Guys o - Northridge Middle School Choirs

NorthridgeMiddle SchoolChoir HandbookNorthridgeMiddle SchoolChoir Handbook11176005778500Dear Choir Parent, 2019-20This year will be full of exciting experiences in the Northridge Choir Department. With two choirs in each grade and the addition of our show choir, Northridge Middle School now has 7 choirs! Students choose to be in choir, and our enrollment now includes over 1/3 of the entire school. That’s the way we like it!!Enclosed in this handbook you will find some useful information to help you throughout the school year. Some things are new this year, so we encourage you to take the time to read through this information carefully. After 30 years of teaching I have found that one of the key components to a successful choir program is COMMITMENT. Without commitment and follow through music can easily be put on the back-burner in this busy world and soon it will be forgotten or abandoned. Numerous studies show that students who include music in their curriculum excel in attendance, grades, and approaching the real world in the most well rounded way. Music in the Middlebury Schools has maintained a standard of excellence because parents like you understand and expect what excellence takes. It is our hope that you see the importance of music in your child’s life and will help us hold its place when life begins to push in.Enclosed you will find information regarding these areas:Attendance in class, rehearsals, and concerts.Classroom behavior.Concert AttireVolunteer WorkChoir FeesMMPA (Middlebury Music Parents Association) for Choir parentsAfter reading through this information please carefully take the time to go through your family calendar and mark in the mandatory dates for all choir students. If you see a conflict already you may contact us to discuss a solution, but we would hope that with this much advance notice you will be able to commit at this time. If there are too many conflicts you may need to request a schedule change with your child’s counselor. At the end of this packet you will find a green, yellow, and blue paper. After reading through this hand book these will need to be completed and returned by each choir student as they begin this course. If you have any questions you may reach Mrs. Armington, or Mr. Norwood with the contact information listed below.We look forward to getting to know you as this exciting year unfolds. Sincerely,Joanna ArmingtonDirector of Northridge Middle School Choirs574-822-5186armingtonj@mcsin-Cody NorwoodCo - Director of Northridge Middle School Choirsnorwoodc@mcsin-465455022225000158115022225000Northridge Middle SchoolChoir Handbook: 2019-2020WELCOME TO CHOIR! Hello singers and parents. Enclosed you will find the choral handbook for NMS. It can be a little overwhelming at first, especially for parents of our incoming 6th grade students. Please feel free to contact Mrs. Armington (Director), or Mr. Norwood (Co- Director) if you have questions.The purpose of this handbook is to inform choir parents and students of the procedures and policies of the NMS choir program. We appreciate you taking time to read this information and returning the colored pages at the back of the handbook within the next three days of school. (Hard copies will be passed out in class as well)952522860ObjectivesTo learn, through a balanced repertoire of high quality music representing diverse genres and eras, the versatility to perform music in a stylistically appropriate manner, with emphasis on accuracy, consistency, and the highest potential quality. To enjoy making music, but also to recognize that there is no fun in mediocrity. To ensure the success of the group, each student, parent, and director must realize his/her responsibilities. Each must be willing to sacrifice individual desires for the betterment of the choir.To have a good attitude about choir. The amount of satisfaction and fun you receive from your choral experience will be no greater than the amount of hard work and enthusiasm you are willing to consistently contribute. Your attitude will have a direct impact on your achievements.To understand the importance of proper conduct, consideration of others, and courtesy as a vital part of the choir.To learn to craft intelligent critical appraisals of performances.To learn to value all types of music, regardless of personal preference.00ObjectivesTo learn, through a balanced repertoire of high quality music representing diverse genres and eras, the versatility to perform music in a stylistically appropriate manner, with emphasis on accuracy, consistency, and the highest potential quality. To enjoy making music, but also to recognize that there is no fun in mediocrity. To ensure the success of the group, each student, parent, and director must realize his/her responsibilities. Each must be willing to sacrifice individual desires for the betterment of the choir.To have a good attitude about choir. The amount of satisfaction and fun you receive from your choral experience will be no greater than the amount of hard work and enthusiasm you are willing to consistently contribute. Your attitude will have a direct impact on your achievements.To understand the importance of proper conduct, consideration of others, and courtesy as a vital part of the choir.To learn to craft intelligent critical appraisals of performances.To learn to value all types of music, regardless of personal preference. Contents of NMS Choral Handbook Welcome letter.......................1 Contact information ..............2 Choir descriptions..................2 Supplies list............................3 Choir Uniforms......................3 Grading..................................4/5 Make up assignments............6/7 Concert Attendance................8,9Choir Calendar........................10Other opportunities...............11Volunteer descriptions..........12Volunteer sign up................13 (blue) due Tues., Aug. 15Choir Commitment…….....14 (yellow) due Tues., Aug 15Choir Fee Info.......................15 Fee Payment form…......