Graphic Design Scope & SequenceWagner High SchoolMs. CawleyRoom R102 210-662-5000E-mail: rcawley@At the beginning of the course students will be learning the tools that will be utilized to create design projects. This will be accomplished by learning three programs that are utilized by print designers to create their projects. This includes: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and InDesign. At the end of the course students should be able to use these programs to create projects at intermediate level. Students will learn:Various software applications and become knowledgeable of operating systems, hardware and storage devices, etc.Basic design concepts (balance, contrast, dominant element, use of white space, consistency, repetition, alignment and proximity, etc.)Type terminology (leading, kerning, widows, orphans, text wrap, automatic text flow, type measurement, drop cap, etc.)Color principlesTo identify parts of the page (inside margin, outside margin, gutter, title and inside pages The best programs to use for various projectsThe image quality required for print versus web projectsVarious technology terminologyCopyright lawsVarious file formats and their use based on the target application and environment (web vs. print)To solve problems (desktop publishing methods, identification of tasks, selection of color and fonts, applying design concepts, time constraints, etc.)UNITSIllustratorStudents will learn to draw on the computer by using the program tools that are used in the majority of Adobe software programs). Learn various program tools by working on basic assignments. Practice by creating shapes and applying color and filters.Use knowledge to create projects (menu, fox, batman logo, etc.).Work on first major project (illustration created from text) Second major project (poster for music festival)2)PhotoshopPhotoshop students will learn to manipulate photos.Learn various tools by working on basic assignments Practice by applying color and filtersUse knowledge to work on various small projects Work on first major project (selfie project) Work on second major project (design book cover illustration by creating a photo montage) 3)InDesign InDesign students will learn desktop publishing by using the program tools within InDesign and will import images from Illustrator and InDesign)Learn various program tools by working on basic assignments Practice by creating various grids and layoutsUse knowledge to create various small projectsWork on first major project (magazine cover and spread) Work on second major project (magazine ad for a resort)Work on third major project (billboard for hospital) 4)Final project with team Students will create an updated logo for iPhone. From all students’ logos the best logo will be utilized for the campaign (this is how advertising agencies often choose logos to show to clients). Team will develop a color scheme, retail banner, magazine ad, website banner ad, and billboard).5)Review ................

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