Innovation Challenge Fund (ICF)

Innovation Challenge Fund (ICF)Concept Note Template 1.Name / Organisation ALLMILES (PITASYS SOFTWARES PRIVATE LIMITED)2.Email address / Phone +91-90046-155013.Title of ProjectFUTURE MOBILITY : Smart MobilityIntelligent transport systems, trip repurposing tech, demand-supply matching4.Application for ICF Cluster(Please delete one)Future Mobility, Maharashtra5.Co-Members of the Consortium *(Type – Indian Academia, Indian Business, International Academia, International Business, Indian non-commercial organisation, International non-commercial organisation, Other - specify)* Information not mandatory for the concept note stage.#OrganizationType1. you do not already have agreed consortium members, please indicate here the kind of partners you would like to hear from. Academic institutions related to Shared Mobility, First & Last Mile connectivity, Research organisations & NPO (Non Profit Organisations) who are supportive of such projects & can be equal contributor to the research concept & it’s operational excellence.7. Are you content for us to publish your concept note on our web platform in order to encourage potential consortium members to reach out to you? Yes8.Funding Requested (up to ?250k)?250,0009.Co-funding provided (if any) and sourceNo (If yes then provide source and amount)10.Please summarise your Innovation Challenge Fund research project in one sentence. 350 character limitAllMiles – “A Multi Modal Common Mobility Transport Aggregation Platform”, providing First to Last Mile connectivity to establish sustainable transport economy. Leverage mainframe public core miles - Metro, Local Trains, etc. Encourage future mobility, whilst lesser burden on infra to have accessible, affordable, safe - secure green economic growth, entirely on contact less digital platform.11.Please describe your project further. What problem does your pilot seek to address? Who are the potential beneficiaries and other stakeholders? What are the inputs and activities, and what are the outputs? What does success look like after 12 months of funded research? How will your solution reach the market place? 2500 character limitPROBLEM OUR PILOT SEEK TO ADDRESS: It is estimated that, in major Indian Cities, 80% of the daily commuting travel is less than 10 km. Adding to it is Burgeoning population pressure, life style changes, higher income leading to vehicle ownership, rise in pollution levels. None of the metro trains has come close to solving the fundamental problem of providing an affordable, comfortable & end-to- end solution for the urban commuter - for which they were built at such trouble, hardship and expenses. Our primary purpose is to promote the economic green recovery by piloting project like ALLMILES, providing First & Last Mile travel connectivity through Multi Modal Common Mobility App for daily commutingPOTENTIAL BENEFICIARIES & STAKEHOLDERS: Our primary beneficiaries would be general mass urban commuters, their life will become more simple.Our solution is going to generate business for everyone, we envisage following stakeholders to play pivotal role-Mass urban commuters-Fleet Owners / Operators (Buses, Taxis, 3 & 2 Wheeler, Electric Vehicles)-Metro Train, Local Trains, Municipal buses operators-Corporates (Companies, Firms), Govt. institution and Agencies Inputs to our system will be -Urban commuters profile data-Fixed/Defined routes for regular first, core & last mile connectivity-On demand dynamic routes for travel requests-Fleet/Operators inventory availability for opportunity mappingActivity to be performed -Estimation of travel time and options-Comparative travel choice to commuters-Cost effective travel billing, digital payment-Contract less ticket verificationSystem Outputs will be -Common mobility app for all mode of transport-Enhanced daily travel experience of urban commuters-Establish Sustainable Economy for fleet owners/operators/metros/trains Quarterly Success Plan 12 Month: Q1: We plan pilot for Q1&Q2 , Setup mobility platform, Fine tune fleet & booking engine. Fine tune of applicable demand – supply whilst keeping sustainability of the solution with each stake holder seeing feasibility of profits. Target daily 3000 commuters Q2: Expanding the demands through Sales & Marketing programs to Target 10,000/day commuters. Plan Fossil fuel vehicle migration to EV with operators supportQ3: Reprogramming & Calibrating business models to reach peak number with “Occupancy”. Leverage additional financial support for Q3 & Q4, Target 30,000/day commuters Q4: EV fleets to generate more Gender Neutral Jobs & Create GIG Economy for proliferating a viable profitable business model, Target 50,000/day commutersReach to Market Place -Through tie-up with Mumbai metro train, leverage metro PR & Marketing-Deploy fixed route buses for local train, setup station level help desk counter visibility-Smart digital marketing for corporate employees as target groups-Cost effective PR & Marketing with Smart combination of ATL/BTL Activities to increase customer base12.What is ‘technological’ about your proposed solution and why might this be appropriate to the challenge areas?1000 character limitA Cloud-Based SaaS Tech Platform, Ubiquitous single mobile app offering end to end multimodal commuting booking engine with First & Last Mile Connectivity, front ended by different stake holders using web & mobile apps, "PAY PER USE" model highly scalable & digital.Digitally Managed & Ease of Operations: SaaS interface for automated journey planning with optimised tracks, calibrating every time for cost effective optionsTrip repurposing Tech: Rule Based Algorithm Enhances best picked up routes with booking engine for maximum occupancy at peak & adjust during non-peak hours, getting demand supply perfect balanceTransport Operator Agnostic Platform: Truly future mobility platform, 100% asset light model. Research based renewable energy driven vehicles will drive it further for efficiency & effectiveness. Cost Saving ++: Self Learning Platform: Tracking, scheduling , Vendor Management Scoring with incremental improvisation optimisation to the fullestEnvironment Responsible: Green Initiatives, Women Safety, paper less work Ability to check, modify, cancel, reroute, control activities, reporting, 24X7 Help Desk, Emergency Button & Command Centre13.Is your proposed solution a response to the impacts of COVID-19, or an effort to contain the pandemic? If so, please explain. 