Florida A & M University


for the Bachelor of Science in


"CIS Preparing You for a Technological World”

Department of Computer & Information Sciences

Florida A & M University

Tallahassee, Florida 32307-5100

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Florida A & M University




The purpose of this document is to provide up-to-date information on the undergraduate Computer Information Science program offered by the Department of Computer & Information Sciences (CIS) at Florida A&M University.[1] The intended audience includes faculty advisors, graduate school admissions personnel, external grant agencies, alumni, and, most importantly, new and prospective Computer Information Science majors.[2]

CIS Faculty

Professor: Dr. Marion Harmon

Associate Professor: Dr. Clement Allen, Dr. Deidre Williams Evans, and Dr. Edward Jones (Chairman)

Assistant Professor: Dr. Jason Black, Dr. Bobby Granville, Dr. Ken Riggs, Dr. Bhanu Prasad, and Dr. Hongmei Chi (Visiting)

Instructors: Ms. Christy Chatmon and Mr. Chris Nowicki.

The Computer Information Science Major

This major is designed for students who plan to apply their computing knowledge in scientific or engineering environments including software engineering. It is also designed for students who plan to seek advanced degrees in computer science or a related discipline.

The Bachelor of Science degree program in Computer Information Sciences is project oriented, where students are required to perform the phases of systems analysis, design, and development. Graduates will have an applied orientation, and will be able to make immediate contributions as professional programmers and system analysts. Student internships and cooperative education participation are encouraged. Students may choose electives, which in conjunction with required courses, will prepare them for graduate studies in CIS related fields.

The remainder of this document provides an overview of the Computer Information Science curriculum and a listing of CIS major elective courses. It also provides descriptions of internships, cooperative education, and research assistantship opportunities; the curriculum for the CIS minor; and finally, descriptions of all courses taught by the CIS Department. Descriptions for other courses are provided in the current University catalog.

Outside Course Requirements

The course requirements for the Computer Information Science major includes courses from outside the CIS Department:

Mathematics Courses. Calculus, I, II, III, Numerical Analysis, and Probability and Statistics are required.

Supporting Discipline Courses. Science courses, such as General Physics I and II, and Biological Sciences, are required.

Outside Minors for Computer Information Science Majors

A number of minors are possible and compatible with the Computer Information Science major. In many cases, course work already required for the major can be credited toward the minor. Students majoring in Computer Information Science may minor in Mathematics by taking 18 hours of mathematics courses at the 3000 and 4000 level. A minor in Physics is also possible with this major. Students may also minor in Computer Education. This minor involves an additional twenty-one hours of education courses leading to Florida teacher certification in computer science, grades K-12.

For further information on these or other minors, including the specific course requirements, consult the University General Catalog or contact your CIS advisor.

