Should the United States Bomb Auschwitz

Should the United States Bomb Auschwitz? Cappiello – Class Set

On a separate piece of paper, answer the following questions about the reading. Once you have completed this activity, be sure to turn in all the handouts and your work so that I can grade it and return it to you to put into your notebook. Worth 50 points.

1. What was Auschwitz?

2. How many people were killed there?

3. Who murdered them?

4. Did people know the Nazi’s were persecuting the Jews?

5. When did England and the US learn about the killings?

6. What became available by 1944?

7. Where was Auschwitz?

8. Why didn’t they close down this camp when the Allies began defeating he Germans?

9. Why did Americans feel powerless about saving the victims in Auschwitz?

10. What did the Jewish Agency want the US to do to Auschwitz?

11. What moved people to action?

12. Would it have been possible to bomb the camp?

13. Why was it acceptable to bomb the camp even though they knew they would kill the prisoners there?

14. What was the intended result of bombing the camp?

15. Who was Elie Wiesel?

16. What did he recall about living at the camp?

17. What was the alternative to bombing the camp?

18. What risks would this alternative pose?

19. Did the US bomb the camp?

20. What was the US reasoning behind their decision?

21. What did the ear department want to use the Army for, in regard to victims of Nazi oppression?

22. What did the department day would be the most effective way to relive the victims?

23. What happened to Auschwitz in the end?

24. When was it evacuated?

25. List the pros and cons of bombing Auschwitz.

26. Evaluate the US decision not to bomb the camp (ie—do you think they made the right choice? Why or Why not?) Would you have chosen to bomb the camp? Why or why not? This answer should be no less than 5 sentences (

Use the reading, context clues and your own prior knowledge to create a definition for the following words.

27. concentration camp

28. victim

29. divert

30. sacrifice

31. revenge

32. oppression

33. persecution

34. evacuated

35. suffering

Please make sure you turn in All of the handouts AND your work in at the end of class---it will be worth 50 points. I will grade it and return it to you to put into your notebooks. Thanks so much!! (


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