….16 (green) due Aug. 30Transportation Form…….17 (yellow) due Tues., Aug 15Page 1Communication!NMS Choirs are constantly involved in a lot of cool stuff! To make things run smoothly we need to communicate with all of our parents on a regular basis. There are four ways to connect. You may choose the best way for you and your family.The easiest way to connect with you is by going to the new choir website: . When you go to our website you will simply need to click “FOLLOW”. Depending on the device you are using, “Follow” is usually located towards the bottom right hand corner.From then on you will receive everything we send home via your email. We also use this website to help parent volunteers, post pictures, make up assignments, contest results, etc. It is a one stop resource for our parents and students.Check out our Facebook page: Northridge Middle School Choir Beasts Paper copies of all of our parent letters are always available for homes without computers. You will need to check with your child and make sure that these are brought home to you. This is difficult for many middle school students. That is why we urge you to go to the choir website and FOLLOW.If the NMS Guidance Office has up-to-date email addresses for you we can communicate with you personally.Parent “all call” phone reminders will be done one month before an event.Please feel free to e-mail or call with questions. We are looking forward to a fun and productive year! Mrs. Armington’s address: armingtonj@mcsin- Mr. Norwood’s address: norwoodc@mcsin-Choir Course Descriptions6th Grade Choir6th Grade ChoirWe have two 6th grade choirs this year. One choir is a mix of boys and girls; the other is for girls only. These non-auditioned choirs are offered to all sixth grade students who are interested in vocal music. Instruction focuses on the basics of music theory and learning the fundamentals of singing. This is a full-year class which includes a few after school rehearsals and weekend performances as part of the grade. In addition to formal concerts the 6th Grade Choirs will represent Northridge Middle School at the ISSMA Organizational Competition in March. All 6th grade choir students should plan on attending all of the mandatory rehearsals and performances as they are part of their 9 week grade.7th Grade Choir7th Grade ChoirWe have two 7th grade choirs this year. One choir is a mix of guys and girls; the other choir is for girls only. These non-auditioned choirs are offered to all seventh grade students who are interested in vocal music. Instruction focuses on reviewing the basics of music theory, developing sight reading skills, and building strong vocal skills. This is a full-year class which includes a few after school rehearsals and weekend performances as part of the grade. In addition to formal concerts the Seventh Grade Choirs will represent Northridge Middle School at the ISSMA Organizational Competition in March. All 7th grade choir students should plan on attending all of the mandatory rehearsals and performances as they are part of their 9 week grade.8th Grade Choir8th Grade ChoirOur two eighth grade choirs this year are designed for students with successful previous choral experience. New students to the department are welcome but they will need to work hard to keep up with the other students. Instruction focuses on the further development of musical knowledge and musicianship skills. In addition to formal concerts, the Eighth Grade Choirs will represent Northridge Middle School at the ISSMA Organizational Competition in March. This is a full-year class which includes a few after school rehearsals and weekend performances as part of the grade. All 8th grade choir students should plan on attending all of the mandatory rehearsals and performances as they are part of their 9 week grade. Page 25867400-22860000Supplies For Choir ClassStudents should bring their own (sharpened) pencil and choir notebook. Pens (including erasable pens) are NOT allowed. Students will frequently write notes in their music, journal entries, concert evaluations, and complete music theory assignments. These will be turned in for a grade sporadically upon my request, throughout the year. If they are not with the student when requested they will lose points for each day late. 2584450109093000Students will be assigned a leather choir folder containing music for rehearsals. Folders are picked up and returned by students to the seat pocket each day. Students are also responsible for the borrowed sheet music they are given for their folders. All folder and sheet music must be returned in good condition. Replacement fee for a lost or damaged folder will be $11.00 divided among all students who use the folder. Each piece of lost or damaged sheet music will cost around $3.00, plus a S&H fee. Students are not allowed to take music home without permission from Mrs. Armington or Mr. Norwood. Choir Uniforms for performances All girls will need the following items for each performance this year: a black knee length skirt. Tan hose, tights, or bare legs are acceptable. No black tights or leggings please. Black dress shoes. (No flip flops please.) White long sleeved blouse with a collar that buttons to the top. Each girl will be given a NMS green rosette tie that fits under the collar. Students will not be allowed to wear this collar as a neck band, so please make sure that they