The Computer Information Science Curriculum


⇃5 Term6 Grade7 Freshman Year Hrs. Notes

___ ____ _____ BSC 1005 Biological Science w/ Lab 4 aco

___ ____ _____ ENC 1101 Communicative Skills I or ENC 1121 3 ac

___ ____ _____ SPC 2600 Public Speaking 3 ac

___ ____ _____ MAC 2311 Calculus I [MAC 1147 or equivalent] 8 4 bc

___ ____ _____ _________ ___________________________ General Elective 3


___ ____ _____ AFA 3104 The African-American Experience 3 ach

___ ____ _____ ENC 1102 Communicative Skills II or ENC 1122 3 ac

___ ____ _____ COP 3014 Fundamentals of Programming 3 cjr

___ ____ _____ COP 3014 Fundamentals of Programming Lab 1 cjr

___ ____ _____ MAC 2312 Calculus II [MAC 2311] 4 c

___ ____ _____ CIS 1920 Professional Development I 1 cd


Sophomore Year

___ ____ _____ ECO 2013 Principles of Economics I 3 ace

___ ____ _____ COT 3100 Discrete Structures I [MAC 2311]8 3 c

___ ____ _____ MAC 3313 Calculus III [MAC 2312] 5 c

___ ____ _____ ________________________________ Humanities Elective 3 ach


___ ____ _____ COP 3530 Program, File and Data Structures [COP 3014] 3 cjr

___ ____ _____ ECO 2023 Principles of Economics II [ECO 2013] 3 ce

___ S___ _____ COT 3101 Discrete Structures II [COT 3100] 3 c

___ ____ _____ ________ ______________________________ General Elective 3 b

___ ____ _____ _________ ______________________________Humanities Elective (upper) 3 ach

___ ____ _____ CLAST Test (_____ Math _____ Read _____ Write _____ Essay) t


Junior Year9

___ ____ _____ CDA 3101 Comp Concepts & Org [COT3100] 3 cr

___ ____ _____ CIS3040 Information Systems in Organization [COP3530] 3 cr

___ ____ _____ PHY 2048 General Physics I [MAC 2311] 4 jc

___ ____ _____ PHY 2048 General Physics I Lab 1 jc

___ ____ _____ MAD 3401 Numerical Analysis [MAC 3313] 3 c

___ F___ _____ COT 4210 Foundations of Computer Science [COT 3101, COP 3530] 3 c


___ S___ _____ CDA 4102 Computer Architecture [CDA 3101] 3 c

___ ____ _____ CDA 4503 Data Comm. & Organizational Networks [COP 3530, CDA 3101] 3 c

___ ____ _____ PHY 2049 General Physics II [PHY 2048] 4 jc

___ ____ _____ PHY 2049 General Physics II Lab 1 jc

___ ____ _____ OST 3337 Business Report Writing [ENC 1102] 3 gc

___ ____ _____ COP 3710 Database Management Systems [COP 3530] 3 c


Senior Year9

___ ____ _____ CIS 4301 Info Sys Design & Development [COP 3710] 3 c

___ ____ _____ COP 3060 Concepts in Advanced Application Development [COP 3530, CDA 3101] 3 c

___ F___ _____ COP 4020 Programming Languages [COP 3530, CDA 3101] 3 c

___ ____ _____ __________ ___________________________ Major Elective 3 ck

___ ____ _____ CIS 3920 Professional Development III 1 cd


___ ____ _____ CIS 4910 Information Systems Development Project [CIS 4301, COP 3060] 3 c

___ S___ _____ COP 3610 Operating Systems [COP 3530, CDA 3101] 3 c

___ ____ _____ STA 2023 Introduction to Probability and Statistics 3 cfi

___ ____ _____ __________ ___________________________ Major Elective 3 ck



Computer Information Science Major Electives

The courses listed below are offered as major electives.

CAP 4700 Computer Graphics CIS 4932 Special Topics

CAP 4600 Artificial Intelligence COP 4720 Adv Database Management Systems

CAP 4680 Expert Systems COT 4400 Design and Analysis of Algorithms

CIS 4900 Directed Independent Study ISM 4400 Decision Support Systems

CIS 4360 Intro to Computer Security CNT 4406 Network Security and Cryptography

CIS 4361 Applied Security CEN 4072 Software Testing

Curriculum for the Minor in CIS

Pursuit of a minor in Computer Information Sciences requires the approval of the department chair and completion of the following courses:

Semester Hrs.

COT 3100 Discrete Structures I 3

COP 3014 Fundamentals of Programming 3

COP 3014L Fundamentals of Programming Lab 1

COP 3530 Program, File, and Data Structures 3

CIS 3040 Information Systems in Organizations 3

COP 3710 Database Management Systems 3

COP 3060 Concepts in Advanced Application Development 3

CIS 4301 Information Systems Design and Development 3


Internships and Cooperative Education

Internships and cooperative education assignments provide valuable "real world" work experiences. Professional Development courses, CIS 1920 and CIS 3920, help prepare students for these work experiences. Students gain credit for internships by enrolling in CIS 2942 or CIS 4942 and cooperative education by enrolling in CIS 2949 or CIS 4949. CIS 1920 should be taken before a student may enroll in any of these courses.

Work experiences in the field of computing greatly enhance a student's employment prospects. Therefore, the department encourages internships and cooperative education work experiences for its majors. Major corporations, federal agencies, and state agencies actively recruit Computer Information Science majors for summer employment. Student work experiences, however, must be planned in advance with recognition that internships or co-ops that occur during the school year can delay completion of the Computer Information Science degree.

At least one upper division work-related elective is strongly recommended. For further information regarding internship programs, contact your CIS advisor.

Research Opportunities

Majors who are planning to seek advanced degrees may, become research students for one or more semesters. The CIS Department receives funding from the National Science Foundation and other agencies to provide modest stipends for student research assignments. Research fosters and fulfills a thirst for knowledge, and introduces students to research areas they can pursue into graduate studies. A number of CIS faculty members are actively conducting research in such areas as software engineering, real-time systems, parallel programming, data mining, and object-oriented, scientific databases.

For further information regarding research opportunities, contact your CIS advisor.

Computer Information Science Major

Course Descriptions

Courses are grouped by subject matter, indicated by a three-letter prefix. Required courses are indicated by (R), major elective courses by (E), and general electives by (G).

Computer Applications

CAP 4600 Artificial Intelligence (E). 3 Hrs., Prereq: COP 3710. Problem solving and representation, control strategies, searching strategies, predicate calculus and rule-based deductions, knowledge-based systems, and robotics.

