Holocaust Internet Scavenger Hunt - Weebly

Holocaust Internet Scavenger Hunt

Complete the following scavenger hunt to familiarize yourself with the Holocaust. You may use the websites given to complete the answers or any additional website you wish.

Define the term Holocaust:

the killing of millions of Jews and other people by the Nazis during World War II

What does it mean?

a sacrifice consumed by fire

1. List five groups persecuted by the Nazis during WWII.

1. Jews

2. Homosexuals

3. Gypsies

4. Jehovah Witnesses

5. Mentally/ Physical Handicapped

3. How did the Nazis determine who was a Jew and who was not?

 census records, tax returns, synagogue membership lists, parish records, routine but mandatory police registration forms, the questioning of relatives, and from information provided by neighbors and officials.

4. Compare and contrast 2 maps: the European Jewish population in 1933 map and the European Jewish population in 1950 map. Choose 3 European countries from the maps and give before and after data (specific numbers) of the Jewish population before 1933-and after, 1950.

Country / Before / After

1. Bulgaria / 50,000 / 6,500

2. Romania / 980,000 / 280,000

3. Germany / 565,000 / 37,000


5. Describe the Nuremburg Laws.

 The Nuremberg Laws were the first attempt by the Nazi government to define the Jews and as such, play a pivotal role in the process that lead to their annihilation



6. Using the timeline in the year 1938, Joseph Goebbels was the Minister of Propaganda


7. Describe what happened during Kristallnacht and its purpose.

Big night on evacuating the Jews out of their homes/ business into the ghettos.




8. Locate the website:

Describe Hitler’s Final Solution for the Jews.

Murder Jews throughout Europe along with other races that were believed to be sub- humans.


9. Explain the methods Hitler used to carry out his Final Solution.


 Invade towns collecting the Jews to send to ghettos then concentration camps.


10. What was the purpose of the ghetto?

To keep the Jews together and separated from everyone else


11. Describe life in the Warsaw Ghetto.

Unbearable, unsanitary, overcrowded


12. Look at the following pictures and describe what is taking place in the photos.

The Jews are being relocated to the ghettos.


13. What were two forms of transportation that were used during the Holocaust?

 Trains and cattle trucks.


14. Locate the following website:

One of these was not a camp. Circle the incorrect answer.

a. Belzec c. Deutsch Haus

b. Auschwitz d Treblinka


15. Which camp had the highest estimated number of murders? Auschwitz

 Where was it located?

 Oswiecim, Poland (near Krakow)

What was the estimate?




16. Name at least three other camps, identify their locations and functions, when they were established, evacuated, and liberated.

|Name of Camp |Location |Functions |Established |Evacuated |Liberated |

| Dachau | Dachau, Germany | concentration | March 22, 1933 | April 26, 1945 | April 29, 1945 |

| |(near Munich) | | | |by Americans |

| Flossenbürg | Flossenbürg, | concentration | May 3, 1938 | April 20, 1945 | April 23, 1945 by|

| |Germany (near | | | |Americans |

| |Nuremberg) | | | | |

| Gross-Rosen | near Wroclaw, | Sub-camp of | August 1940 | Feb. 13, 1945 | May 8, 1945 by |

| |Poland |Sachsenhausen; | | |Soviets |

| | |Concentration (After | | | |

| | |5/41) | | | |




17. What was the purpose for building concentration camps?

 To separate the Jews from society. To execute mass numbers to make room in the camps for more.

18. Who was imprisoned and murdered there?

 Anyone who was not part of Hitler’s Aryan race.

19. How many concentration camps were established in Poland?


20. Describe the living conditions in a concentration camp.

 Brutal, unsanitary, enough food was given just to stay alive

21. Why do you think Germany built so many camps in Poland?

 Poland had by far the largest Jewish population in the areas under the Nazi rule.

22. In 1942, what was the Wannsee Conference?

 On January 20,1942 Nazi officials meet to discuss the details of the "Final Solution" of the "Jewish question."

23. How many Jewish victims were murdered in the camps?

6 million


24. How many other victims were also murdered in the camps?

 5 million

25. Why did the Nazis force inmates to go on death marches in l945?

To evacuate the concentration camps and try to kill as many as they could so there would be no evidence of the concentration camps.

26. Who is Oscar Schlinder and why is he considered a hero? *Be sure to provide ample information!

 Schlinder was a Nazi officer who saved the lives of 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust by employing them in his enamelware and ammunitions factories. he had spent his entire fortune on bribes and black-market purchases of supplies for his workers. He did everything in his power to keep his workers safe and fed.



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