have a collar that buttons up on their blouse. No colored tanks, or hair accessories unless requested at concert time. Girls please remove all wrist bands and jewelry for the shows. All boys will need the following for each performance this year: Black dress pants and a white long-sleeved shirt with a collar. Each boy will be given a green NMS long tie that will clip under the collar. A collar is absolutely necessary. The boys should wear black dress shoes and BLACK socks. No white gym socks!!! I have a bag of dirty black socks they can borrow from if they forget. ? *Hand-Me Downs Accepted: If your son/daughter has grown out of a black skirt, black pants, their white shirt, or even dress shoes – and they are still in good shape, we will gladly take them and offer them to students in need. ?Page 3NMS Choral Grading SystemThe 10 point grading scale below allows for exceptional NMS students to receive credit for going above and beyond expectations. It also helps students and their parents see clearly the areas of improvement that can be made to help them achieve their goals. This system and scale will be used for 3 areas of grading: Assignments/Journal work, Daily Participation (scored on a weekly basis), and Written and Singing Tests (by Sections: sopranos, altos, baritones). Performances and Dress Rehearsals are required and will be graded as seen on page 7 of this handbook.Daily Participation RubricScoreDescription10Exceptional attention and performance. Exhibiting leadership daily in class. Helps others.9.5Always prepared. Works very hard and is consistent with good behavior.9 or 8Prepared for class. Listens well and participates fully. Sings with good form.7 or 6Prepared for class. Listens mostly. Few lapses in posture, participation.5 or 4Prepared for class. Too talkative. Poor posture/participation. Tardy.3Somewhat prepared for class. Does not pay attention. Weak posture/participation.2Missing most materials/pencil. Disrupts class. Incorrect posture/participation.1No materials for class. Not prepared. Frequent disruption of class.0.0Removed from class. Extreme disruption. No participation.Singing Test RubricScoreDescription10Performance is above and beyond expectations. Exceptional tone and musicianship.9.5Everything correct with great tone and additional musicianship.9 or 8Everything sung correctly with appropriate tone, style, and tempo.7 or 6Very few errors in notes and rhythms. Most markings sung. Better tone and tempo than Score of 5.0.5 or 4Few errors in notes and rhythms. Most markings not sung. Tone weak. 3Notes and rhythms mostly correct. Markings not sung. Tone/style incorrect.2Many note and rhythm errors. Markings not sung. Tone/style very weak.1With help, able to demonstrate some knowledge of notes and rhythms but nothing else.0No understanding or not completed.Page 4GRADING65% of the grade for choir is based on participation. Missing Choir classes, rehearsals, or concerts AFFECTS YOUR GRADE. Choir is a “performance” based class. There is NO WAY to learn to sing “choral music” by yourself. It would be the same as learning to play football alone in the backyard. Thus, students are given 10 points each day based on class participation. The grade is not determined by the student’s inherent music ability, but rather by the effort put forth in class to become a better musician. *As we draw near to performances students may be asked to practice their parts at home. They will be given a performance log to document the time that they put in at home. You will be asked to sign the log to verify their practice time. Practice logs will be due the Monday after they are distributed. Late logs will not receive credit.What if you are absent? Students who have an excused absence during class time (because they are ill, have a dentist appointment, or START group, etc.) receive a zero for the day because they were unable to participate in the class activities. Students may easily make up points for ‘excused’ absences’ by selecting a simple activity from the list included in this packet. The assignments are simple and will not take much time, but we do expect them to be done as instructed and to the student’s best ability. These Make-up assignments are the student’s sole responsibility. Students should have these turned in within two days of their return to school. Please Note: A student who misses more than two weeks of school during a single 9 week period may not perform in the concert without approval from Mrs. Armington or Mr. Norwood. The student will be required to successfully sing his/her part in order to perform in the concert. If the student is unable to sing their part successfully, the student is required to attend the concert, see the director after the show have them sign a program, and write a one page evaluation of the performance to receive credit for the concert.10% of the Choir grade is based on the Choir Journal Assignments that are collected sporadically throughout the 9 weeks. We will be listening to other choirs, exploring different eras of music, and evaluating our own performances in these Choral Journals. Finally, 25% of the Choir grade comes from Music Theory Tests, and sectional singing tests. Classroom ExpectationsSelf-discipline is an important element of choir rehearsal and performance. Students must realize that they are a member of a group or team with an excellent reputation. Their behavior during school classes and at public performances reflects on both Northridge Middle School and the Music Department. Please remember the following basic rules:Respect yourself and others!100% effort is expected at all times.Be on time in your seat, with your folder and sharpened pencil in hand; ready to begin when the bell