CAP 4680 Expert Systems (E). 3 Hrs., Prereq: COP 3710. Logic models, knowledge representation, developmental tools, and knowledge requisition.

CAP 4700 Computer Graphics (E). 3 Hrs., Prereq: COP 3530 & CDA 3101. Graphics in business and scientific applications, graphics evolution, graphics equipment and software, and image algorithms.

Computer Design and Architecture

CDA 3101 Computer Concepts and Organization (R). 3 Hrs., Prereq: COT 31000 Fundamental concepts and terminology associated with computer hardware architecture and operating systems. Introduction to assembly language and digital logic design.

CDA 4102 Computer Architecture (R). 3 Hrs., Prereq: CDA 3101. Instruction sets, CPU design, arithmetic algorithms, I/O communication techniques, memory hierarchy, memory management, RISC architectures, pipeline and vector processing.

CNT4504 Data Communications and Organizational Networks (R). 3 Hrs., Prereq: COP 3530 & CDA 3101. Communication systems components, networks, LANs, common carrier services, network architectures, and distributed information systems.

Computer Engineering

CEN 4072 Software Testing (E). The purpose of this course is to build the skills necessary to perform software testing at the function, class, and application level. Students will be taught concepts of black-box (functional and boundary) testing, and white-box (coverage-based) testing, and apply these concepts to small programs and components (functions and classes).

Computer Information Systems

CIS 1920 Professional Development I (R). 1 Hr., Prereq: CIS Major. Structured activities and workshops designed to introduce freshman and sophomore CIS majors to computer applications in society at large and in selected corporations and to assist these students in acquiring knowledge, skills, and etiquette required for success as computer information systems professionals.

CIS 2900/4900 Directed Independent Study (E). 1-4 Hrs., Prereq: To Be Specified. Individualized study and research under faculty supervision. The topic of study or research project must have been decided upon by the student and approved by the instructor prior to registration.

CIS 2942/4942 Information Systems Internship (G). 1-12 Hrs., Prereq: CIS 1920 or CIS 3920. Structured work assignment for freshman or sophomore (CIS 2942) or junior or senior (CIS 4942) CIS majors in an information systems or systems software development unit of a corporation or governmental agency. Requires seminar participation, reports, and evaluations.

CIS 2949/4949 Cooperative Education Assignment (G). 1-12 Hrs. Structured work-study assignment for sophomore (CIS 2949) or junior or senior (CIS 4949) CIS majors in an information systems or systems software development unit of a corporation or governmental agency. The work-study assignment involves alternating semesters of off-campus work and on-campus study. Requires seminar participation, reports, and evaluations.

CIS 3040 Information Systems in Organizations (R). 3 Hrs., Prereq: Junior standing & COP3530. Coreq: ACG 2021 strongly suggested for Business Option majors. Basic management and organization theory; general systems approach to solving problems; tools of systems planning, analysis, design, and implementation; fundamentals of computer processing, database, and communications; and data processing, management information, decision support, and office automation systems. Utilizes case studies.

CIS 3920 Professional Development III (R). 1 Hr., Prereq: Junior standing & CIS 1920. Structured activities and workshops designed to assist junior and senior CIS majors in enhancing knowledge, skills, and etiquette required for success as computer information systems professions and to facilitate their entry into industry and government or graduate school. Should be taken during Spring semester of junior year.

CIS 4301 Information Systems Design and Development (R). 3 Hrs., Prereq: CIS 3040, COP 3060, & COP 3710. Development life cycle. Management and planning of systems development projects. Emphasis on Information requirements analysis, logical specification, logical design, and detailed design. Case studies are utilized. Should be taken in semester just prior to taking CIS 4910.

CIS 4360 Introduction to Security (E). 3 Hrs., Prereq: CIS3040, CIS4301, & COP3710. Major issues and threats in computer security are introduced. Techniques for guaranteeing privacy and integrity data. Topics include computer viruses; physical, communication, information flow, database, and operation system security.

CIS 4361 Applied Security (E). Prereq: CIS3040, CIS4301, & COP3710. Issues of security vulnerability and protection. Hands on laboratories apply techniques and tools. Also included are current issues that impact personal and corporate computing.

CNT 4406 Network Security (E). Prereq: CIS3040, CIS4301, & COP3710. Issues of network security from authentication to non-repudiation. Fundamental theories of network including public and private key cryptographic techniques. Other topics include network defenses such as firewalls and intrusion detection systems, public key infrastructures, and other security enabling technologies.

CIS 4910 Information Systems Development Project (R). 3 Hrs., Prereq: CIS 4301. The capstone of the CIS program. A team project requiring development or enhancement of a computer system usually designed in CIS 4301.

