Recitation for Psych 100-002: Basic Concepts in Psychology

Recitation for Psych 100-002: Basic Concepts in Psychology

Section 312

TA: David Geller Time: Thursdays, 11:00 am to 11:50 am

Email: david.geller.psyc100@ Meeting Place: Enterprise Hall 174

Office: Robinson B 215D Office hours: By appointment

|Date |Topic Covered |Week |

|1/22/09 |Study techniques; derivation from learning research |1 |

|1/29/09 |Critiques of experimental design and stats |2 |

|2/05/09 |Recitation Quiz; Module 11 |3 |

|2/12/09 |Module 17; Review and Q&A for Exam I |4 |

|2/19/09 |Applications of operant conditioning |5 |

|2/26/09 |Applications of operant conditioning |6 |

|3/05/09 |Recitation Quiz II; memory and study techniques |7 |

|3/12/09 |Spring Break – NO CLASS |8 |

|3/19/09 |Review and Q&A for Exam II |9 |

|3/26/09 |Module 32 |10 |

|4/02/09** |Coping skills; dealing with stress |11 |

|4/09/09 |Module 37 |12 |

|4/16/09 |Recitation Quiz III; Dealing with mental illness |13 |

|4/23/09 |Review and Q&A for Exam III |14 |

|4/30/09 |Applied social psych; Review and Q&A for Final |15 |

**Potentially no class. We will discuss this as the time draws near.

RECITATION GOALS: The purpose of recitation is to provide you with additional information not covered in your Psych 100 lecture as well as to give you the opportunity to ask questions about the lecture material. Recitation accounts for 20% of your course grade.

GRADES: Recitation grades will be based on three quizzes, each worth 25% of your grade (i.e. 75% total) and attendance, worth 25% of your grade. Quizzes will be multiple choice as well as short answer and are not cumulative. THERE ARE NO MAKEUP QUIZZES. If the university cancels classes on a scheduled quiz day, the quiz will be given at the next scheduled class meeting.

ATTENDANCE AND GROUP PROJECTS: While attendance for recitation is not mandatory, it will be factored into your recitation grade (see above). In class group projects occasionally will be assigned. These will serve to help you understand a concept and will potentially help your recitation grade. If you attend recitation and participate in these assignments, extra points may be added to your recitation grade.

HONOR CODE: George Mason University has an Honor Code, which requires all members of this community to maintain the highest standards of academic honesty and integrity. Cheating, plagiarism, lying, and stealing are all prohibited. All violations of the Honor Code will be reported to the Honor Committee. See for more detailed information. For this class, your exam performance must be your own work, but you may learn the material any way you like. I encourage studying in groups. Taping for personal use lectures is permitted. No written material may be used during exams. Sending or receiving any electronic communication during an exam will result in a grade of zero on that exam.

DISABILITY: If you are a student with a disability and you need academic accommodations, please see me and contact the Disability Resource Center (DRC) at 703-993-2474.  All academic accommodations must be arranged through that office. Accommodations must be arranged in advance – we are not permitted to adjust your grade or provide accommodations if you request them after the fact [after doing poorly on an exam].


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