rings.Cell phones brought with students must be placed in cell phone caddy at the start of class. Students cell phones found with students will be confiscated and sent to the office.When we are ready to rehearse, you are quiet and listening for things you can apply when it is your turn to sing.Students must leave all food, gum, and drinks outside of the choir room. You will be issued a choir folder and music, and these should not be lost, damaged, or taken without permission. The student will pay for actual replacement cost of folders and/or music if they are lost or damaged in any way.Students may not play the pianos without permission.Proper concert/rehearsal etiquette will be observed at all performances and dress rehearsals. No cell phones will be allowed in the auditorium during rehearsals or performances. ConsequencesAny student who does not follow the rules listed will receive appropriate consequences. Including, but not limited to:Warning and redirection“Think Sheet” writing assignmentTeacher/student conference – lunch detention (parent phone call)Office referral and/or lunch detention / request for parent/student/teacher/principal conferenceRemoval from performance-grade lowered or alternative assignments givenRemoval from choral portion of the class until the end of the 9 week period.Page 5Make Up Assignments For Missing Choir ClassesGo to to find these video clips. Look in the left hand column for “MAKEUP ASSIGNMENTS”. Click on that link! Click on: Assignment 1 Sample A, then Assignment 1 Sample B. After you have watched both videos, you should complete the assignment listed on the back of this paper. Read the directions, or you’ll end up doing it all again! Please do the assignments in the order given. Don't skip around on the list. ??If you find a video won’t play on you tube, you may go on to the next song!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - Assignment # 1– Better When I’m DancingListening Sample A Listening Sample B Assignment # 2 – I Just Can’t Wait to be King Listening Sample A Listening Sample B Assignment #3 – We Found LoveListening Sample A Listening Sample B Assignment #4 – Any Way You Want ItListening Sample A Listening Sample B Assignment #5 – You Make My Dreams Come TrueListening Sample A Listening Sample B Assignment #6 – FaithListening Sample A Listening Sample B Assignment #7 – ME!Listening Sample A Listening Sample B Assignment #8 – Go the DistanceListening Sample A Listening Sample B Assignment #9 – I’ll Make a Man Out of YouListening Sample A Listening Sample B Assignment #10 – Beautiful PeopleListening Sample A Listening Sample B Page 6Student Name _____________________________________ Period you are in choir _______ **This one assignment will cover missing 3 days in a row! You don’t need to do 3 if you were sick 3 days in a row. Just do one assignment. As you miss classes during the year, please do these in order as you see below....assignment 1, then assignment 2, etc. Date(s) you were absent? ________________________________Reminder: Using the list on the bottom of this sheet, pick the first song and you will see two youtube clips of 2 groups singing that song. Write a critique that compares the two performances. Follow these instructions….Include the name of who performs the song, the title of the song that they sing, the things that they did best, and things you think they could have done better. End your paragraph by telling us which performance you liked the most and give specific reasons why you selected them. You should type this and click the “turn in” button*P when finished. Please type at least 15 lines in 12 point font using the margins previously set for this page.*Each time you need to do a make-up assignment, please move to the next song on your list. Do them in order and do not repeat. A record will be kept of each assignment you turn in. If you do not include the information requested, this assignment will be returned to you and no credit will be given, so CHECK YOUR WORK. *All 15 lines should be filled. You may write more, but not less.:) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________* Stop! Did you tell us the song you listened to? Who sang each version? Did you clearly discuss what you liked and didn't like about their performance? Did you tell us which one was your favorite, and why? OK, then, turn it in!Please see Mrs. Armington or Mr. Norwood if you have more than 10 absences this year.Page 7Concerts and Dress Rehearsal attendance and grading.Concert / Dress Rehearsal attendance is a mandatory part of this class. If you do not perform in a concert we do not have the ability to assess your learning and you do not have the ability to evaluate your own personal performance. It is the same as missing a major test and final report. For that reason, all mandatory rehearsals and concerts are required. At the beginning of each 9 week grading period parents and students are encouraged to carefully compare their personal calendars with the Choral Events calendar listed in this handbook and on the choir website.Each year we try to improve our communication with you at home and give timely reminders to help you. We realize that you and your family are busy, and we really want to do all that we can to insure that you are well informed of what is on the calendar for this course. Because of that, when we are at one month away from a performance we will do a school “all call” to remind parents that the 3 week deadline for conflict forms and excused absences is drawing near. Hopefully that will help us all work together to plan for your child’s special performances throughout the year.If an unavoidable conflict arises there are two options a student may take. A. If