CIS 4932 Special Topics (E). 3 Hrs., Prereq: To Be Specified. A course offered on some topic that is of special interest and may be the subject of a future regular course.

Computer Programming

COP 3014 Fundamentals of Programming (R). 3 Hrs., Prereq: MAC 2311, Coreq: COP 3014L. An introduction to computers and programming. Utilizes a high-level programming language. Covers the evolution of hardware and software, problem solving and algorithm development, program data types and structures, program control constructs, and program development methods and style.

COP 3014L Fundamentals of Programming Lab (R). 1 Hr., Prereq: MAC 2311, Coreq: COP 3014. Introduction to the operating system and programming environment required to develop programs in the language utilized in COP 3014. Requires completion of lab assignments designed to develop programming and debugging skills.

COP 3530 Program, File, and Data Structures (R). 3 Hrs., Prereq: COP 3014 & COP3014L. Advanced programming, file organization and accessing, and data structures with emphasis on software engineering principles related to good program design, documentation, and coding techniques.

COP 3060 Concepts in Advanced Application Development (R). 3 Hrs., Prereq: COP 3530, Coreq: COP 3710. Explore concepts in developing advanced computer applications. Will use JAVA programming language to implement advanced application, but will also include topics in HTML and CGI programming.

COP 3122 Advanced COBOL Programming (E). 3 Hrs., Prereq: COP 2120. Business applications, advanced reporting, interactive on-line processing, and maintenance.

COP 3610 Operating Systems (R). 3 Hrs., Prereq: COP 3530 & CDA 3101. Operating systems concepts including process management, concurrent processing, resource allocation and deadlock, memory management, job and processor scheduling, secondary storage management, and security.

COP 3710 Database Management Systems (R). 3 Hrs., Prereq: COP 3530, Coreq: COP 3060. Database concepts and environment, database development process, data modeling (entity-relationship, object-oriented, and relational) and logical database design, and SQL.

COP 4020 Programming Languages (R). 3 Hrs., Prereq: COP 3530 & CDA 3101. Central concepts of programming languages involving paradigms, syntax, semantics, pragmatics, and implementation and the application of these concepts to a variety of languages.

COP 4720 Advanced Database Management Systems (E). 3 Hrs., Prereq: COP 3710. Sequel to COP 3710. Physical database design, advanced SQL, QBE and graphical interfaces, data base administration (concurrency control, security, recovery), client/server and distributed database, future trends.

Computer Theory

COT 3100 Discrete Structures I (R). 3 Hrs., Prereq: MAC 2311. Purpose is to ensure the necessary logical, mathematical, and analytical skills and basic theoretical foundation for success in subsequent CIS courses. To this end, logic, sets, functions, algorithms, binary arithmetic, recursion, methods of proofs, and proofs of program correctness are studied.

COT 3101 Discrete Structures II (R). 3 Hrs., Prereq: COT 3100, Coreq: COP 3530. Sequel to COT 3100. Covers counting techniques, relations, graphs, and trees and the application of these topics to computer science.

COT 4210 Foundations of Computer Science (R). 3 Hrs., Prereq: COT 3100 & COP 3530. Theoretical foundations of computer science including regular expressions; regular, context-free, and context sensitive grammars; finite and pushdown automata; Turing machines; and unsolvability.

COT 4400 Design and Analysis of Algorithms (E). 3 Hrs., Prereq: COT 3101 & COP 3530. Problem solving strategies, principles of algorithm design, metrics for evaluating designs, space and time complexity, iterative and recursive algorithms, structured and object-oriented paradigms.

Information Systems Management

ISM 4400 Decision Support Systems (E). 3 Hrs., Prereq: CIS 3040, Coreq: COP 3710. The design, development, implementation, management, and use of decision support systems including concepts of data management, modeling decision support systems, and decision-making.

Computer Information Science

Course Prerequisites


[1] This document may supersede the contents of the current University General Catalog relative to the Computer Information Science program. It defines the degree requirements for students admitted to the CIS program for semesters commencing on or after August 2008.

[2] Current CIS majors should consult their advisor or the applicable CURRICULUM PLANNING AND PROGRESS forms for the Computer Information Science major.



Information Systems Development Project

Major Elective

Major Elective


Information Systems Design and Development


Data Communication and Organizational Networks


Programming Languages


Concepts in Advance Application Development


Foundations of Computer Science


Database management


Computer Architecture


Computer Concepts and Organization


Information Systems in Organizations


Program, File, and Data Structures


Discrete Structures II


Fundamentals of Programming/Lab


Discrete Math


Calculus I

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