1000 character limit Passenger mobility is the worst affected business due to COVID-19 pandemic across the globe. Our response is the combination of technology, innovation & adoption of guideline. We have been thinking a loud of using technology, Thankfully, digital innovation has made it much easier to collect & analyse real-time data through our app ALLMILES. Right from using the government guidelines & enabling strict adherence for safety & possible threats, this will be achieved by our solution in following ways:Strictly Implementing SOP for seat allocationsInforming commuters on day to day procedures, self-safety & security guidelines through app notificationsIntegrating our mobile app with Government- Aarogya Setu App: to ensure no ticket booking for COVID impacted commuterMonitoring enables data understanding, so alternative routes will help to reduce overcrowding, enabling people to keep apart at a safe distance & reducing the risk of transmissionEnable Tracking & Tracking of the passenger movement to the government agencies Transport as industry can tackle the impacts of the crisis, win passengers back & pave the way for a more sustainable transport future14.Does your proposed solution contribute to combatting climate change or promoting a greener planet? If so, please explain. 1000 character limitTransportation is one aspect we cannot do without in this day and age. Promoting a green planet thus becomes core to technologies & new business model. Low Emission, Working with Alternative fuels, Going Green through EV & No paper work are some ways we use our IP “AllMiles” digital platform even more compounding & appealing for people to adopt it with grace & be part of the revolution in bigger way.Promoting Green Environment is the core to our Business. Corporates, Firms & Enterprises all support us in their quest for going Green. Reduced Parking Space & it’s real estate commercials. Employer adopting with CSR activities, Shared Mobility, Carbon Credits are some benefits of our technology.DNA of Occupancy & Digitization, Deploying Green transportation for efficient & effective use of resources, modification & technology use for optimization with maximum occupancy. This stems from our ambition of Carbon Reduction Emission, Creating Green Corridors Commuting, CSR activities & people willingness to adopt technology for Greener, fairer & becoming more resilient project for the country. 15.How is your proposal relevant to the development challenges of India? 1000 character limitDEVELOPMENT CHALLENGES : The Socio & Economic impact of the COVID-2019 pandemic in India & globally has been largely disruptive, Transport (First & Last Mile) being main frame of economic reforms, it is imperative that government not only have policy for public transportation but also tame the growing effect of COVID-19 with contact less technology. Research says existing inefficient transport systems prevails to not feed the core miles, compelling commuters for private transports creating a non-viable, uneconomic environment of traffic, pollution, working hours loss, business & economic loss. DEVELOPMENT SOLUTIONS: Ensuring efficient first and last mile connectivity then becomes the key. Integration of sustainable modes at every level, alternatives to usage of personal car/bike, thus resulting in Reduced congestion, Reduced carbon foot print, reduced traveling, Encourage usage of public transport, Save money, enabling low carbon, high growth path for development. Our primary purpose is to have accessible, affordable, safe & secure digital travel platform using existing fleets, thus optimizing, feeding planed ridership as development activity16.What consideration have you made of gender in developing your concept? Could your project address gender inequality or other kinds of inequality? 1000 character limitWe primarily being software company, by default have gender equality rules comparatively to other verticals & have implemented in very large way.Our Support, Helpdesk, Core engineering & many essential division have always been promoting women empowerment. This balance out gender inequality & we take pride in getting our act so profound with such gender equal demonstrated jobs.In fact, in our GOA operations, we are proud to say that we have more than 50% of our working staff as female staff & they have excelled in their KRA over to their counterparts.Safety & Security is a non-negotiable aspect of our work culture & our core software DNA. Accessibility & particularly for women Viz. First in & last out won’t be women, are considered as practical scenarios to be put in our organization first & also in our software with contact less technology & end to end tight security measures & on strict non-negotiations with zero tolerance terms basis.We strive to build our software capabilities based on gender neutral policy & continue to have research & academic partners who encourages such initiatives to be implemented for a cohesive gender neutral solutionNotes: Please be kindly reminded of the primary criteria: relevance to the environmental and/or C19 agenda. See boxes 13 and 14. Except box 5, all boxes require mandatory response.In the interests of fairness, proposals that exceed the character limits will not be considered. ................

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