students know well in advance that they will have a conflict they may take a different class for the next 9 weeks. The student can then resume choir the following 9 week period with no penalty. Please make these arrangements with the guidance department 2 weeks prior to the end of the grading period so that they have time to re-schedule your child for the following 9 weeks.B. If a conflict comes up unexpectedly that can’t be avoided, parents may submit a handwritten note 3 weeks before the concert's dress rehearsal. (Please date and sign your note.) After approval from Mr. Norwood or Mrs. Armington the student will be given the make-up assignment on page 9. If a student needs to attend only one of the two mandatory concerts due to a previous conflict they may submit a parent note 3 weeks prior to the dress rehearsal. Once they receive an excused absence from Mrs. A or Mr. N, they should make an appointment to meet with a director. (This make up assignment must be completed by the concert date. They will be asked to sing their part for each song they would have performed in the concert. They will be graded on knowing their vocal part and the lyrics to their concert selections. If parents do not give 3 week notice, or student does not complete the make-up assignment, the student will receive 50% of the 100 points for the concert. This results in a full grade reduction.Examples of Unexcused Absences Skipping dress rehearsal or performance (when no 3 week notice is given).Not having appropriate concert attire. Not having a ride to school (Please plan ahead.) If a child is well enough to attend school he/she will be expected to attend the concert or dress rehearsal. If they are ill and miss the day in school they may not attend the event.Dentist appointment.Excused absences where the make-up assignment is not completed according to instructions.All unexcused absences from dress rehearsals or concerts result in a full grade reduction at the end of the 9 week period. Page 8Examples of Excused AbsencesStudents who turn in a parent note that states an unavoidable conflict at least 3 weeks before a mandatory event and submit the make-up assignment on time. (Type #1)Family death or emergency. (Type #2) Student must submit a note explaining the absence signed by parent/guardian within 2 days of returning to school. These students should make an appointment with a director to sing through their concert pieces for memory or complete a 2 page make up assignment given by Mrs. Armington. Students will be expected to have completed this make up assignment within 3 days of their return to school. Illness (Type #2) Student must submit a note explaining the absence signed by parent/guardian within 2 days of returning to school. These students should make an appointment with a director to sing through their concert pieces for memory or complete a 2 page make up assignment given by Mrs. Armington. Students will be expected to have completed this make up assignment within 3 days of their return to school. Make-up options for an Excused Concert or Dress Rehearsal (Type #1)a. They may write a research paper on a composer from the Classical Period. The student will be given a list of composers to choose from. They will be expected to research a list of questions about the composer and write a 4 page paper discussing their findings. This paper should be typed, it should be done in 12 point font, using standard margins with no more than single line spacing, typed on one side of the page only.All resources should be noted after the 4 page paper on page 5. If there is any hint of plagiarism no credit will be given. Students will be graded on the organization of their writing, the number of true facts that they have located, and their overall comprehension of the composer that they select. *This make up assignment will be due the Friday before our performance. b. Plan to attend another choral concert in the area. Write a 2 page summary of their experience. Submit the paper and a concert program or ticket stub. *This assignment must be turned in before the last day of the grading period.c. If they do not choose to do the make-up assignment, they can select to take a full grade reduction. For example, if they are an A student in Choir, they would receive a B for that nine week period. ***Christmas Concert (2nd 9 week period) Students who do not wish to participate in the Christmas season’s activities for religious reasons should arrange to take another Expressive Arts class during the 2nd grading period. * Please make these arrangements with the guidance department 2 weeks prior to the end of the grading period so that they have time to re-schedule your child for the following 9 weeks. Your child will resume taking Choir Class for grading period 3. Page 9 Northridge Middle School Choral Department Mandatory Calendar of Events***Please see page 8 of this handbook regarding the grading of Mandatory rehearsals and performances.Choir students expected in attendanceEvent DescriptionDateLocation and TimeGuys only! “Just The Guys” ConcertCombined concert with NHS men Friday, Oct. 11 NHS time TBAAll Choir students Dress Rehearsal Thursday, Nov. 14 NHS 3:30 – 5:45 p.m.All Choir students SwingFry Saturday, Nov. 16 NHS times TBASpecials Only Tech Rehearsal Wednesday, Dec. 11 NHS 3:30 – 5:45 p.m.All Choir students Dress Rehearsal Thursday, Dec.12 NHS 3:30 – 5:45 p.m. Christmas Concerts Saturday, Dec. 14 4:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.*Call time for students is 4 p.m. in homerooms.