the network information, such as the domain, user groups, and users. If you are familiar with Active Directory you should be able to manage this software pretty easily

2.8 Help Desk

Help Desk and Auditing & Asset Management are bundled up in Numara Track-It! So, if you already met the system requirements for the Auditing & Asset Management functionality, then you won’t need to bother checking to see if you meet the system requirements for the Help Desk function. Since you are using the Help Desk for its ticketing system (work orders), it would be best to install Numara Track-It! to one workstation from each Site, that way, the users can create and send work orders. Make sure you create a user profile for each user that will use Numara Track-It!

3. Detailed Design Required for Each Non-Functionality

3.1 Usability

Not everyone can use Numara Track-It! If you want other users to use Numara Track-It! you will need to create a user profile and give them there own log-in info. Numara Patch Manager will start without ever putting any log-in username and password, so it is best to install Numara Patch Manager on the IT Administrator workstation only. Same applies to Nagios, multiple user accounts can be created, but in reality all you need is one account. The “nagiosadmin” account is created during the installation and configuration process, as well as a password, and it allows the user to view all the different options in the Nagios web interface. The interface can be accessed from any computer as long as the administrator knows the Linux workstation running Nagios IP. needs a user account on the web and is extremely simple to learn. Himachi requires a network name and an Admin then the clients to be installed, the Admin can then give them the network name and password in order for them to link the computers. KLS & Partition Manager require a bit of a learning curve but once you use it about 10 times of so it because fairly easy. Belarc Advisor is just an install and a pop up using a browser so this software requires no learning curve at all. Corendal Back up is the one that requires the most amount of time, specially if you know nothing about active directory.

3.2 Reliability

As long as you meet the system requirements for Numara Track-It! And Numara Patch Manager, the software will be very reliable, never crashing and being able to use both software’s simultaneously without any lag. To ensure reliability while using Nagios as monitoring solution, all the administrator has to do is make sure that the workstation running Nagios is always running with all current system updates. Other than that, the administrator might also want to make sure the agents installed on the workstations are hidden so as to avoid any tampering from the workstation’s users. The rest of the software’s are extremely reliable since they are not interdependent. As stated over and over again the failure point of one software will not caused the others to fail.

3.3 Performance

Since you need to install Numara Track-It! And Numara Patch Manager thru a CD, you have to make sure that you meet the system requirements for each individual's software in order for Superior Pharmacy to reap its full benefits. Nagios performance is directly correlated with network traffic, whether or not someone is hogging up the bandwidth. Also keep in mind that whatever workstation is running Nagios, should be dedicated to just that. Adding other unnecessary processes to the workstation hosting Nagios might also hinder its performance. All things considered its performance should be good because it’s a simple web interface. LogMeIn, Himachi, Belarc & Corendal Directory do not hinder performance in one bit, KLS & Partition manager will if they are scheduled wrong. If KLS & Partition Manager runs simultaneously they can cause the system to run extremely slow since it will take up all the CP, memory, and drive transfer rate.

3.4 Supportability

Since the Numara Track-It! And Numara Patch Manager are installed via a CD, each of these has its own system requirements. The majority of the software that is supported: Windows Operating System, Windows Server 2003 Family and Microsoft SQL Server. None of the Software is supported by MAC OS. The actual Nagios monitoring solution can only run on UNIX/Linux like operating systems, but it’s the agents can be deployed to Windows, Linux, UNIX, and Netware. LogMeIn runs on all OS systems, Himachi & Corendal Directory run on Windows & Linux, and Belarc, Partition Manager, KLS Backup run only Windows.

4. Glossary

Admin – abbreviation for Administrator or Administration.

Administrator – individual responsible for the installation, management, and control of a network.

Administrator Access – In windows machines means that a person has full control of installing programs and can change anything in the system.

Antivirus - software that is used to detect, delete and or neutralize computer-based viruses.

Bandwidth - a data transmission rate; the maximum amount of information (bits/second) that can be transmitted along a channel.

CGI (Common Gateway Interface) - A protocol that allows a Web page to run a program on a Web server. Forms, counters, and guest books are common examples of CGI programs.

Hard Drives - computer hardware that holds and spins a magnetic or optical disk and reads and writes information on it.

HIPAA - Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act.

Help Desk - a service that provides information and assistance to the users of a computer network.

IT – Information Technology.

Memory – Hardware used by computers which can be used by programs to perform necessary tasks while the computer is on.

OS – Operating System

Social network - a web-based service that provides ways for users to interact, such as file sharing, blogging, and discussion groups, to build communities of people who have common interests.

T1 - An AT&T term for a digital carrier facility used to transmit a DS-1 formatted digital signal at 1.544 megabits per second.

Trojan - Malware that appears to perform a desirable function but in fact performs undisclosed malicious functions.

Unices - A Unix-like (sometimes shortened to *nix to circumvent trademark issues) operating system is one that behaves in a manner similar to a Unix system, while not necessarily conforming to or being certified to any version of the Single UNIX Specification.

Virus - a software program capable of reproducing itself and usually capable of causing great harm to files or other programs on the same computer

Virus definitions – Lists that carry virus signatures for detection.

WS – Workstation.

Workstation - a desktop computer.

5. References

“Nagios” Open-Source Monitoring Solution

2008. 5 April 2009. .

“Numara” Help Desk Software and Asset Management Solution.

2008. 3 April 2009. .

“LogMeIn Free & LogMeIn Himachi” Secure, On-demand Remote Access & Support

2008. 7 April 2009. .

“KLS Backup 2008” Professional Backup Archive System

2008. 7 April 2009. .

“Paragon Partition Manager” Professional Partition Managing

2008. 7 April 2009. .

“Corendal Directory” Open Source User State Management & Help Desk

2008. 7 April 2009. .


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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