CMPT 470 Assignment 1


CMPT 370 Tools All Case: PART II

(Due: See Course Schedule)

Chapter 4 Assignments

4.1. Make a list of the various stakeholders in the project. Break this list down by the roles they play in the operation of ToolsAll. Include the various job functions of the day-to-day operation of the business.

4.2. Many workers currently employed at ToolsAll grew up in the rural area as farmers, carpenters, and local merchants. Many of these people are not comfortable with bright, young, and educated people prying into their affairs. What are some of the information gathering techniques targeted to the ToolsAll staff that might be used to have these employees be somewhat comfortable with the information gathering process?

One of the reasons for the requirements mentioned previously is illustrated by a particular, current problem that has been labeled the new, rent, and used tool inventory problem (NRUTIP). When the rental stock of an item runs out during the busy season for it, new items are rented through the season and those items are then sold as used items after the season. Also, items in the used tool inventory may be returned to the rental inventory as needed. Overall, the rental inventory and used tools for sale inventory may be considered as one whole but at this stage Tom and Lisa would like to keep them separate. This means the same item is, at different times, part of the new items inventory for sale, the rentals inventory, and the used items inventory for sale. Keeping accurate track of these items with the paper ledger books they are now using leads to many errors, inconsistencies and lost/extra items.

Another activity that takes a considerable amount of time is answering the phone inquiries and requests for tools to rent and classes to take. These calls are frequent on Friday evenings, which is also the time when a large number of homeowners are purchasing items they would use in their weekend projects. The many technical questions that accompanied these inquiries place considerable stress on the department heads and the floor clerks during an already busy time. Janet thought that one of the ways to reduce this stress was to make a Web page available on which the entire tool rental inventory was listed and where the entire class schedule could be examined, along with the available enrollment slots for any particular class.

4.3. Develop an outline of a set of question to be used as the basis for interviews of department heads involved with these problems that would determine what business processes and operations are performed as part of the work of that department, how these processes and operations are performed, and what the information requirements are. What documentation is appropriate to record the information thus gathered?

Chapter 5 Assignments

Individual tools and pieces of rental equipment are not distinguished when they are part of the new tools inventory; their count is merely updated as they are stocked and sold. However, before a new tool or piece of equipment is rented it is marked with a unique identifier designated as a copy number, and entered into the rental inventory by both its SKU number and its copy number. Information about a rental then includes the combined SKU/copy number, the renter, and the dates of rental, anticipated return and actual return, tool and equipment condition at both rental and return time, and the amount and type of payment. A running total of revenue produced by each rental tool and piece of equipment is kept each time it is rented. Appropriate subsets of these attributes are also recorded for each tool rental reservation.

Tools and equipment for rent is displayed in the store so that customers can see them as they visit the store. (This information should also be on the Web page when it is developed and mounted.) When the tool and/or piece of equipment is not rented for two month it is then also included in the used tool inventory for sale and given a sale price that depends on the condition of the item (actually it is often sold before the two month are up; the two month designation is just a guideline). Once each month the rental inventory is inspected and prices are adjusted. The condition of the item, its initial cost to ToolsAll, and the rental revenue collected to date are all considered in updating the rental and sale price. Contractors are particularly interested in tool rentals and used tool purchases.

ToolsAll will also occasionally purchase used equipment, particularly high priced items, which are then entered into one or both of the rental inventory and the used tool for sale inventory. Tom and his department heads use all of these processes to make money; department heads are rewarded for the amount of revenue generated from them

5.1. Develop an event list and a set of use cases that list the user interactions with the inventory, sales, rent, and training activities of ToolsAll.

5.2. Carefully reread all the descriptions of ToolsAll and gather a noun list that includes both real and conceptual things about which information may be kept and updated.

5.3. Make an entity-relationship diagram showing the data storage requirements for the product entity and how it might be stored as a new, rental and used tool product. Show the attributes of each entity and the cardinality of their relationships.

5.4. Make a domain class diagram for the Sales, Rental, and Training Tracking System (SRITS) for use in the object-oriented approach. Show the attributes of each class and the name, minimum and maximum multiplicity of their relationships.

To fit onto a single page you may want to develop separate class diagrams for one or two of the inventory, sales, and/or rental subsystems, but be aware that some classes will be involved with more than one of these activities. The danger in doing this is that when it comes time to update the class diagrams during the design phase you may forget to update all the duplicate classes in these diagrams. The best approach is to use a CASE tool that allows a single definition of each entity/class so that all copies are updated when any changes are made to the properties of the object. If no CASE tool is available, you may want to attach a note to each separate class diagram listing all the duplicate classes and the other diagrams on which they appear.

Chapter 6 Assignments

6.1. Make a context diagram for the Sales Subsystem.

6.2. Make a DFD fragment for the Checkout Station Sales Transaction event.

6.3. Make a DFD for the Reassign New Tool To Rental Inventory

6.4. Make an activity-data matrix (CRUD table) for the events and entities/classes developed in Chapter 5.diagram

Chapter 7 Assignments

Further information gathering has determined the following details about the new, rental and used tool inventory problem (NRUTIP):

Individual tools and pieces of rental equipment are not distinguished when they are part of the new tools inventory; their count is merely updated as they are stocked and sold. However, before a new tool or piece of equipment is rented it is marked with a unique identifier designated as a copy number, and entered into the rental inventory by both its SKU number and its copy number. Information about a rental then includes the combined SKU/copy number, the renter, and the dates of rental, anticipated return and actual return, tool and equipment condition at both rental and return time, and the amount and type of payment. A running total of revenue produced by each rental tool and piece of equipment is kept each time it is rented. An appropriate subset of these attributes are also recorded for each tool rental reservation.

Tools and equipment for rent is displayed in the store so that customers can see them as they visit the store. (This information should also be on the Web page when it is developed and mounted.) When the tool and/or piece of equipment is not rented for two month it is then also included in the used tool inventory for sale and given a sale price that depends on the condition of the item (actually it is often sold before the two month are up; the two month designation is just a guideline). Once each month the rental inventory is inspected and prices are adjusted. The condition of the item, its initial cost to ToolsAll, and the rental revenue collected to date are all considered in updating the rental and sale price. Contractors are particularly interested in tool rentals and used tool purchases.

ToolsAll will also occasionally purchase used equipment, particularly high priced items, which are then entered into one or both of the rental inventory and the used tool for sale inventory. Tom and his department heads use all of these processes to make money; department heads are rewarded for the amount of revenue generated from them.

7.1. Create fully developed use case descriptions for the following:

7.1.1. New tool restocking.

7.1.2. Reassign new tool to rental inventory

7.1.3. New and used product sales

7.1.4. Rental tool reservations and rentals.

7.1.5. Web invoked training course reservation.

7.2. Create an activity and system sequence diagrams for the New and used product sales use case.

7.3. Create a system sequence diagram for the web invoked training course reservation.

Chapter 8 Assignments

Assume that the first iterations of the analysis of the entire SRITS has been completed according to the practices detailed in Chapters 4-7. This is now a good time to begin considering alternatives to the implementation environment. Various combinations of clients, servers, and data base management system can provide effective and efficient configurations.

Compare the performance and market penetrations of various server and database alternatives (including at least servers from Apache and Microsoft, database management systems from IBM and Oracle and possibly those from an open source like MySQL, and client computers from Dell and Hewlett-Packard). Then make recommendations keeping ToolsAll’s physical plant in mind.

Submission Requirement:

a. Submit a hard copy.

b. Create a zipped email to the instructor



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