A Resolution Correcting the Funding Situation of …

Resolution # 1505A

Resolution in support of establishing a work group to explore the development of a UC Berkeley ‘design lab for social justice’

Authored by Matt Grigorieff (GA Delegate, Education), Dax Kangas (GA Delegate, Biology), and Jane Pomeroy (GA Sexual Assault Advocate)

W UC Berkeley is an institution committed to social justice in our research, advocacy, and community engagement; and

W This year the Graduate Assembly voted to prioritize diversity, wellness, and sexual assault prevention and response as 2014-2015 Advocacy Agenda items; and

W While the Graduate Assembly pursues numerous projects dedicated to such complex and intersectional social justice issues, there exists a need to collaborate across disciplines and project areas to strengthen and organize efforts across campus and

W Social justice issues such as sexual assault, gentrification, and the #blacklivesmatter movement are in dire need of attention; and

W One in five college students experiences sexual assault during their college career, in most cases by someone they know;[1] and

W Thirty percent of victims of sexual assault will experience a major depressive episode in their lifetime;[2] and

W discussions of sexual violence on campus and the Office of the President tend to prioritize the undergraduate population while overlooking the unique needs of the graduate student population; and

W with the development of the UC Berkeley Richmond location, social justice concerns with gentrification in the local community are paramount; and

W the Graduate Assembly’s GRADE campaign seeks to tacklesocial justice issues surrounding diversity of faculty, education, and students, , and the democratization of faculty hiring processes; and

W many social justice issues may be ameliorated or mitigated by bringing together diverse stakeholders across disciplines and social sectors; and

W peer institutes such as Stanford (Go Bears!) have institutionalized ‘Design Labs’ that bring together myriadschools and faculty to develop social justice solutions; and

W UC Berkeley seeks to foster intersectional collaborations, the campus does not designate space solely for designing solutions as informed by a social justice framework ; and

W UC Berkeley has unlimited potential to shift social justice paradigms and tackle complex issues with innovation, creativity, and collaboration; therefore be it

RESOLVED the Graduate Assembly will form a temporary work group to explore the creation of a ‘Design Lab for Social Justice’ on campus; and be it further

RESOLVED the work group will consist of graduate students (to be selected by the Graduate Assembly and campus entities (including, but not limited to, University Health Services, Equity and Inclusion, and others at the discretion of

the CAVP) who will collectively explore this concept; and be it further

RESOLVED the work group will seek to survey and bring together distinct Graduate Assembly social justice advocacy projects; and be it further

RESOLVED the work group will present recommendations to the Graduate Assembly and

Executives in the fall of 2015 for further discussion.


[1] ACHA, 2014

[2] Pomeroy et al (2015). Public Health Interventions for Sexual Assault.




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