*All Choir students are expected to perform for both shows. *Dinner will be provided for all students in between the two shows. All Choir students ISSMA CHOIR CONTEST Saturday, Mar. 21Goshen Middle: TBASpecials Only Tech Rehearsal Wednesday, May 6 NHS 3:05 – 6:00 p.m.All Choir students Dress Rehearsal Thursday, May 7 NHS 3:05 – 5:45 p.m.All Choir students Final Blast Concert Saturday, May 9 NHS 2 performances*Call time for students is 4 p.m. in homerooms.*All Choir students are expected to perform for both shows. *Dinner will be provided for all students in between the two shows.Optional attendance:Interested choir students ISSMA Solo/Ensemble Saturday, Feb. 1 Fairfield HS Times TBANHS Show Choir Invitational Saturday, February 15 NHS All Day Page 10Transportation to and from choir eventsPlease make sure that you have made arrangements for your child to be transported to and from choir events. If your child rides with someone other than a parent or legal guardian, we will need a written note in advance of the event. This is to protect your child and insure that he/she is in a safe environment. Please pick your children up on time after choir events. If a child is left waiting for a parent, we as the directors are obligated to wait with him/her, but we are NOT allowed to take him/her home. Please see student handbook regarding this requirement. Students are not allowed to walk home, or to the Boys and Girls Club without their parent's supervision.MCS buses are used to transport students from NMS to NHS for rehearsals. Please complete the transportation form you find at the end of this handbook so that we have parent permission to take students to their rehearsals at the high school.Other OpportunitiesMMPA (Middlebury Music Parents Association) is a music boosters group for all of the NMS and NHS choir students. This group meets to support the music programs for both the middle and the high school. Their meetings are held once a month on Tuesday evenings in the NHS choir room (see calendar). Our middle school choir parents are always welcome, but are mostly needed from August through November. From December on, the meetings mainly concern high school choral events. In these meetings many things are covered. Plans for our only fundraiser (Fish Fry Community Dinner) Parent volunteer coverage to assist the directors in each of the choral events.Voting on how money is going to be spent.Parent, Student, and Director concerns are discussed.Solo/Ensemble Contest happens the first Saturday in Februrary. All choir students are encouraged to participate. Interested students will sing either a solo (with piano accompaniment) or an ensemble (small group, up to 16 singers, typically in at least two voice parts, and often piano accompaniment) for an adjudicator - an expert singing instructor. The song must be a folk song, aria, art song or suitably arranged spiritual. Students who do not have a voice teacher will get assistance from Mrs. A and Mr. N in picking an appropriate song. Practice CD’s will also be available. Contest Ratings are: I-Superior, II-Excellent, III-Good, IV-Fair, V-Unprepared. Detailed information will be sent home in early November. Registration takes place right after Thanksgiving break. More details will be sent home at that time.Voice Lessons Private voice lessons are highly recommended for all singers. One on one attention can work wonders on a growing voice. Mrs. Mary Norwood offers lessons for $15 during our classes and after school for all interested choir kids. She has a studio down the hall from our classroom. Students are excused during choir class to take a lesson once a week or they can arrange for a lesson after school if time slots are filled during class time. If you would like to have your son/daughter take lessons please call her at: 238-6363 or you may email her: mncstudio@ to make arrangements. Her time slots will fill on a first come first serve basis and returning students usually get placed first. We encourage you to respond quickly. All monthly lesson payments must be in advance. Payment and all correspondence regarding lessons should be done between Mrs. Norwood and the parent. The director’s will not be involved in this part of your child’s adventure. ?Page 115924550-15240000Parent Volunteer Sign Up InformationNEW!!! This form will give you a general job description of each volunteer position. A complete description can be found on the choir website using the link: SIGN UP GENIUS. It would be most helpful to us as directors if you could take a few moments to select your volunteer positions/dates/times online, rather than submitting this form. We are happy to take your help anyway we can get it, but it is much easier to get parents lined up with exactly what positions they want if they pick them online by using SIGN UP GENIUS!Let’s all pitch in and lend a hand this year to provide an exciting (and safe) year for each student. It is requested that each family signs up to help in at least 3 ways for this year’s choral events. Parents can sign up individually or work in pairs. Please mark your volunteer requests and return the blue slip by Friday, or do it electronically by going to the choir website and clicking on for your child’s grade. If you have more than one child in choir you may choose which grade you prefer to help out with or sign up for both! *If at all possible please offer to chaperone at least one event this year. A final volunteer list will be put together on and be posted on our website by the end of August.Description of positions: Dress rehearsal chaperones. Meet at NMS at 2:45 p.m. on dress rehearsal day. Take attendance as student’s board their bus. Oversee rehearsal, treats, and student pickup at NHS. *2 Free Concert TicketsConcert Chaperone: A team of chaperones will be assigned to Concert #1 and a separate team for Concert #2 . This will allow all parents to watch their