Jennifer BallEdTech 541: Network Lesson Plan for TeachersContent Area and Grade or Age Level of StudentsUnderstanding Network 8th Grade StudentsRationale:Our world is in a constant state of change. ?For our students to gain the skills necessary to be successful in this ever-evolving world, it is imperative that they move beyond technology use to gain an understanding of how technology works. ?Technology integration demands that the classroom teacher become the technology expert as well as the content/grade level instructor. ?The problem-solving demands of using technology on a daily basis can prove too much for an already full teacher plate. ?How can teachers handle the myriad demands of individualized instructions, inclusion, ELL, state testing, and socialization (just to mention a few) and fix technology issues at the same time? ?It is impossible. ?Teaching students the basics of networks, hardware and software, will support technology integration by moving the problem solving into the hands of the users.Expecting students to “teach each other” is a dangerous hole to dig. ?Most students, although considered “digital natives,” do not possess the knowledge to apply technology to learn. ?Posting to twitter, Vine or Instagram maybe easy for most students, but does not constitute “a high level of technological savviness.” ?(Small, 2015) Therefore, it is essential to teach students to understand these systems to become their own technology integration advocates.This lesson will introduce students to basic information about networks.Introduction:At Sunnyside Up School we have the awesome opportunity to use iPads in our classrooms each day. ?With this use comes responsibility to become smart users of technology to support our learning.In this introductory lesson, we will walk through networks. ?When you have finished, you should be able to answer the following questions:What is a computer network?What parts make up a computer network?What are the three different parts of a computer network?Why is it important for me to know about networks?During this lesson, you are responsible to:Complete activities to the best of your ability.Be an active and cooperative member of our classroom community.Be respectful at all times.Stay focused and on topic.Objectives:Students will define the term computer network.Students will complete a quiz over computer networks with 85% accuracy.Students will apply the uses of a LAN, MAN, and WAN by giving a personal example.Standards Addressed:ISTE: National Educational Technology Standards6. Technology Operations and Concepts Students demonstrate a sound understanding of technology concepts, systems, and operations.a. Understand and use technology systemsb. Select and use applications effectively and productivelyc. Troubleshoot systems and applicationsd. Transfer current knowledge to learning of new technologiesRelative Advantage: The approach to this blended lesson is not particularly new. Building a lesson that presents information and collaboration in multiple formats supports all learners. Students will access video, discuss information, answer questions to build basic knowledge and create presentations to demonstrate their understanding and personal application of information.Timeline: This lesson will take one week.Day 1Introduction to the LessonOpen website.Watch Introductory Video. Discuss and answer questions.Get ready:Create a new page on your website.Title it “Computer Networks”Review supporting Vocabulary.Create a visual of the supporting vocabulary using Educreation. For each word, include an image that expresses your understanding. You may draw the picture yourself or find one to use form one of these resources: Include a short explanation of the term. Be sure to explain the term using your own words - do not simply copy the definition.Embed your Educreation to your new website page by the time class begins tomorrow.Day 2What is a network?Discuss the term computer network.Watch video.As you watch, answer each of the questions on white, lined paper using the Cornell note taking method.Answer questions over video.What is a computer network? What does the author mean when he says “computer?” Why do you need wires, Wi-Fi or satellites in a computer network? What is the purpose of connecting computers?What is data?Think, why would you want to connect computers together? What is the biggest computer network of all? HW: Finish watching the video and answering the questions if needed.Day 3Homework checkClass discussion over Computer Network.Create a Pic Collage to show understanding.Define computer network in your own words and using pictures. Pictures must be free to use or share.Include:A definition for Computer NetworkWhat does “computer” mean?What is meant by “data?”2 ideas on how you will use a network of computers to support your success as a student.Upload/Embed to your website.Day 4:Types of networksWatch 3 short videos with a partner and answer questions. 3-TypesLAN - Local Area Network What is the easiest way to classify a network?What are the three different types of network?What type of computer network does a LAN represent?Give a personal example of your use of a LAN.MAN - Metropolitan Area Network How is a MAN different than a LAN?Why would you need a MAN?Identify the two ways that computer networks may be connected according to the author.Give a personal example of your use of a MAN.WAN - Wide Area Network What is the definition of a WAN?What is the biggest WAN?What technologies does the WAN utilize to transfer data?Give a personal example of your use of a WAN.HW: Online discussion: Why use a network?Day 5:Use Educreation to express your understanding of the 3-types of network. ?Give a personal example of how you use each network in your everyday life. ?Include pictures to support your ideas. ?Post a link or embed your Educreation to your webpage.Materials: Students will use their iPads.A Google website was created to disseminate the information to students.Students will use their Google website to portfolio their learning.App used:Pic Collage EducreationGrouping Strategies:Students will be free to group/partner together to review material and discuss.Whole class discussions will take place in the classroom and online.Students will complete creation of an Educreation individually.Learning Activities: Watch videos and answer questions.Cornell Note-taking.Pic Collage CreationClass discussion - face-to-face.Class discussion - onlineEducreation creationAssessment: FormativeCornell Note-takingPic CollageClass discussionOnline discussionSummative:EducreationAdaptations for Learners with Special Needs: Tutorial lesson materials are available to support learners.ELL students will benefit from materials that are visual and auditory.References: ISTE Standards Students. (2007, January 1). Retrieved January 25, 2015, from, B. (2012, December 4). Computer Networking Tutorial - 2 - Types of Networks.Retrieved January 25, 2015, from , B. (2012, December 4). Computer Networking Tutorial - 3 - MAN. Retrieved January25, 2015, from Roberts, B. (2012, December 4). Computer Networking Tutorial - 4 - WAN.Retrieved January 25, 2015, from Small, D. (2015, January 25). Dave Small: EDTECH Learning Log. Retrieved January 25,2015, from ................

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