Tutorial on Evolutionary Computing: A glimpse into PSO and ...

ICSCA Tutorial Outline

Speaker- Prof. Amit Saxena, Professor, Dept of Computer Science and Information Technology, G G University, Bilaspur India (ggu.ac.in), Contact amitsaxena65@ , +91 94252 22744 (voice)

Title of Tutorial Session

A glimpse of Evolutionary Computing with Comprehensive demonstration of PSO and GA

Knowledge level of participants/audience: Participants with basic mathematics level and with elementary understanding of logic/programming can attend this tutorial.


The tutorial session aims to design a framework for EC (Evolutionary Computing) and its significance in solving optimization problems. The tutorial will cover following topics in details from their basics to advanced states

i. Introduction to EC and its major techniques

ii. Why EC and where it is most suitable?

iii. What is meant by soft computing and how is EC associated to it?

iv. Particle Swarm Optimization PSO

v. Representation of problem and fitness in PSO

vi. PSO parameters

vii. Formation of a swarm and various topology of PSO

viii. PSO Algorithms

ix. Recent developments in PSO

x. Genetic Algorithms GA: A biological understanding

xi. Components of GA

xii. Terminology used in GA

xiii. A classical model of GA

xiv. Population and its representation

xv. Selection schemes

xvi. Reproduction or crossover schemes

xvii. Types of mutation

xviii. Selection of population for new generation, elitism and other schemes

xix. GA parameters and their control

xx. Advantages of using GA

xxi. Limitations of GA

xxii. PSO Vs GA

xxiii. Illustrating PSO and GA with an example each

xxiv. Applications of EC

Bio-sketch of the speaker

Amit Saxena is currently a Professor and Head, Dept of Computer Science and Information Technology, G G University, Bilaspur India (ggu.ac.in). He achieved his Master degrees in Mathematics and in Computer Applications from India. He was awarded Doctorate degree in Computer Science in 1998. The title of his Ph.D. thesis is “Efficient Computation of DSP problems using Artificial Neural Networks”. He has published papers in National and International journals and conference proceedings. He has delivered invited talks, presentations in India and abroad. He has authored a book on ‘C Programming’. He has been a faculty member of Multimedia University, Cyberjaya Malaysia (mmu.edu.my ); in Faculty of Information Technology, Arab Open University, Kuwait ( ) in Faculty of Computer Science. He is invited to present a tutorial session in Spain for an IASTED International conference in September 2008. His area of research interest includes Data Mining, Soft Computing, Computational Intelligence, Evolutionary Computing and Feature Analysis.


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