child perform at one of the shows. Chaperones will oversee tie distribution, attendance, and student behavior before and during the show, and dinner between the performances. Times are posted on the SIGNUP GENIUS link found on the choir website. *2 Free Concert Tickets Dinner Clean-up crew: On concert days we serve the students dinner in the NHS cafeteria. After the meal each table must be washed down, and the floor needs swept. This will take at least 4 – 6 people to minimize the work load. Cleaning would take place before show #2. It may run over into show 2 depending on how long the room takes to clean. (1 free concert ticket per worker – adults only)ISSMA Contest Chaperone: Meet students in NMS parking lot on ISSMA day, take attendance, ride on bus over to GMS and help distribute ties. Chaperones will get to travel through contest day with their class. Ride bus back to NMS and oversee dismissal of students after contest. Phone reminders: Example- call all 6th grade parents (or 7th/8th if your child is a 7th or 8th grader) who have volunteered for concert or dress rehearsal duties, and remind them of their commitments. Mrs. A will give the phone moms a list of phone numbers and information to pass on.Treats: provide snacks (NO PEANUT PRODUCTS pleeeeeeeze!) for 48 students.Water: provide water for 24 students.Usher: Dress nicely and greet guests by taking tickets and passing out programs. Meet Mr. Norwood 45 minutes before the show at the NHS auditorium doors.Box Office/DVD Sales. Sell any remaining tickets and take DVD orders before and after the show. Please be ready to sit at table by the auditorium 45 minutes before the show. Mr. Norwood will give you the money box and slips. Sit at table after show until DVD orders are no longer requested. Turn in money to Mrs. A or Mr. NPhotographer for concert: Using your own camera, snap pictures during our performance that can be used on our website, or in the school yearbook. Send digital pics to Mrs. A. or Mr. N *Free Concert TicketLocker decorations: make special signs for each student in your child’s class prior to a concert on contest. Examples and helpful hints can be found on the choir website. *2 Free Concert Tickets for parents who do locker decorations!*Volunteers who qualify for Free Concert Tickets should have their student request one from Mrs. A or Mr. N one week before the concert. Page 12-265430-22669500(DUE TUESDAY)Parents if at all possible PLEASE register for your volunteer positions online. It takes us FOREVER to input your choices and contact information ourselves. If you do not have computer access feel free to use the slip below. Whether you sign up online, by filling out the form below, or choose not to volunteer at all, we need every parent to mark what they have chosen to do in the box below. _____I have gone to the choir website and used SIGNUP GENIUS to submit my volunteer requests for Semester I. Parent First and Last Name _________________________________________________ please printStudent first and last name ___________________________________________________Grade _____ Choir Period ____ Parent Signature ____________________________________________________________________________I have chosen to mark my volunteer requests for Semester I below.Parent First and Last Name____________________________________________ please printPhone Number _________________________If you use email regularly __________________________First and last Name of student ________________________________________ Grade ____ Period ___Parent Signature ____________________________________Phone number ___________________________I am unable to volunteer my time this year but I am willing to send in a meal donation.Parent First and Last Name _____________________________________________________Phone Number __________________________________ Email address ________________________First and last Name of student ________________________________________ Grade ____ Period ___Parent Signature _______________________________________________________________________ ____I am unable to volunteer this yearParent Signature _________________________Student’s Name ________________ Grade __ Period __IF YOU ARE UNABLE TO SIGN UP ONLINE YOU MAY USE THE FORM BELOW After reading the volunteer descriptions (on the prior page) please select the area(s) you are willing to help out. Each parent will be asked to volunteer in at least one area if at all possible. If you are willing to help more than one time, please mark the number of times you are willing and able to lend a hand in that area. The directors will compile a list of all of the volunteer assignments and post the volunteer list for Semester I on the choir website. FYI we frequently have many volunteers for treats, water, and ushering. We need more volunteers for chaperoning the large choirs that we have. Free concert Ticket jobs are underlined below!Phone Reminders 1 time2 times3 times4 timesDress Rehearsal Chaperone1 time2 times3 times4 timesTreats1 time2 times3 times4 timesWater1 time2 times3 times4 timesConcert Chaperone1 time2 times3 times4 timesDinner Clean up crew1 time2 timesUsher1 time2 times3 times4 timesBox Office Sales1 time2 times3 times4 timesPhotographer for Concert1 time2 times3 times4 timesLocker Decorations1 time2 times3 times4 timesPage 13(Due Friday)In between the two Christmas Concerts and the two Final Concerts we need to serve all of our students (450) dinner in the NHS cafeteria. This costs us around $1,400. If you are willing to donate money please indicate that below. We will remind you of your generosity a few weeks before the concerts. Willing to donate for the Christmas Dinner ___________ Willing to donate for the Final Concerts _______Parent Name _____________________________________ Student _______________ Grade ___ Period ___******************************************************************************************59486809779000Choir Commitment FormNorthridge Middle School Choirs are the best in the state because we have students who are committed to excellence. We have a blast in choir, but we also push students past “Good”, and “Great”, to “Unbelievable”! In order to achieve this we need true commitment from everyone. We as teachers are committed to giving each student our very best and we expect 100% effort in return. Our choirs are unlike other electives. The other courses last for 9 weeks. We ask students to commit to a full year. Students do have the opportunity to change courses mid year if they really don’t want to stay, but after their first experiences on stage, very few jump ship. ? Our students need to commit to work hard, be a great team player, and follow all classroom rules. After both you and your child have read and discussed the content enclosed would you please sign this yellow commitment form and return it by Tuesday, August 20th? Thank you, Mrs. Armington and Mr. NorwoodWe understand and accept the responsibility, commitment, and policies, stated in the NMS Choir Handbook.Student First/Last Name (print) ____________________________________________Period you are in choir ______ Grade: ____Parent Signature _______________________________________________________*******************************************************************************************************************NORTHRIDGE MIDDLE SCHOOL FIELD TRIP PERMISSION FORM___________________________________ has my permission to go on the bus trips for rehearsals at the high school and the ISSMA performance at Goshen Middle School.I understand that students will be expected to display excellent behavior while being good representatives of Northridge and the Middlebury Community. I also understand that the Rules of Conduct which are adopted as board policy will apply to this trip just as they do to other educational functions.I do hereby release Middlebury Community Schools from all liability for any personal injury that may be sustained by my child while participating in this activity or while traveling to or from the location of the field trip. In other words, on behalf of my child and for myself, I assume the risks inherent in this activity, transportation and such related activities, recognizing that the exercise of due care by Middlebury Community schools and its employees cannot eliminate these risks.___________________________________Parent Signature ___________ DatePage 146000115-27432000Choral Fee Information**Please complete the back of this page and return by Friday, August 30th.Every NMS parent receives a list of Book Rental Fees for their son/ daughter at the beginning of the school year. On this list you will find $7.65 for the Choir Sight reading book. We use these books throughout the year. Payment for the music we use in class comes in the Choir fee which is paid directly to the choir department at the start of each school year.For new choir parents this can be a bit confusing so let us try to explain. There is a separate choir fee of $25 for each choir student to cover the all of the music that they use throughout the year. New choir parents please note that this fee should not be submitted with the book fee! It needs to be turned in to the choir department. Checks may be made payable to NMS, but they should be turned in during choir class by each student. This $25 payment should not be included in your school book fee payment.The school corporation does not provide any other funds to financially support this course. The NMS Choirs run solely on the $25 choir fee, our $2 concert ticket sales, the Community Dinner Fish Fry Fundraiser, and financial donations given by generous donors.. The $25 Choir Fee and $2.00 concert ticket price is used for:* Songs and CD accompaniments per show or competition.? Accompanist Fees? Choreographer Fees when needed.? Printed Posters? Printed Tickets? ISSMA Choir Contest Fees per choir? Props? Costumes and cleaning * Rehearsal recording equipment* Rehearsal CD’s for concerts, contests, Circle the state? Instruments? Choral Attire Ties per student? Sound equipment purchases and repair? Thank you “payment” for sound and light volunteersAt the end of this packet you will find an area where you can include payment upon enrollment in choir, or you can submit payment as late as Friday, August 30th. If you need additional time to raise funds for this fee please submit a note with your payment plan and we will gladly work with you so that your child can participate in choir this year.Page 153003550000*All choir parents should complete this form and return it by Friday, August 30th. If you are unable to pay the choir fee by August 30th please complete the first section listed below and submit this form in place of your fee.Parent Signature ____________________________________Student Name ___________________________________ Period _______ Grade: _______I need additional time. (Please write a note below indicating your needs and when payment will be completed.)________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ORParent Signature ________________________________________I am enclosing the choir fee payment of $25 for my child.Student Name ___________________________________ Period _______ Grade: ___Place the check or cash in an envelope with the student’s name on the front. (Envelopes are also available in the choir room).Check # ___________________ Cash enclosed _______ Page 16 ................

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